Moscow University Press
Научная литература


Мудрость Сутры Лотоса. Диалог с учениками. Том 4 The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra: a discussion. Volume IV

In this six-volume work, Daisaku Ikeda, a Buddhist philosopher and president of the lay Buddhist organization Soka Gakkai International (SGI), examines and expands on the Lotus Sutra, a highly valued sutra in the Mahayana tradition. Together with representatives of the Soka Gakkai Study Department, he shares observations and insights on each of the Lotus Sutra’s twenty-eight chapters as interpreted by the 13th century Japanese Buddhist teacher Nichiren and the Sutra’s capacity to empower contemporary society.

Мудрость Сутры Лотоса. Диалог с учениками. Том 5 The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra: a discussion. Volume V.

In this six-volume work, Daisaku Ikeda, a Buddhist philosopher and president of the lay Buddhist organization Soka Gakkai International (SGI), examines and expands on the Lotus Sutra, a highly valued sutra in the Mahayana tradition. Together with representatives of the Soka Gakkai Study Department, he shares observations and insights on each of the Lotus Sutra’s twenty-eight chapters as interpreted by the 13th century Japanese Buddhist teacher Nichiren and the Sutra’s capacity to empower contemporary society.

Мудрость Сутры Лотоса. Диалог с учениками. Том 6 The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra: a discussion. Volume VI.

In this six-volume work, Daisaku Ikeda, a Buddhist philosopher and president of the lay Buddhist organization Soka Gakkai International (SGI), examines and expands on the Lotus Sutra, a highly valued sutra in the Mahayana tradition. Together with representatives of the Soka Gakkai Study Department, he shares observations and insights on each of the Lotus Sutra’s twenty-eight chapters as interpreted by the 13th century Japanese Buddhist teacher Nichiren and the Sutra’s capacity to empower contemporary society.

Key words: Sutra, The Lotus Sutra, religion, Shakyamuni, Buddhism, Nichiren, Buddhist philosophy, humanism, dignity of life.

На рубеже веков. Диалоги об образовании и воспитании At the Turn of the Century. Dialogues about Education and Upbringing

Two well-known and highly acclaimed specialists in the international educational community - Dr D. Ikeda, a creator and head of the Soka educational system (Japan), and V. Sadovnichy, Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, participate in dialogues on the role and place of universities in the globalizing world.

This central question in the dialogues is in the process of being scientifically formulated rather than being studied on an advanced level. From this point of view, this book is an important step forward in understanding and developing the essence of the question that is in all respects complex and admitting of numerous approaches to its solution.

На рубеже веков. Разговор о главном At the Turn of the Century. Talking about the Main Thing

The founder and head of the Soka educational system (Japan), Dr D. Ikeda and V.A. Sadovnichy, Rector of the Moscow State University named, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, continue the dialogue on education and upbringing, which has been continuing for the past 15 years.

The first part of the book repeats the 2004 edition. Its main theme is the role and place of universities in the globalizing world. The second and new part of the dialogue can be tentatively called ‘The Future. Loss of Certainty ... ‘. Reflections on this subject form the essence of the ‘conversation about the main thing’.

Нанохимия Nanochemistry

This book is the first Russian monograph devoted to nanochemistry, a new and rapidly developing area of science associated with obtaining and studying the physico-chemical properties of particles measuring several nanometers in size. Such particles may have a high reactivity over a wide range of temperatures. By using various elements as examples the book shows that research in the field of nanochemistry opens up new possibilities for synthesizing substances and nanomaterials with hitherto unknown properties. The main attention is paid to the specifics of obtaining and transforming atoms, clusters and metal nanoparticles chemically. Its special sections are devoted to carbon and works on the cryochemistry of atoms and metal nanoparticles. Several chapters examine dimensional effects in chemistry and prospects for developing nanochemistry.

The monograph is of interest for those who would like to get acquainted with the new area, which closely intertwines ideas of chemistry, physics, materials science, and, more recently, biology and medicine. The book will be useful to scientists and teachers who develop specific areas of nanoscience, students and postgraduate students who would like to dedicate themselves to this new and promising 21st century science.

Настоящее прошлое. Нулевые годы в заметках обозревателя «МК» The Present Past. The Zero Years in the Notes of the 'MK' Observer

The book contains the columns and reports by Yuilia Kalinina, a columnist for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper which she wrote in 1999–2009. The articles incorportated in the collection reflect major events of the past decade that were hotly discussed by Russian society and left their mark on the history of the ‘Zero’ years. Those events appear here as they were portrayed in the newspapers of the time. This makes it possible to trace their chronology and at the same time to see them unfold through the eyes of contemporaries who perceived the events as actually happening in real life rather history.

