Moscow University Press
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С математикой и информатикой 365 дней: Календарь With mathematics and computer science 365 days: Calendar
The book offers entertaining and educational material on mathematics and computer science, intended for a wide range of readers - schoolchildren, students, teachers, parents. The available facts are systematized in accordance with the calendar and are associated with holidays and memorable dates of the year - both international and Russian.The calendar contains little-known information about Russian mathematicians and cybernetics. Particular attention is paid to modern domestic and foreign specialists in the field of information technology, who through their activities have radically changed the way of human activity and continue to make revolutionary changes in the traditional way of life. The available information will significantly expand students’ knowledge and will contribute to the emergence and maintenance of interest in mathematics and computer science. The calendar can be used by teachers when preparing and conducting lessons and extracurricular activities in mathematics and computer science; it will also be of interest to any educated person seeking to broaden their horizons.
Сергей Есенин Sergey Yesenin
The book by Doctor of Sci. (Philology) N.M. Solntseva examines the ideological quests of Sergei Yesenin - both a Christian and a radical, the features of the poet’s creative path, his aesthetic orientations. Yesenin's poetry is presented in the context of the motives and images of the works of V. Zhukovsky, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, A. Blok, S. Klychkov, N. Klyuev, B. Pasternak, F. Villon and other poets. The book is addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, high school students, applicants, students, philologists and everyone who loves Yesenin’s work.
Сюжет «Евгения Онегина» The plot of "Eugene Onegin"
This book examines the dynamics of the characters and destinies of the central characters, the meaning and correlation of the central episodes of the novel, the paradoxical nature and complexity of its plot structure. The functions of the author’s diverse appeals to “foreign” texts—works of Russian and foreign literature—are clarified, which allows us to read Pushkin’s masterpiece in many ways in a new way. The book is addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, high school students, applicants, students, philologists, as well as all admirers of Pushkin’s poetry.
Тренировочные задания по испанскому языку DELE и ЕГЭ

This course aims at providing comprehensive preparation for the State Exam and the International Exam in the Spanish language. The course contains two full practice tests in the format of the State Exam and one full test in the format of DELE "Escolar". This course is followed by the CD-disk with authentic materials and documents, regulating the structure and the content of examinational materials for the State Exam (Exam Specifi cation and Codifi cation of the Spanish Language) and contains the State Exam demo test 2013 as well.

This course is designed for teachers and teacher consultants, who manage the preparation of senior pupils to the State Exam and for all the students, who are going to prepare for the State Exam individually or with the help of a teacher, using all the tips and typical test items that allow them to evaluate the level of their preparedness.

Ударение. Диктору, лектору, оратору, учителю, школьнику. Cловарь-справочник Emphasis. Speaker, lecturer, speaker, teacher, schoolboy. Dictionary-reference
The “Emphasis” dictionary-reference book contains about five thousand words of the modern Russian literary language, which cause difficulties in determining the place of stress. The recognized correct variant of stress in the word is given. Unlike well-known dictionaries, this dictionary contains the most difficult words to pronounce. The author has also compiled and presented a list of the most famous and difficult to accent proper names (Agame'mnon, Bryullo'v, Ki'zhi, Kapi'tsa, Ma'laga, O'zhegov, Sokolo'v-Mikito'v, Ta'tsit , Elbru's, etc.). The dictionary is designed to identify errors in the placement of stress in words and to facilitate memorization of their place in the word. The dictionary contains stress placement tests that help identify errors in the pronunciation of words.
Учебно-методический комплект для обучающихся 8-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений Москвы и Московской области Educational and methodological kit for students of grades 8-9 of general educational institutions of Moscow and the Moscow region
The educational and methodological set, which includes “Educational materials on the geography of Moscow and the Moscow region” and “Workbook on the geography of Moscow and the Moscow region”, is intended for studying the geography of your region - Moscow and the Moscow region (Moscow metropolitan region) in the course “Geography of Russia” in full compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. These publications can also be used in extracurricular activities. The inclusion of regional (local history) content in extracurricular activities makes it possible to fully implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Textbooks can be used when studying the Central region of Russia, when conducting extracurricular and club work. They can also be used as educational material when carrying out project activities of students, which is one of the main requirements of the new educational standards. In addition, these teaching aids are an integral part of the educational and methodological complex of the regional training course “Native Moscow Region” for schools in the Moscow region. The set consists of two parts.
Федор Иванович Тютчев: поэтическое открытие природы Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev: poetic discovery of nature
The books in the “Rereading the Classics” series contain a modern analysis of works included in school literature curricula. For the first time, the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the work of Russian writers of the 19th–20th centuries are thoroughly covered. The series is offered as a base of modern knowledge on Russian literature, necessary for passing school exams and admission to any university. The manual is a creative biography of F. I. Tyutchev. The poet's personality is revealed in connection with the theme that determined the dignity and place of Tyutchev's lyrics in the history of Russian poetry - the poetic discovery of nature. The changing perception of natural life in relation to his own inner world became the reason for Tyutchev to recreate the developing dialogue between the soul and nature. The texts of the poet’s classic poems are considered as its individual episodes: “Spring Thunderstorm”, “Noon”, “Not what you think, nature”, “There is melodiousness in the sea waves”, etc. For teachers schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists, as well as a wide range of readers.
Федор Иванович Тютчев. Поэтическое открытие природы Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Poetic discovery of nature
The books of the series "Rereading the Classics" contain a modern analysis of works included in the school literature curriculum. For the first time, the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the work of Russian writers of the 19th-20th centuries are thoroughly covered. The series is offered as a base of modern knowledge on Russian literature, necessary for passing school exams and admission to any university. The manual is a creative biography of F. I. Tyutchev. The personality of the poet is revealed in connection with the theme that determined the dignity and place of Tyutchev's lyrics in the history of Russian poetry - the poetic discovery of nature. The changing perception of natural life in relation to his own inner world became a reason for Tyutchev to recreate the developing dialogue of the soul and nature. As its individual episodes, the texts of the poet's classic poems are considered: "Spring Thunderstorm", "Not What You Think, Nature", "There is Melodiousness in the Sea Waves" and other poems. For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists, as well as a wide range of readers.
Французский язык: подготовка к ЕГЭ French: preparation for the Unified State Exam
The purpose of the manual is to consolidate the knowledge acquired in high school and prepare for passing the entrance exam to a university. Much attention is paid to the basic issues of French grammar. Lexical material is grouped according to thematic principle. Each of the 13 lessons in the manual includes a number of exercises designed to develop speaking skills. The keys to the most difficult exercises are given.
Химия XXI века в задачах Международных Менделеевских олимпиад Chemistry of the XXI century in the tasks of the International Mendeleev Olympiads

