Moscow University Press
Научная литература


Труды Московского математического общества. Том 56
Университет для России University for Russia

The book, written by specialists in the history of Russian education, is devoted to the formation of the university system in Russia. Based on a rich range of sources, the authors, using the example of the oldest Moscow University in Russia, show how during the reign of Nicholas I in the second quarter of the XIX century, a national model of a classical university was created using European experience. Its distinctive feature is the fundamental nature of education, inseparable from upbringing, the special role of the teacher, a great participation in determining the educational strategy of the state. The book is written in a bright literary language, richly illustrated, addressed to a wide range of readers.

Университет Ломоносовых. Круг основателей. Клятвы Воробьевых гор. Эпоха И.Г. Петровского Lomonosov University. The circle of founders. The oaths of the Sparrow Hills. The Epoch of I. G. Petrovsky

Vladimir Dimov's new book is dedicated to Moscow State University, outstanding representatives of politics, science and culture who came out of the walls of the first university of Russia, its teachers and students. 

The first part of the book is written in the genre of free essays about the birth of the Russian elite, the great Russian educator and scientist M.V. Lomonosov, statesman and military reformer G.A. Potemkin.

In the second part, the special historical mission of the university is widely presented - truth and freedom have always been close here, and the main subject - freedom of thought - created a special flavor of intra-university life.

The third part of the book is an essay and memoirs of a former student and graduate student about his studies and life at the historical, philosophical and economic faculties, about the era of Rector I.G. Petrovsky at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s, his teachers and friends.

Федерализм. Энциклопедия
Фельяны. У истоков французского либерализма
Феномен художественности: от Пушкина до Чехова
Филология: вечная и молодая. Сборник статей к юбилею профессора М.Л. Ремневой Philology: Ever Lasting & Young

The collection contains the articles devoted to the anniversary of Prof. Remnyova and reveals the modern state of philological science at the Philological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. All the authors represent the new specializations and subdivisions of the Philological Faculty as well as its international projects.

Философия истории
Философия наивности
Философия. Истории философии во Франции (проблема закономерностей в развитии интеллектуальной культуры)
Формирование системы университетского образования. Том 1
Формирование системы университетского образования. Том 2