Moscow University Press
Учебная литература


Роман А.С. Пушкина «Капитанская дочка» A.S. Pushkin’s Novel ‘The Captain's Daughter’

This book offers a new reading of Alexander Pushkin’s ‘The Captain's Daughter’. The well-known literary critic Yu.M. Lotman rightly remarked: What’s happening with ‘The Captain's Daughter’ is the same as what happened to such works as Cervantes’s ‘Don Quixote’: the novel being too serious even for an adult reader, it has been transferred to the category of children’s books.’ The manual is addressed to high school students, applicants, students and teachers.

Роман И.А. Гончарова «Обломов». Путеводитель по тексту Goncharov's Novel ‘Oblomov’. A Guide to the Text

How much did the original design of Goncharov’s central novel change? What is his true conflict, what forms the foundation of its plot and why is ‘Oblomov’ made up of four parts? What gave the main character of the book a national and universal significance, and put Oblomovism on par with such notions as ‘Hamletism’, ‘Platonism’, ‘Quixotism’, ‘Don Juanism’, etc.? How are all the male and female characters in the novel systematized and how do the ‘notions of life’ including those of love, marriage and familial home they embody differ from each other? What does Olga Ilyinskaya yearn for in the ‘Crimean’ chapter of the novel? These are but only some of the questions to which this book offers detailed answers. Written by the famous historian and popularizer of Russian classical literature and a Goncharov literary prize-winner, the book is a fascinating guide to the artistic text of Goncharov’s famous masterpiece on every content level and facet - from social, everyday, topical and folklore to mythological and symbolic ones.

For teachers of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, high school students, university entrants, students and teacher of philology and all admirers of Russian literary classics.

Романы И. А. Гончарова I.A. Goncharov’s Novels

Which ancient yet ever-living story does the novel about the hopes, delusions and disappointments of Alexander Aduyev, Ivan Goncharov’s main character, remind of? Who is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov – a patriarchal master or a Russian Don Quixote? Why did the writer call his ‘The Precipice’ ‘an epic of love’? And with what purpose does the Russian ship ‘Pallada’ prowl the world ocean? These and many other questions get answered in this book. The author offers a new reading of ‘A Common Story’. ‘Oblomov’ and ‘The Precipice’, as well as his travelogue ‘Frigate Pallada’ based on the materials of his round-the-world voyage from Kronstadt to Japan and his subsequent return to St. Petersburg by land across Siberia. The book ends with the chapter about ‘The Extraordinary Story’ - an autobiographical novel in which Goncharov told about the creation of his novels, especially ‘The Precipice’. The book is addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, to students of philology and to all admirers of Goncharov.

Романы Ф.М. Достоевского F.M. Dostoevsky’s Novels

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. This work is devoted to Dostoevsky’s three novels – ‘Crime and Punishment’, ‘The Idiot’ and ‘The Brothers Karamazov’. In the first chapter (on ‘Crime and Punishment’), the author's attention is drawn to his central character - Rodion Raskolnikov. The contact between the consciousness of the protagonist and that of other characters reveals the basis of the concept of man in Dostoevsky's work: ‘everyone is guilty for everybody and everything’. The second chapter dealing with the novel ‘The Idiot’ also examines the problem of guilt in Dostoevsky’s concept of a personality. The third chapter analyzes the meaning of the poem about the great inquisitor in ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ - the ideological center of the writer's artistic world. The conversation about the three novels is united by one common problem – that of the personality in the work of Dostoevsky as an artist and a thinker.
For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists, and for a wide range of readers.

Руководство к практическим занятиям по физиологии человека и животных A Guide to Practical Studies in Human and Animal Physiology

The manual presents experimental tests for practical consolidation of the fundamental lecture course in the physiology of man and animals, which was read at the biological, psychological and medical faculties, Moscow State University. Compared with the first edition (published by Moscow University Press in 1975), the manual includes a new section - problems in general pathophysiology. The manual describes both classical and advanced techniques using modern electronic equipment. The description of the tests is given in a format that generally corresponds to the rules for the design of scientific publications in the specialized literature.

For students, post-graduate students and teachers of biological, medical-biological, psychological and veterinary specialties.

Русская «деревенская» проза Russian ‘Village’ Prose

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. The book analyzes universal spiritual, moral, ethical, and aesthetic values of Russian peasantry in the works of F.A. Abramov, V.I. Belov, V.M. Shukshin, V.G. Rasputin, as well as their immediate predecessors, such as E.I. Zamyatin and A.P. Platonov. A special chapter is devoted to the origins of our country's ‘rural’ prose of our century in Russian classical literature, from N.M. Karamzin, A.S. Pushkin, D.V. Grigorovich and I.S. Turgenev to L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, G.I. Uspensky and A.P. Chekhov.
For school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, high school and college students, university entrants, philology specialists.