The book is intended for university students and teachers of journalism as well as all those who are interested in modern Russian publicistic writing.

Наука и религия. Диалоги Science and Religion. Dialogues

This book is a collection of all the dialogues that were conducted between Academician A. Logunov, a Soviet Russian prominent physicist and a former rector of the Moscow State University, and D. Ikeda, a Japanese philosopher and the founder of Soka University, for a quarter of a century, in two different – Soviet and Russian – periods. In their dialogue ‘Science and Religion’, the scholars attempt to find common ground between Buddhist philosophy and advanced scientific views and discuss problems of modern civilization and mankind’s spiritual growth. In the dialogue ‘The Third Rainbow Bridge’ where they compare national peculiarities and socio-economic differences of the two countries, they are engaged in the search for humanistic views, which are common for all people in order to promote development of beneficial relations between countries and peoples.

Наука на Архангельском Севере Science in the Arkhangelsk North

The essay presents the history of science in the Arkhangelsk North from the 18th century to the present day. Each chapter is devoted to the history of the emergence and activities of one of the academic scientific organizations in the Arkhangelsk province and the Arkhangelsk region. Arkhangelsk scientists pay particular attention to the exploration of polar seas and Novaya Zemlya and continuation of the Lomonosov traditions today.

Национальный вопрос и государственное строительство: проблемы России и опыт зарубежных стран The Nationalities Question and State Construction: the Problems of Russia and the Experience of Foreign Countries

This publication includes materials of the annual conference of scholars and practitioners in the field of state studies, which was organized by the Department of Constitutional Law, the Faculty of Law, Moscow State University. and is dedicated to the memory of famous scientists who have worked at the department.

For students, graduate students, teachers and staff members of law school and universities, and those who are involved in the practical work of central and local government bodies.

Неаполь и его окрестности. Века. Люди. Искусство Naples and its Environs. Centuries. People. Art

The book presents important historical and artistic material that is little known to the Russian reader. It consists of two chapters, name and subject indexes and illustrations.

The first chapter is devoted to the ancient monuments of the famous cities located near Naples (Cuma, Paestum, Capua, Puteoli, Phlegraean Fields and Capri, Pompeii, Herculaneum,). The second chapter deals about Naples and its richest museums, the history of its centuries-old culture from antiquity to modern times. A special section highlights the theme of Naples as a city of music.

For students of the humanities and a wide range of readers.

Негосударственный финансовый контроль Non-State Financial Supervision

The monograph deals with the theoretical aspects of non-state financial supervision. The author attempts to elaborate the theoretical conclusions she made earlier and to introduce them into the practical plane of the current Russian legislation.

For students and teachers of law schools and experts in the field of financial law.

Незаданные вопросы гуманитарного образования Unsolved Issues of Liberal Arts Education

The book consists of three parts. The first part sets forth the humanistic goals of the system of teaching methods, which the author created based on emotions and images and has successfully been using in additional education for twenty years.

The second part contains creative works by the author's pupils (poems and prose) which reflect in a vivid and new way the view of the world and the emotions of the generation that embarks on its professional career in the early 21st century priding themselves on belonging to Russian national culture and having an open mind on the achievements of world culture.

In her third part which analyzes her pupils’ creative writings the author builds a conceptual basis for the humanistic aspect of modern education and upbringing.

Нейрокомпьютерная парадигма и общество Neurocomputer Paradigm and Society

This multi-authored monograph is dedicated to the application of neuro-computer and some related models in different spheres of social and humanitarian knowledge (political studies, sociology, administration, business ethics, economics) and also fundamental problems of the neuro-computer paradigm development.

The book can be useful for the specialists in various fields of neuro-computing, political forecasting, administration sociology, organization management and state administration as well as for everyone interested in the perspectives of development and application of the neural network technologies, neuro-computers and neuro-modelling, including post-graduates and students of technical, biological and social science specialties.

Нигилизм или консерватизм? Русская интеллигенция в истории политики и мысли Nihilism or Conservatism? Russian Intelligentsia in the History of Politics and Thought

The book includes a study of ‘Political Culture of the 19th and early 20th century Russian intelligentsia. An Experience of Conceptual Analysis’ and other works of different periods written by Professor A.A. Shirinyants, head of the history of socio-political studies department of the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It is devoted to the problems of history, phenomenology and ideology of the 19th and early 20th century Russian intelligentsia.

For political scientists, philosophers, anyone who is interested in the history of socio-political thought in Russia.

