Moscow University Press
Научная литература


Реклама в СМИ. История, технология, классификация Advertising in the Media. History, Technology, Classification

Advertising and the media have been inextricably linked for several centuries. The monograph analyzes the current areas of research in advertising in mass media, the development of media advertising and those technological areas that are important for the survival of the advertising market and media business. The author considers typological features of media advertising and offers her model of advertising classification. The book is of scientific and practical interest and is addressed to teachers, graduate students, university students and a wide range of specialists working in the field of advertising and mass media.

Реклама: искусство слова. Рекомендации для составителей рекламных текстов Advertising: the Art of the Word. Recommendations for Compilers Who Advertise Texts

The manual introduces the principles of stylistically correct and effective construction of advertising texts, requirements for their composition, language and style and specific features of their linguistic impact.
For mass media staff, advertising agents and writers of text ads.

Ректор Московского университета академик А.А. Логунов и его время Moscow University Rector Logunov and His Time

The book, which MSU professor emeritus V.Tropin wrote to mark the 80th birthday of academician A. A. Logunov, is devoted to the latter’s activities as Moscow university rector.
For all those who are interested in the history of Moscow University.

Ректоры Московского университета (1755–2017) Moscow University Rectors (1755–2017)

Evgeny Evgenievich Shiryaev, a Moscow University alumnus, who worked for many years at the Geological Faculty, has created a unique portrait gallery. Today, these portraits decorate the Rectors’ office-museum in the MSU building in Mokhovaya Street. Unfortunately, the portrait gallery is incomplete since the images of some of its rectors are unavailable now, however some background information about these rectors’ lives and activity still survives and is now on display at the museum.

Религиозные организации современного мира Religious Organizations of the Modern World

This manual provides a systematic description of more or less every major religion that exists today, its main groups and trends and most important denominations. It shows the dogmatic and cult specificity of religious communities and indicates their organizational structure, number of followers and geographical distribution. The authors give brief information on the history of the major confessions, but focus largely on their current state. The educational and methodological value of this manual is that it not only provides students with very extensive information, but also contributes to their further independent work using the annexes and reference literature included in the manual. The manual is addressed to university students of history, but it can be useful for students studying in other specialties, as well as postgraduate students in the humanities.

Речевая коммуникация в бизнесе Speech Communication in Business

The monograph explores a wide range of business communication issues. In modern information society, the sine qua non condition for successful commercial activity is the ability to create an effective system of business communications both within the organization and in the external environment. The monograph answers the questions about the ways of optimizing communication processes and teaching students to discern their mistakes and eliminate them.

For students, specialists in the field of business communications, businesspersons and all those who are interested in the questions of speech communication in business.

Решетка замкнутых классов самодвойственных функций трёхзначной логики The Lattice of Closed Classes of Self-Dual Functions of Three-Valued Logic

The book describes the lattice of closed classes of three-valued logic that are embedded in the precomplete class of self-dual functions. Unlike the linear class, this is the first precomplete class of which we have been able to obtain a description. With the help of this description, various properties of closed classes of self-dual functions are proved. In particular, all closed classes have been shown to have a (finite or infinite) basis, all finitely generated and predicate-decomposable classes have been identified, and the powers of the sublattices and sublattices for each closed class have been found.
For students, graduate students and researchers specializing in the field of discrete mathematics.

Риторика романа Владимира Набокова «Дар». Фигура мысли. Rhetoric of Vladimir Nabokov's Novel ‘Gift’. A Figure of Thought

The book presents a profound conceptual structure of Vladimir Nabokov's novel ‘Gift’. Guided by the desire to give a textually substantiated analysis of the novel’s content, the author chose the quotational style of presentation. The book is addressed to students, specialists of philology and all those who are interested in the work of Vladimir Nabokov.

