Moscow University Press
Классический университетский учебник

Классический университетский учебник

Агрохимия >Agrochemistry
The textbook, based on the achievements of agrochemical science, presents new experimental data on increasing the efficiency of fertilizers in the interrelation of factors “soil, climate, fertilizer and plant”. Much attention is paid to the role of agrochemistry in regulating plant nutrition in order to increase yields and the quality of crop products, as well as in reproducing soil fertility, improving the balance and biological cycle of substances. All these issues are considered taking into account the characteristics of natural and climatic conditions. New ecological functions of agrochemistry have been formulated. The scientific basis of zonal fertilization systems and individual crops, their agronomic and environmental assessment are presented. For students of soil specialties at universities, as well as for students of agricultural universities.
Аналитическая геометрия >Analytical geometry

The book contains the material of lectures on analytical geometry at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Аналитическая геометрия. Элементы алгебры. Линейная алгебра >Analytical geometry. Elements of algebra. Linear algebra

This publication is both a textbook and a problem book on the courses of analytical geometry, the basics of higher algebra and linear algebra, created based on the materials of lectures and seminars that the authors have read and conducted for several years for 1st-year students of the Faculty of Space Research of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The publication covers all topics necessary for future researchers with a good mathematical background. Each section is equipped with an impressive set of tasks, the solution of which will provide a good understanding of the subject.

For university and university students with advanced study of mathematics.

Асимптотические оценки сложности управляющих систем >Asymptotic estimates of the complexity of control systems

The textbook, the 1st edition of which was published in 1984, covers a significant part of the course "Elements of Mathematical Cybernetics", taught at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University for more than 40 years, as well as part of the material provided for by the mandatory part of the candidate's exam program in some specialties. The manual discusses the main classes of discrete control systems (contact circuits, formulas, circuits of functional elements). The simplest synthesis methods, the Shannon method, the asymptotically best synthesis methods, and the cascade method are described. Examples of the application of the principle of local coding are given.

Биофизика в 2-х томах >Biophysics.

This book is a fundamental textbook (in two volumes) on biophysics, which presents the basics of modern biophysical science.

The first volume sets forth the theoretical foundations of biophysics. It places special emphasis on the problems of mathematical modeling of biological processes at different levels of living matter organization. It considers physical features, dynamic and electronic properties of the structural unit of living matter – the macromolecule as well as physicochemical mechanisms of energy transformation in biostructures.

The second volume (Chapters 15–30) deals with the physicochemical mechanisms of major processes that occur in organisms. It discusses in detail the issues of biological membrane structure and functioning, bioelectrogenesis, muscle contraction, reception, electron transfer and energy transformation in biomembranes. It considers the mechanisms of primary phases of photobiological processes including photosynthesis, sense of vision, photochemical reactions in biopolymers.

For students, postgraduates and multi-discipline specialists who are interested in the physicochemical foundations of life processes.

Введение в теорию журналистики >Introduction to the theory of journalism

The textbook reveals ideas about the subject and structure of the science of journalism. The basis is the characteristic of the essence of mass information activity. Such fundamental issues as the social role of the media, the peculiarities of the functioning of this social institution based on the requirements of the information order in a democratic society are outlined. A special place is given to the freedom of the media and journalistic activity, ensuring information security through the optimal functioning of various social types of media, counting on their effective performance of the role of the "fourth power".

For students of higher educational institutions.

Введение в химию твердофазных материалов >Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry

This is a systematic presentation of the course in the line of solid-phase materials with special properties, which is read at the Faculty of Materials Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It considers features of the chemical bond and structure of solids, thermodynamics, kinetics, and the mechanism of solid-phase reactions leading to the formation of practically important materials and gives an overview of the main classes of modern materials and methods for obtaining them. The book reflects many years of experience in teaching this discipline at the Faculty of Materials Science and the Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

For university students of materials science, chemistry and physics; it will be useful for graduate students, teachers and specialists working in the field of materials science, chemistry and solid-state physics.

География почв >Pedogeography

The textbook examines factors and general patterns of geographical distribution of soils, principles of pedogeographical zoning. It characterizes the soil cover of Russia and neighboring countries and describes conditions of soil formation, genetic features of the most widespread soils and regional features of the soil cover structure and specificity of economic use of soils. The book outlines the world history of soil mapping, gives a brief overview of the soil cover in the world’s pedological and bioclimatic belts and regions and analyzes the land resources of Russia and the world, ways of soil cover rational use and protection.

