Moscow University Press
Научная литература


Выдающийся отечественный военный теоретик и военачальник Александр Андреевич Свечин. О его жизни, идеях, трудах и наследии для настоящего и будущего Alexander Andreevich Svechin, an Outstanding Russian Military Theoretician and Military Leader. About his life, ideas, works and heritage for the present and the future

The fundamental historical and political work by A.A. Kokoshin, an Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the sixth Secretary of Russia’s Security Council is dedicated to the biography and creative work of Alexander Andreevich Svechin, an outstanding national military leader, military theoretician and political scientist.

The book analyzes his methodology of research into the relationship between politics, military strategy, operational art and tactics; his views on the correlation between defense and offensive in military strategy; formulas for strategic leadership and Svechin’s insightful observations on the future war (WWII).

The book is intended for specialists in the field of politico-military and military strategic problems and for all those who are interested in national military history. It can be used for educational purposes in civil and military educational institutions.

Высшая нервная деятельность: вчера и сегодня. Сборник научных трудов, посвященных 100-летию со дня рождения Леонида Григорьевича Воронина Higher Nervous Activity: Yesterday and Today. Collection of scientific papers dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Leonid Grigorievich Voronin

The articles summarize the work performed in various laboratories of the Department of Higher Nervous Activity at Lomonosov Moscow State University and dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Leonid G. Voronin, an outstanding Russian physiologist, founder and organizer of the department, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences who initiated these researches.

The collection considers his concepts about new methodological approaches to the analysis of cognitive activity and animal thinking in organizing complex behavioral forms, about the possibility of modeling and correcting pathological states by using inverse immunoregulation, about the neurophysiological and neurochemical mechanisms of learning and memory, the principles and patterns of processing various visual information in humans and animals as well as phylogenetic aspects of higher nervous activity.

Вычислительная математика и структура алгоритмов Computational Mathematics and Algorithm Structure: Ten Lectures

The book presents lectures read by the author in various educational institutions, institutes and at scientific conferences. All of them are devoted to the problems of efficient problem solving on parallel architecture computing systems. Particular attention is paid to the study of the informational structure of algorithms and its impact on the development of effectively implemented programs. The book discusses the specific features of mathematical education in relation to the requirements of parallel computations.

For students, graduate students and researchers specializing in the study of algorithm structure, large-scale problem-solving and creation of parallel computing systems software.

Вячеслав Петрович Волгин Vyacheslav Petrovich Volgin

The monograph is dedicated to the academician Vyacheslav Petrovich Volgin, a historian and rector of the Moscow University. A graduate of the Faculty of History and Philology, a revolutionary and a publicist after the October Revolution, he became directly involved in university reforms and often initiated them. He had to run MSU in a most difficult period of its history when the entire system of higher education was being overhauled and there was a search for the best version of university restructuring as educational curricula were being revised to train specialists for the young socialist state. Most of the illustrations have been published for the first time.

The book is addressed to the widest possible circle of readers.

Г.Н. Голубев. Научные работы. Страницы жизни. Путешествия. Воспоминания G.N. Golubev. Scientific Works. Pages of Life. Travels. Memoirs.

Th is book has been written for memory of Genady Nikolaevich Golubev, professor of faculty of geography of Moscow State University. It includes selected papers written by G.N. Golubev, memories by his colleagues, friends and family members, biographic facts, photos taken during his numerous journeys. Th ese materials show uncommonly colorful and intensive life of the scientist who devoted his life to exploration of global ecological problems. G.N. Golubev had been a profound researcher, eff ectual director of science and internationally recognized practitioner in global environmental policy. Due to his works, a new discipline «Geoecology» has already occupied a solid position among other courses of Russian universities. His mission in the UNEP (1981—1989) and other international environmental organizations strengthened the prestige of Russian geographical sciences on international level.

Гарантии избирательных прав граждан: вопросы теории и практики Guarantees of Citizens’ Electoral Rights: Issues of Theory and Practice

The present monograph considers guarantees of citizens’ electoral rights as a scientific category of Russia’s constitutional law, which forms the basis for developing hypotheses, concepts, laws and theories of voting rights. After selecting this category as the center of the ‘conceptual grid’ the author studies it through the prism of the legal system and the mechanism of legal regulation.

The construction of structural and functional conceptual legal lines using the category of guarantees of citizens' electoral rights is accompanied by examples from federal normative legal acts, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation constituents, law enforcement acts of courts and election commissions, existing as of the first half of 2013.

The book makes much use of the historical-legal method of research and also analyses the constitutional and legal foundations of the existing Russian legislation which guarantees citizens’ right to vote. It examines current problems in this area and suggests ways of resolving them.

For specialists in electoral law, employees of government agencies, local self-government bodies, school and university students of law and a wide range of readers who are interested in the recognition, implementation and protection of citizens’ electoral rights.

