Moscow University Press
Научная литература


Русский символизм
Рябины в коллекции Ботанического сада МГУ Rowan trees in the collection of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University

The book is devoted to the description of species, hybrids and varieties of representatives of the genus Rowan (Sorbus L.), which have been grown and observed for several decades in the open ground collection of the Botanical Garden of Biology Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

 A detailed description of cultivated varieties and natural species with an indication of their origin and biological properties is given. Data on reproduction, agricultural technology, decorative and food use of rowan trees are presented. Attention is paid to the history of selection work and rowan cultivation in our country. Data on winter hardiness based on long-term observations of rowans under the climate conditions of the Central zone of European Russia are presented.

The publication will be useful for specialists in the fields of botany, fruit growing and landscape design, and also for students and a wide range of amateur gardeners.

Сборник статей по искусствознанию, филологии, истории

This collection of articles dedicated to Professor A.P.Lobodanov, Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Lomonosov Moscow State University, on the occasion of his 60th birthday includes articles on history of art, history and philology. The articles on history of art feature different arts – music, theatre, visual arts. The articles on philology and linguistics contain both general theoretic and narrow topics. The works on history and philosophy embrace a long period of time – from Antiquity to Modern times. The authors are professors, teachers and postgraduate students of the Faculty of Arts at Lomonosov Moscow State University, leading researchers of the State Art Institute, Professor A.P.Lobodanov's colleagues from Universities of Tomsk, Izhevsk, Riga, Barcelona, New York.

Септуагинта: древнегреческий текст Ветхого Завета в истории религиозной мысли Septuaginta: the Greek Old Testament in the History of Religious Mind

The Septuagint, being the fi rst written biblical translation, was also the early testimony of understanding of the sacred text. It was not inferior by age to the scrolls of Qumran and earlier than the New Testament books, as well as than the written form of aramaic targums. The whole literature of Judaeo-Hellenism is associated with it. For the early Greek Christian communities it was the fi rst form of Scriptura Sacra. Opposition of angels and demons, idea of creation of the Universe «ex nihilo» were perceived by the European thought through the Septuagint. The study of this textual witness now seems to be more and more important and, from other side, more and more complicated, due to the scale and the depth of sources, and also due to the crisis of understanding.

Сергей Михайлович Бонди: К 120-летию со дня рождения. Статьи. Письма. Воспоминания современников.

Sergei Mikhailovich Bondy (1891–1983) is a renowned Pushkin scholar, textual critic, historian of the Russian literature of the XIXth century, con noisseur of music and theatre, classic of the Russian literary studies. The first section of this book includes S. M. Bondy's little known articles dedicated to the poets: Baratynsky, Trediakovsky, Sumarokov, Lomonosov. The second section consists of the earlier unpublished Bondy's letters to composer M. F. Gnesin as well as Bondy's article «About the Musical Reading of M. F. Gne sin». One may also read firstly published Bondy's statements about Vs. Meyer hold; D. Bonch-Bruevich's letters to Bondy and comments to S. M. Bondy's work on Complete Academic Collected Works by Pushkin. The third section comprises letters that Sergei Mikhailovich wrote to his friends-scientists M. A. Tsyavlovsky and T. U. Tsyavlovsky, A. Slonimsky and S. Bobrov. Bondy friends' and followers' memoirs about him terminate the book. It also contains rare photo graphs from the Bondy family archive.

Сергей Михайлович Бонди. К 120-летию со дня рождения. Избранное

Mikhailovich Bondy (1891–1983) is a renowned Pushkin scholar, textual critic, historian of the Russian literature of the XIXth century, con noisseur of music and theatre, classic of the Russian literary studies. This book comprises five most signifi cant works of the scientist dedicated to A. S. Pushkin. These works, written and published in diff erent periods of time, make a priceless contribution to the treasury of the Russian philology. Key words: Pushkin, poetry, literature, art, philology, philological studies, versification, innovations, realism, artistism.

Словотворчество Велимира Хлебникова
Современная  цивилизация. Вызовы и альтернативы
Современная финансовая политика Российской Федерации
Современный мир и его истоки
Содержательность художественных форм
Социальная философия. Деятельностный подход к анализу человека, общества, истории. Часть 1
Социология и социальное мифотворчество Sociology and Social myth-making

The monograph examines the scientific status of sociology, acutely debated by representatives of various sociological schools. The milestones of the development of sociological science in Russia and in the USSR are investigated. The author offers his understanding of the theory and structure of sociology, its role and place in the system of social sciences and humanities.

The history of our country has proved the destructiveness of myth-making as the basis of social reconstruction. The monograph presents significant tools of sociological science for overcoming social myth-making.

The conclusions of the book are closely related to the ideas of the work "Social myth-making and social practice", published by the publishing house "Norma" in 2000.

The monograph is intended for sociologists, philosophers, economists, political scientists and readers interested in the problems of studying modern life

Справедливость равенства и равенство справедливости