For students of university faculties of soil, biology and soil and geography and natural sciences and the geographical faculties of teacher-training colleges, faculties of agrochemistry and soil science in agricultural universities.

Геология полезных ископаемых >Geology of minerals
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. This textbook covers a wide range of issues on the origin of various mineral deposits. The latest achievements in the field of geology, geochemistry, experimental and calculated physicochemical data related to the genesis of deposits were used. The characteristics of the main genetic divisions of minerals are given. The geotectonic position of the ore regions is shown. The fundamentals of tectonophysical conditions for the formation of structures of ore fields and deposits are considered. For the first time, information is provided on probable nuclear transformations in the Earth's core, which may be the basis of global and historical metallogeny. The presented material is a necessary basis for training students in the field of geology, geophysics, hydrogeology and ecology, and can be used by specialists involved in the search, exploration and development of deposits of metallic and non-metallic minerals.
Инженерная геодинамика >Engineering geodynamics
The textbook outlines the basic principles of engineering geodynamics - an important scientific direction of engineering geology, and also comprehensively characterizes its scientific sections: endogeodynamics, exogeodynamics and technogeodynamics - and their influence on engineering and economic objects. For the first time, the theoretical foundations of engineering geodynamics are presented in a form accessible to students, including the history of its formation and development, structure, content, conceptual and terminological base, problems, as well as a nomological base (laws, regularities of theory, hypotheses, etc.) and methodological foundations. Much attention is paid to solving practical issues related to geological and engineering-geological processes, their engineering-geological assessment and methods of engineering protection. The textbook is intended for university students studying in the field of "Geology", as well as graduate students and specialists working in the field of engineering geology, hydrogeology, geocryology, environmental geology and geoecology.
Инженерная геология >Engineering Geology

The textbook discusses the theoretical and substantive provisions of engineering geology and its scientific directions. Its structure consists of five parts. The first of them describes the theoretical foundations, content, structure and tasks of engineering geology, its position in the system of geological knowledge. The second, third and fourth parts set out the fundamental
positions, structure and content of three scientific areas of engineering geology: soil science, engineering geodynamics and regional engineering geology, respectively. In the final, fifth, part, the general provisions of the methodology of engineering-geological research, their implementation in
the system of engineering-geological surveys for construction are considered.

For students and postgraduates of classical, geological exploration and mining universities, as well as specialists related to the study of engineering and geological conditions and solving environmental problems.

Инфекционные болезни >Infectious Diseases

The textbook presents modern data on the most common and rare infectious diseases of man, the history of their study, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology and prevention. It gives the materials necessary for a modern doctor to timely recognize an infectious disease and effectively treat the patient. It gives special attention to unsolved urgent issues of infectious pathology.

For students of medical universities and medical faculties of universities, as well as graduate students, clinical residents and general practitioners.

Информационные технологии анализа данных >Information technologies of data analysis

The peculiarity of this textbook on data Analysis is that the main attention is paid to those examples that, although using the correct theoretical models and methods, contain one or more widespread errors leading to incorrect conclusions. The necessary concepts for understanding the error are described in detail, the correct solution is shown, and alternative approaches to analyzing the situation based on data mining methods are presented.

The manual reveals the use of MS Excel, STATISTICA, Genehunter, FuzzyXl software products for various data analysis tasks: hypothesis testing, dependency search, trend highlighting, forecasting, and object clustering.

The textbook is recommended for sociologists, marketers, political scientists, specialists in finance, economics, management, public administration.

История русской журналистики XIX века >History of Russian Journalism of the XIX century

The textbook consists of two parts: the first and second half of the XIX century. Various areas of journalism, the content of literary, journalistic and satirical magazines, newspapers, illegal printing are considered. The journalistic activity of A.S.Pushkin, V.G.Belinsky, A.I.Herzen, N.A.Nekrasov, M.N.Katkov, F.M. is shown.Dostoevsky, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.P. Chekhov, V.G.Korolenko, A.M. Gorky and other prominent literary figures of the XIX century.

For students of faculties and departments of journalism of higher educational institutions.

История русской журналистики начала ХХ века >History of Russian journalism of the early twentieth century

The proposed textbook systematically examines the history of Russian journalism at the beginning of the XX century. When describing the press of this period,  magazines and newspapers, typological groups of publications, the author used the research of historians of Russian journalism, periodical press materials of the early 1900s, diaries and memoirs of public figures, writers and journalists. The textbook is supplemented with a textbook, which presents the most interesting publications of the studied period.