Гарантирующий подход и L-аппроксимация в задачах оценивания параметров БИНС при стендовых испытаниях Guaranteed Approach and l 1-Norm Approximation in the Problems of SDINS Parameter Estimation under Bench Testing

The book investigates two problems of estimating the parameters of strapdown inertial navigation systems (SDINS) and gives a detailed description of their solutions by using the methods of non-smooth optimization.

The first part of the book considers the application of the guaranteed approach to the bench calibration scheme of the SDINS accelerometer blocks. It also describes an optimal experiment plan and develops an iterative algorithm of SDINS bench calibration that improves calibration accuracy. The second part is devoted to l 1-Norm Approximation (the least modules method) in navigational estimation problems. Particular attention is paid to the problem of detecting salutatory variations in the bias of zeros of the SDINS sensors under bench testing.

Both parts present simulation results illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed methods and the features of their use in solving specific problems.

The book is intended for specialists in navigation and assessment.

Генезис просадочности лессовых пород Genesis of Loessial Rock Subsidence

The monograph describes subsidence as a specific property of loessial rocks, its genetic types, hypotheses that have been advanced in this field, some experimental evidence that was obtained both in the course of laboratory modeling and in the study of processes in virgin rock. It considers logical and graphic models of subsidence formation of loess rocks of different genesis and formulates the main provisions of particular and general theories of loess subsidence formation.

For geologists, geologic engineers, geographers, soil scientists as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students of geology and engineering geology.

Германские канцлеры от Бисмарка до Меркель German Chancellors from Bismarck to Merkel

The book represents the country’s first literary account of the life and work of all the thirty German chancellors from the creator of the German Empire Otto von Bismarck to early 21st century chancellors Gerhard Schroeder and Angela Merkel. Drawing on a wide range of literature, the author, a well-known Germanist, gives a portrait of the chancellors against a broad historical background revealing the foundations, essence and purpose of their policies. The liveliness of the presentation and the striking characteristics of the German Chancellors distinguish this work written in the best traditions of the historical and biographical genre.

For professional historians, university lecturers, teachers, students and all those who are interested in German history.

Глобальные исследования и эволюционный подход Global Research and Evolutionary Approach

The monograph deals with the problems of globalization of science, new directions in the development of global studies and globalistics stimulated by using the evolutionary approach. Evolutionary globalistics focuses on studying the development and co-evolution of global processes and systems and their systemic-synergetic phenomenon – global development.

The concept of evolutionary globalistics is disclosed in the context of universal (global) evolutionism and the prospect of transitioning to new, safer forms of civilization development and its interaction with the nature of the Earth and the Cosmos. The book forecasts a possible unfolding of future global processes – a transition to sustainable development and the making of the sphere of the mind (the noosphere). Particular attention is paid to the methods and approaches used in globalistics, as well as the spatial and temporal expansion of global research. It investigates the evolution of globalistics itself including the development of such study areas as political and legal globalistics and informational globalistics. It also subdivides globalistics into temporal sections – paleoglobalistics, neoglobalistics, futuroglobalistics and nooglobalistics and the spatial one – cosmoglobalistics.

For specialists, teachers, postgraduate students and a wide range of readers who are interested in the problems of evolutionary globalistics.

Глобальный эволюционизм: идеи, проблемы, гипотезы Global Evolutionism: Ideas, Problems, Hypotheses

Global evolutionism underpins the modern general scientific picture of the world and the form of knowledge about global evolution in which self-organization of material systems is the main permanent process of progressive development in the observable Universe. The book proposes an original interpretation of global evolution, reveals the content of the concept of planetary and universal evolution as well as the basic principles and methods to study them. Considerable attention is paid to the forms of dark matter and their impact on evolution, the anthropic cosmological principle and the prospects for interaction between human civilization and the Universe. The monograph discusses problems of global process evolution, especially their socio-natural development in the context of future general planetary transition to sustainable development and the formation of the noosphere.

The monograph was prepared at the Faculty of Global Processes, Lomonosov Moscow State University, in the Center for Global Processes and Sustainable Development of the Russian Trade and Economic University and at the Department of Social Sciences and Technology of the National Research Technological University MISIS.

Городская семья ХVIII в. Семейно-правовые акты купцов и разночинцев Москвы The 18th Century Town Family. Family Law Acts Concerning Moscow Merchants and Commoners

The publication includes more than 380 family law documents discovered in the 18th century archives and related to representatives of Moscow unprivileged classes. Among them are testaments, church records of baptism, marriage and divorce and other civil states concerning merchants, the minor and the major orders, clerks, all kind of commoners (‘raznochintsy’): retired soldiers, doctors, pharmacists, etc.), including members of the corporation of foreign merchants and the local guild merchants and their descendants as well as foreigners at large. The large array of family-law documents now being introduced into scientific research contains unique information about the division of family property, marital obligations, accession to heirship and inheritance, conjugal relations, parent- child relations, child-rearing, care for the old and the disabled, spiritual salvation and charity. They reflect the ways of domestic life and its material and spiritual values.

For historians and a wide range of readers.