The book presents all the tasks - theoretical and experimental - of the last five International Mendeleev Olympiads of schoolchildren in chemistry. This is the result of a great work of a large team of chemists from different countries, information about which is also presented in the book. The reader is given the opportunity to cover the whole system of tasks of the Mendeleev Olympiads, to get information about the directions of development of modern chemical science Olympiads.

Химия. Для школьников старших классов и поступающих в вузы Chemistry. For school pupils and university applicants

The book contains theoretical materials regarding all parts of chemistry course, as well as 1500 examination tasks, questions and exercises accompanied by their detailed analysis and answers. The tasks vary in difficulty level - from basic to most advanced.

The book is intended for high school students, chemistry teachers, and pretenders.

Химия. Справочник школьника Chemistry: Reference Book for School Student. Tutorial.

The reference book describes the main problems in general, inorganic, and organic chemistry within the school curriculum according to the educational standards of the last generation.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers. It is useful for students of 8–11 grades of comprehensive school, students of special chemistry classes, university applicants, chemistry teachers, junior students of non-chemical insti tutes, and anyone who is interested in the subject.

The manual contains a detailed index and the appendix where the most important reference data are shown.

Химия. Формулы успеха на вступительных экзаменах Chemistry. Formulas for success in entrance exams

This manual differs from most publications intended for applicants in that the largest domestic university - Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov - presents all the variants of examination tasks in chemistry offered at the entrance exams at all faculties of Moscow State University over the past three years. For each option, detailed solutions of tasks or answers and instructions to the solution are provided.

The manual is intended for applicants entering universities for chemical, medical and biological specialties, as well as for high school students and chemistry teachers.

Чему равна сумма углов многоугольника? What is the sum of the angles of the polygon?

This brochure was written based on a lecture for schoolchildren, which the author gave at the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Moscow State University on March 25, 2017 as part of the “University Saturday” project, carried out with the support of the Moscow Department of Education. The presentation of the material significantly complements the content of the lecture and calculates It is intended for a wide range of readers interested in mathematics: high school students, junior students, high school teachers and university professors.

Шестнадцать шедевров русской литературы Sixteen Chef-d’oeuvres of the Russian Literature

This book is written as a guidance for literature teachers and senior high school pupils of gymnasiums and lyceums majoring in humanities to help them preparing for compositions on masterpieces of the Russian literature. These are namely Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin; Mikhail Lermontov’s poem Death of the Poet and his novel A Hero of Our Time; Ivan Turgenev’s short novel Asya and his novel Fathers and Sons', Ivan Goncharov’s Oblomov, What Is to Be Done? by Nikolai Chernyshevsky; Poor Folk and main novels by Fyodor Dostoyevsky; Nikolai Nekrasov’s poem Poet and Citizen and finally the Russian novel itself in its national and authentic form, and certain novels of such contemporary heritors of the literary classic of the XIX century as Vasily Belov and Alexander Potemkin.

The book is intended for the teachers of secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, school leavers, students and lecturers at the Departments of Philology as well as everyone who admires Russian literary classic and values it.