Новая Италианская грамматика New Italian Grammar

This edition publishes a unique work — the fi rst grammar of the Italyan language, published in Russia in Russian. The historical signifi cance of this grammar is that it was written by a student of the fi rst set of Moscow University, Egor Bulatnitsky, and printed in 1759 in the printing house of the Moscow University. Grammar laid the tradition of writing educational grammars at Moscow University and became a milestone in the development of the scientifi c and methodological school of teaching foreign languages.

The publication contains comments on the grammar text and an article about the history of teaching the Italian language in Moscow and Moscow University (the second half of the XVIII — early XIX centuries).

The publication is intended for a wide range of readers interested in the history of Moscow University.

Новый миллениум для России: путь в будущее The New Millennium for Russia: A Road to the Future

The work is the eighth book of the ‘Theoretical Political Science: The World of Russia and Russia in the World’ series following the publication of ‘The Philosophy of Power’, 1993; ‘Russia: the Experience of National and State Ideology’, 1994; ‘Philosophy of Politics’, 1994; ‘Political Anthropology’, 1995; ‘Reforms and Counter-Reforms in Russia’, 1996; Russian Statehood: Origins, Traditions, Perspectives’, 1997; Russian Civilization: Content, Boundaries, Opportunities’, 2000). In discussing the eternal Russian problem of disharmonious components of the social order (values, power, people, economic and political systems), the author makes serious generalizations regarding the conditions for optimizing generative, socially-changing resources, voluntary discipline and cooperation in achieving ideals.

For social scientists and a wide readership.

О политической науке. Избранные произведения About Political Science. Selected Works

This publication contains the selected works of Fedor M. Burlatsky, a famous scholar and author, one of the founders of modern Russian political science, a professor emeritus of the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, which he wrote for more than half a century of his creative activity. The book deals with the formation of political science in the USSR and modern Russia, the current problems of political science research including the formation of political systems, institutions and processes. The author pays special attention to the phenomenon of political leadership.

For students, graduate students, teachers, researchers, all those who are interested in political science.

Обратные задачи Штурма - Лиувилля с нераспадающимися краевыми условиями Inverse Sturm-Liouville Problems with Self-Adjoint Non-Separated Boundary Conditions

The present monograph provides the first systematic analysis of inverse Sturm-Liouville problems with self-adjoint non-separated boundary conditions. The work summarizes and complements the results, which the author obtained and published in journal articles.

The book consists of three chapters. The first chapter proves the earliest theorems on the uniqueness of solutions of inverse Sturm-Liouville problems with self-adjoint non-separated boundary conditions; to prove their point the authors used the method of mapping of solution spaces. The second chapter presents the author’s theorems on the uniqueness, solvability and stability of solutions for the Sturm-Liouville problem with self-adjoint non-separated boundary conditions, and a pencil of differential operators. Appropriate examples and counterexamples are also given. In contrast to the first part, the basic method for solving inverse problems is the one of auxiliary problems rather than one of mapping solution spaces. The third chapter presents the results of reconstructing the boundary conditions for the Sturm-Liouville problem with the known differential equation.

Океанические скарноиды Oceanic Skarnoids

The book, consisting of 12 chapters, presents the author’s improved Concept of the oceanic skarnoids which he recently published in the book ‘The New Paradigm minerageny’ (2010). Chapter 1 deals with databases, and parameters fields of ocean skarnoids, including such ‘key’ depostits as Uludag, Felbertal, Tyrnyauz, Yaogansyan, Shichzhuyuan, Srkytoye, Kiyalyh Uzen, Bayan. Chapter 2 is devoted to mineral resources bases of tungsten, molybdenum and tin in leading countries (China, Canada, Kazakhstan, Russia). Chapters 3, 4 and 5 contain descriptions of 100 deposits of oceanic skarnoids. Chapter 6 speaks about the basic geological features, genesis models, field types, geological features and search criteria of major stratiform deposits of the oceanic skarnoid class. The history and the priorities of the concept of ocean skarnoids are given in Chapter 7. Chapters 8 and 9 contain information about the domestic and foreign ore provinces of oceanic skarnoids. Chapter 10 examines deposits with affinity for the skarnoid W, Mo, Sn deposits: 1) Skarnoid Fe, Cu deposits; 2) W, Au deposits of Muruntau Olimpiada, Kumtor and others. Chapter 11 is devoted to the issues of further developing the Concept of Oceanic skarnoids including the genesis and sources of ore material, elaborate search features and criteria as well as deep-water drilling in the Gulf of California in the Pescadero and Farallon pull-apart basins. Chapter 12 covers prospects and some projects for identifying the largest deposits of the ocean skarnoid class.
For geologist-surveyors and specialists in the field of regional geology and minerals, for students and postgraduates.