Государственное наградное право State Award Law

The monograph deals with the theoretical basis of state awards as an interdisciplinary legal institution in which the norms of constitutional law have a priority. The book analyzes two aspects of Russia’s modern state award system - the federal state award system (the award system of the Russian Federation) and the state award system in the RF constituents. This work analyses in detail the state and other awards of the Russian Federation and examines general and characteristic features of state and other awards in the constituents of the Russian Federation.

The publication is intended for special courses in ‘State Awards’, ‘Russian Award Law’ and others under similar names, and can be used as additional educational material in the study of courses in the RF constitutional law and the RF administrative law with regard to the powers of the state executive bodies.

For undergraduate and postgraduate students, law school and faculty teachers as well as all those interested in RF state awards.

The normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and the RF constituents cited in the book are given as of January 1, 2014.

Гуманитарная миссия современной глобализирующейся коммуникативистики Humanitarian Mission of Modern Globalizing Communication Science

The book introduces new theoretical concepts and trends of foreign communication science. It is based on the analysis of the fundamental research by prominent representatives of this globalizing science, which studies the humanitarian aspects of media development.

For teachers and students of journalism faculties, specialists in various fields of information activities and for a wide range of readers who are interested in the role of communication factors in the socio-cultural life of the modern world.

Гуманитарное образование. Ответ на вызов времени Humanitarian Education. An Answer to Modern Challenges

The book consists of two parts. In the first part, the author reflects on the value of Russia's cultural heritage in terms of an individual’s development in modern information society and formulates original proposals on a whole range of topical issues of education in the humanities. The content of the second part is based on the author’s numerous publications that expound the new theory of early effective development of child’s intelligence and cognitive-emotional sphere.

The scientific and practical outcomes of O.S. Fomicheva’s works have gained wide international recognition. The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics has awarded her with a commemorative medal ‘For creating and developing a new scientific discipline – cognitonics; for highly innovative research and significant contribution to deepening knowledge in this field.’

For a wide range of readers.

Дайсаку Икеда и Россия. Встреча длиной в 30 лет. Daisaku Ikeda and Russia. The Meeting that Lasted 30 Years

The book by V.I. Tropin, a Moscow State University Vice-Rector for International Relations in the 1970s – 1980s, deals with the visits of Daisaku Ikeda, a famous Buddhist public figure, peace fighter, President of the Soca Gakkai International Society, to the USSR and Russia. The materials about D. Ikeda’s meetings with our country’s state and public figures, writers and scientists and Moscow University rectors RV. Khokhlov, A.A. Logunov, V.A. Sadovnichiy are supplemented by the author’s impressions of his personal contacts with this outstanding Japanese philosopher and enlightener. One of the sections of the book is devoted to the problem of the USSR disintegration that preoccupied D. Ikeda.

Деградация почв: причины, следствия, пути снижения и ликвидации Soil Degradation: Causes, Effects, Ways To Reduce and Eliminate it

The work summarizes the results of our own research and that of other scientific institutions on arable land degradation in Russia. Under the guidance of the author, the book developed and presented the following:

  • Methodology for assessing agroecological and landscape and land improvement factors of agrolandscape degradation in Russia’s Non-Black zone to determine main directions for soil fertility restoration and increased productivity of agrocenoses;
  • Characteristics of degradation processes and major agroecological and landscape and land reclamation factors of agricultural land degradation;
  • Various complexes of successive crop cultivation measures to restore the productivity of degraded arable and natural forage lands.

The presented data and analysis can be used by central and regional authorities, the agro-industrial complex’s information and consulting centers and by scientists, undergraduate and postgraduates students of classical and agricultural universities, academies and other higher educational institutions.

Деятельностная теория учения Activity theory of learning

The book describes activity theory of learning, developed in close connection with the P.Ya. Galperin’s Theory of stage-by-stage formation of mental actions and concepts. Based on the generalization of a huge number of experimental data, the author shows the high effi ciency of the Activity theory of learning as a psychological basis for managing the learning process.

The book is designed for specialists in the fi eld of psychology, pedagogy, teacher’s trainers. It can be useful for teachers of secondary and high schools, as well as all those interested in the problems of managing the process of learning.

Дороже золота русский чернозем Russian Black Earth is More Expensive than Gold

The social and political essays by Dokuchaev, an outstanding scientist, founder of soil science, are comparatively little known to the readership, but they are full of civic spirit and are applicable to our days. Dokuchaev's main concern is the preservation of the fertility of Russian ‘chernozem’ – Black Earth, which, to use his words, is ‘more expensive than gold.’

The scientist thought like a statesman: he put a lot of effort into developing natural science and agronomy in Russia, organizing academic and scientific-social institutions, improving university and agricultural education; he made an invaluable contribution to practice by organizing combined expeditions to combat drought in the country’s steppe regions. Dokuchaev’s thoughts and deeds are still relevant today and may continue to serve as a guide to action if we are to revive domestic land use on a proper scientific basis.