Русская критика о Пушкине: избранные статьи, комментарии Russian Criticism of Pushkin: Selected Articles, Comments

The book offers the best and most significant articles about Pushkin by outstanding writers, thinkers and reputable literary critics, from Vyazemsky to Akhmatova. The texts are accompanied by detailed commentary. The book is addressed to students of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, university entrants and students. It will also be useful for teachers, university lecturers, philology specialists, and all admirers of Pushkin.

Русская литература XIX века. 1840-1860-е годы Russian 19th Century Literature. 1840s through 1860s

This is the third book in the 'University Lecture Courses' series (on philological disciplines), opened by Moscow University Press in 2005 with lectures by the oldest teacher of the University, N.I. Liban.

Its main author is V.A. Nedzvetsky — an Honored Professor of Moscow State University, a Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education Sciences, laureate of the Goncharov Literary Prize. He had published two lectures on Russian literature of the Soviet period (Budapest, 1986, 1989) and lecture courses on Russian literary criticism of the 18th and 19th centuries (Moscow, 1994, 2008), as well as a special course on I.S. Turgenev works (Moscow, Sterlitamak, 2008). The last two lectures in the book (about Nekrasov and Ostrovsky) were written by the associate professor of the Moscow City Pedagogical University E.Yu. Poltavets. This lecture course is dedicated to Russian literature of the second third of the 19th century. Writers of that period, such as Herzen, Turgenev, Goncharov, Chernyshevsky, L. Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Nekrasov, Fet, Tyutchev, and Ostrovsky, gained Russian and European recognition within their lifetimes. V. Nedzvetsky and E. Poltavets' lecture course is remarkable in its subtle aesthetic analysis, conceptual consistency, and simplicity.

For students (bachelors and masters), postgraduates and teachers of philological faculties, as well as for all those interested in Russian literature classics.

Русская литература и журналистика XVIII века Russian literature and journalism of the XVIII century

The textbook "Russian Literature and journalism of the XVIII century" is already the 5th edition. The content of the book covers the period from Peter the Great's transformations to the last decade of the XVIII century, when sentimentalism was established in Russia as a literary trend. The author analyzes the artistic and journalistic works and journalistic activities of famous writers of the XVIII century, introducing the reader to a wide range of names — from Feofan Prokopovich to N.M. Karamzin.

The publication is intended for students, postgraduates and university teachers.

Русский роман XIX века:  спорные и нерешенные вопросы жанра

This new book by Valentin Nedzvetskiy is dedicated to the problems of the modern scientifi c history of the Russian XIXth century novel. The author suggests to his readers well-reasoned answers to the argumentative questions about the substantial forms of Pushkin's Eugene Onegin, Goncharov's «trilogy» novel, «five-book» novel by F. Dostoyevsky, and My Past and Thoughts by A. Herzen. Using the cast of N. Leskov's work No way out the unique issues of the Russian novel are revealed. The chapters about antique origins of the classical Russian novel; its passionate supporter Belinsky; V. Kozhinov, the bright historian of the novel genre, and a dismaying state of the Russian classic literature teaching in our universities, make this book essential not only for the specialists and students in philology, but also for all language arts teaches.

Русский фольклор Russian folklore

The famous teacher and scientist, academician, Professor Y.M. Sokolov (1889-1941) considers the artistic properties of Russian folklore, its features as a phenomenon of traditional Russian culture. All types of folklore are covered. The history of collecting and studying folklore in Russia is presented. The book is characterized by brevity and clarity of presentation, written in excellent language. Time has highlighted the scientific merits of the book. And to this day the surviving copies of the first (1938) and second (1941) editions are in use by the higher school. The book was also published in English. In the process of preparing for the third edition, comments were made on certain outdated provisions.

For students, postgraduates, teachers and anyone interested in Russian folklore.

Русский язык: теоретический курс для школьников Russian language: a theoretical course for schoolchildren

The manual contains a systematic presentation of all sections of the course "Russian language" with an overview of the material presented in the most common school teaching materials, as well as diagrams and samples of analysis of all language units and comments on these analyses. The task of the manual is to generalize and systematize students' knowledge of language and speech. The manual is compiled in accordance with the theoretical guidelines adopted in pre-university training at the Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and is intended for school students who study Russian in depth (at the profile level), and teachers.

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