Роль морских льдов в динамике рельефа береговой зоны The Role of Sea Ice in the Dynamics of the Topographical Features of the Coastal Zone

The monograph deals with the activity of sea ice as an agent of active and passive topographical feature formation. The zoning of the coastal shelf zone was carried out according to the types of ice formations and their impact on the sea coast and the floor. The monograph provides a description of the morphology and morphometry of the exarational and other forms of the relief, the formation of which is associated with the dynamics and seasonal presence of sea ice. An attempt was made to correlate the intensity of ice impacts and the safety of the forms of ice grinding. The book assesses the impact of climate change and ice cover on the dynamics of Arctic coasts. The monograph is intended for a wide range of readers: from scientists and professionals - oceanologists, geomorphologists, engineers engaged in the design of hydraulic structures in the offshore shelf zone of the freezing seas, to students and postgraduates studying the physical essence and geography of natural processes in the Arctic, Caspian and other natural regions.

Романтическая муза Пушкина Pushkin’s Romantic Muse

This book singles out four periods in the development of Pushkin's romanticism placing an emphasis on the history of its development in his lyric poetry, on lyrical romanticism as a moving phenomenon, on the dynamics of images, style, and aesthetic coloring of his works. Although being aware of the constant original values of Pushkin's romanticism, the author also considers both the changing opinions and forms of creativity corresponding to the poet’s nature, his mental make-up, in other words, this book studies the works of a Genius. It is addressed to specialists in philology and everyone who loves Pushkin.

Российский оборонно-промышленный комплекс: история, современное состояние, перспективы The Russian Defense Industry Complex: History, Current State, Prospects

The monograph deals with the formation and development of the Russian defense industry complex (DIC). The historical approach promotes an in-depth analysis of the current state and prospects for modernizing the defense industry. The dynamics and direction of the DIC structural transformations testify to the synchrony of this process with the changes now under way in the structure of state management. The work is intended for managers and specialists of the defense industry complex.

Российское земство и европейские традиции местного самоуправления (формирование представительства в местном самоуправлении России и Европы второй половины XIX – начале ХХ века) Russian Zemstvo and European Traditions of Local Self-Government. Formation of Representation in Local Self-Government of Russia and Europe in the Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries

The work analyses the role the European traditions of local self-government play in the practice of preparing and implementing zemstvo reforms in Russia in the second half of 19th and the early 20th centuries. The emphasis is placed on examining the issues related to the formation of representative bodies in municipalities, the role of election qualification mechanisms in regulating the composition of municipal assemblies. The monograph is designed for professionals - historians, political scientists, anyone who is interested in the history of local government.

Россия, католичество и польский вопрос Russia, Catholicism and the Polish Question

The world-famous Polish philosopher, a historian of ideas, law, literature and culture, traces the centuries-old contacts between Russia and Poland and sums up his studies of the interconnections between the two Slavic peoples. In particular, he examines the issue of religious relations - a possible union of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. The dramatic pages of the Polish insurgency are reproduced through the prism of the contradictory perception of the January 1863 Uprising by the Russian social, political and artistic thought.
For philosophers, Slavists, religious scholars and everyone who is interested in the history of modern thought. Translated from the Polish edition: Andrzej Walicki. Rosja, katolicyzm i sprawa polska. Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka, 2002.

Руководство по психологии здоровья Handbook of Health Psychology

In contemporary practice health psychology is an independent trend in psychological science, a universally recognized specialization giving rise to master theses and PhD dissertations, as well as to publications in more than a dozen scientific journals in the field. The present tutorial embraces both well-established and modern research models and data. Section 1 is devoted to theoretical and methodological bases of health psychology; section 2 studies destructive psychological factors affecting health; section 3 discusses health psychology approaches with respect to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.

For psychology students who specialize in social psychology, clinical psychology, personality psychology, health psychology, as well as for anyone interested in the problems of modern health psychology and methods of changing health-risk behaviors.

Рукописная традиция французского «Жития Святого Этьена де Мюре» The French Manuscript Tradition of ‘The Life of Saint Stephen of Muret’

The book presents a scientific edition of the full text of the medieval French hagiographic monument ‘The Life of Saint Stephen of Muret’ that has been preserved in four 14th -15th century copies and their translations into Russian. The work includes a study of the linguistic features of these manuscripts and the establishment of the manuscript tradition of the work.
For specialists in the history of the French language and literature and a wide range of readers who are interested in medieval culture, hagiographic literature and medieval church history.

Русская православная церковь и новая религиозная ситуация в России.