Moscow University Press
Учебная литература


Структурная геология: иллюстрированный терминологический словарь Structural geology: an illustrated terminological dictionary

The illustrated terminological dictionary of structural geology is intended for students and undergraduates studying in the field of "Geology", as well as for geologists engaged in structural research. The dictionary contains 340 terms, which are arranged in alphabetical order. Almost all terms are accompanied by illustrations, for most of them there is an English translation.

Субатомная физика. Вопросы. Задачи. Факты
Сюжет «Евгения Онегина»
Теория вероятностей, математическая статистика и элементы теории возможностей для физиков Probability theory, mathematical statistics and elements of the theory of possibilities for physicists

The book consists of three parts. The first part presents all sections of probability theory for physics and mathematics specialties. The limit theorems of probability theory and the theory of random processes, which is important for physical applications, are considered in more detail.

The second part presents the main sections of mathematical statistics and considers its applications in the theory of measuring and computing converters as means of physical measurements and in the theory of statistical solutions.

In the third part, the elements of the theory of possibilities are considered as an alternative probability theory of the randomness model, which allows empirically reconstructing mathematical models of objects, including stochastic ones, whose probabilistic models cannot be constructed empirically. Applications of the theory of possibilities in problems of optimization of solutions, analysis and interpretation of measurement experiment, etc. are considered.

The book is aimed at students of physics and mathematics departments of universities.

Теория и история искусства. Вып.1. Ломоносов и искусство

This collected volume includes the articles by professors, teachers and postgraduate students of the Faculty on actual problems of history and theory of art. 

Intended for specialists, students in humanities and a wide range of readers.

Теория и история социологии религии Theory and history of the sociology of religion

The textbook summarizes the materials of educational and methodological developments of the basic course "Sociology of Religion", taught at the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University for undergraduate students of the educational program in the field of Religious Studies. The publication presents both classical scientific views on a wide range of problems of the sociology of religion in historical, conceptual, methodological aspects, and the author's solution of those problems that constitute the main subject field of the sociology of religion. The appendices contain a number of cases representing examples of sociological research conducted by the staff of the department under the guidance of the author of the textbook — Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Professor of Moscow University I. N. Yablokov. For undergraduate students taking courses in sociology of religion, philosophy of religion and religious studies, as well as for all interested- engaged in the study of religion.

The scientific and auxiliary work was carried out by the Candidate of Philos. M. S. Kiselev, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies.

Теория капитала и экономического роста
Теория общественного богатства
Теория перевода Theory of translation

The textbook is devoted to the general theory of translation, a scientific discipline that studies by various methods and techniques the structure and patterns inherent in any translation, regardless of the pair of languages being compared, the form of translation activity and the conditions of its course, the content and functional orientation of the translated texts.

It is intended for students studying the theory of translation within the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies", the direction "Linguistics", as well as for persons studying under the program of additional qualification "Translator in the field of professional communication", and for a wide range of readers who want to get acquainted with this type of complex and socially significant cognitive and communicative activity.

Теория познания. Симвология. Теория символических форм
Теория экономического анализа