Щедрин: Незнакомый мир знакомых книг Shchedrin: The unfamiliar world of familiar books
This book was first published in 1998 and went through three editions. Now readers are offered its newly reviewed and expanded version. The author made an attempt to read the famous works of the genius of Russian and world satire anew, without political and opportunistic goals, precisely as ethical and aesthetic creations. The chapter on “The History of a City” examines the beginnings on which Shchedrin’s artistic world was created. “The Golovlevs” cannot be understood without attention to the psychologism of Saltykov’s prose, an understanding of the concept of man created by the writer. The originality of the picture of reality that developed in Saltykov’s work is expressively revealed in fairy tales, and the books “Abroad” and “Poshekhon Antiquity,” among many other things, make it possible to clearly see the foundations defining the moral ideals affirmed in his works. The study is written in living language. The author tries to captivate the reader, to prove to him that the dialogue with Saltykov’s works is not only serious, but also joyful. By comprehending the logic of the creative development of Saltykov the writer, the reader will free himself from misinterpretations of his books and make many amazing discoveries...
Экология для любознательных

Young readers are offered fascinating little stories about the great biosphere that will help them find answers to a variety of questions.

What secrets are there in the world around us? Can predators be justified? What is interesting about meeting people who live in harmony with nature? When did life appear on planet Earth? What “blocks” does nature consist of? Can we live under an artificial dome? How to become a little hero who can save the planet? On the pages of the book “Ecology for the Curious” will you encounter the obvious? No, you are waiting for a meeting with an incredible and mysterious world.

Illustrations for the book were drawn by artist Stas Egin, who lives in the Irkutsk region, in the city of Ust-Ilimsk. In his drawings, he amazingly knows how to reflect both the comedy and tragedy of environmental problems. Stas Egin is a laureate of the International Competition of the National Literary Award "Golden Pen of Russia" in the category "Best Caricature". Stas Egin's graphic works are exhibited in the art gallery of the city of Ust-Ilimsk.

Элементарная математика. Учебное пособие для старшеклассников и абитуриентов. Часть 2. Elementary mathematics. Part 2.

This book is a continuation of Part 1 of the tutorial by the same author. In addition to the theoretical foundations of an in-depth course in elementary mathematics, it examines various techniques and methods for solving problems, their systematization, including problems with original and non-standard approaches to solution. This publication includes more than 250 analyzed examples, as well as an almost complete list of problems in mathematics (with solutions to about 585 problems) offered at entrance exams and Olympiads at Moscow State University from 2000 to 2019 and partly earlier . The tasks are grouped by topics and methods.

The book includes additional material that expands the student's mathematical horizons and allows it to be used as a reference tool.

Recommended for preparatory departments and courses, high school students preparing for participation in mathematical olympiads, for admission to higher educational institutions, such as Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MEPhI, MTUCI , HSE, Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, Financial Academy, MGIMO, etc., where the ability to solve problems of increased complexity is required.

The manual can be used for distance learning, as well as by schoolchildren in preparation for passing the specialized Unified State Exam (the most difficult part of it) and by school teachers. You can also purchase in our online store Part 1. Theory numbers. Algebra

Элементарная математика. Часть 1 Elementary mathematics. Part 1

The textbook is intended for repetition and systematization of student knowledge in preparation for exams and olympiads in mathematics. Aimed at applicants to those higher educational institutions where it is required to demonstrate a high level of knowledge in mathematics - both in theory and in practice of solving problems. Part 1 of the book includes the following sections: “The Theory of Real Numbers”, “Numerical Equalities and Inequalities. Abbreviated multiplication formulas. Known algebraic inequalities", "Algebraic equations and inequalities". The book contains all the necessary definitions, formulations and proofs of properties and theorems. Particular attention in the manual is paid to the analysis of various techniques and methods for solving problems (Part 1 includes more than 450 problems with solutions from variants of examination tasks at Lomonosov Moscow State University, MEPhI, MIPT, Bauman MSTU, MTUSI, HSE, Plekhanov Russian Economic Academy, Financial Academy and other universities), as well as about 625 problems for independent solution (with answers and solutions). Much attention is paid to problems with non-standard approaches to solution. The book includes a lot of additional and reference material that expands the student’s mathematical horizons.

The manual is recommended for high school students, students of preparatory departments and courses for preparing for Olympiads (at the level of Lomonosov Moscow State University) and the Unified State Exam (in the most difficult its parts), as well as teachers teaching elementary mathematics courses.

Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of Lomonosov Moscow State University. You can also purchase in our online store Part 2. Systems of equations and inequalities. Text problems. Sequences. Progression. Elements of set theory

Элементы математической статистики Elements of mathematical statistics

We talk about the basic concepts of statistics, understanding by it, as is customary in the school course, descriptive statistics. The main attention is paid to statistical variables and operations on them (linear transformations, summation, mixing). In the final section, using the example of the history of the discovery of argon, we talk about the role of statistics in natural science.