For students of journalism faculties and departments and anyone interested in the extraordinarily dramatic history of the press of the early XX century.

История стран Западной Европы и Америки в XXI веке (2001–2021) >The history of Western Europe and America in the 21st century (2001–2021)
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. Author team: L. S. Belousov, V. A. Borodaev, A. Yu. Vatlin, V. N. Gorokhov, G. N. Kaninskaya, G. Ch Moiseev, N. N. Naumova, Yu. N. Rogulev, D. V. Rodin, E. A. Susloparova, M. O. Yakimova. The lecture course reveals the main problems and trends in the development of Western Europe and America in the first decades of the 21st century. General sections discuss issues of globalization, information society, international relations, integration, and global problems of our time. Regional studies sections reveal the features of the political and socio-economic development of the leading countries of the West and Latin America. The textbook is designed for university students studying in the field of study 46.03.01 “History” (bachelor’s degree) and 46.04.01 “History” (master’s degree), as well as graduate students, history teachers in general education organizations, as well as everyone interested in world history at the beginning of the new millennium.
Квантовая теория столкновений >Quantum theory of collisions

The book introduces the methods of stationary and non-stationary non-relativistic collision theory and serves to develop skills for their practical application in problems of modern physics. Special emphasis is placed on the methods and concepts used in the theory of collisions involving composite systems. The material is divided into lectures, at the end of each lecture exercises are given, selected so that the student, subject to consistent assimilation of the material, can do them independently.

The book will also be useful for graduate students and researchers specializing in atomic physics, nuclear and particle physics.

Климатология с основами метеорологии >Climatology with the basics of meteorology
Printed in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Standard in the areas of training “Geography”, “Hydrometeorology”, “Ecology and Environmental Management”, “Cartography and Geoinformatics” (qualification “bachelor”). The textbook contains information about the atmosphere, features of the thermal regime and moisture conditions, circulation systems, climate system, climate classifications, climate geography, mechanisms of change and climate forecast.
Коллоидные системы: коллоидная «химия» для физиков >Colloidal systems: colloidal "chemistry" for physicists
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The science of colloids and surfaces studies heterogeneous systems, the properties and behaviour of which are determined by interactions between phases and/or phenomena at interphase boundaries. Most of the objects around us are colloidal systems, from agricultural soils, food products, cosmetics and medicines to biological cells and viruses. The purpose of the textbook is to provide an interdisciplinary understanding of the basic phenomena that determine the behaviour of such systems and underlie both traditional and modern applications, as well as to help the student of colloidal surface phenomena learn to use the basic theoretical methods and relationships of this science. The manual includes sections on capillarity and wetting, interfacial hydrodynamics, surface forces, stability of colloids and thin films, and electrokinetic phenomena. For senior students and graduate students of physical, technical, chemical and biological specialties, as well as a wide range of scientists and engineers.
Конспект лекций О. Б. Лупанова по курсу «Введение в математическую логику» >Summary of O.B.Lupanov's lectures on the course "Introduction to Mathematical Logic"

The textbook is based on the lecture notes of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences O.B.Lupanov on the course "Introduction to Mathematical Logic", read by him in the first year of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1982-2006. The manual covers the following issues: functions of logic algebra, functions of multivalued logic, propositional calculus, logic and predicate calculus, logical networks, finite automata, algorithms and computable functions.

For undergraduate and graduate students.

Курс лекций по общей физике для химических факультетов университетов >A course of lectures on general physics for chemical faculties of universities

The textbook includes the main sections of the general physics course taught to students of the Chemical Faculty of Moscow University: "Mechanics", "Electricity", "Vibrations and Waves", "Optics". When presenting the material, the authors distinguish definitions of physical concepts and formulations of laws. The sections "Vibrations and Waves" and "Optics" consistently implement a unified approach to mechanical and electromagnetic oscillatory and wave processes. At the same time, special attention is paid to issues of greatest interest to future chemists, in particular molecular vibrations, optical phenomena used in modern experimental research methods (refractometry, spectroscopy, polarization techniques, etc.).

The publication is intended for students of chemical faculties of universities, and can also be useful for a wide range of students of physical and chemical specialties of universities of natural science profile.

Лекции об уравнениях с частными производными >Lectures on partial differential equations

The textbook is an expanded presentation of the course of lectures that the author has given in recent years to 3rd-year students of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow University, and contains the main classical and modern sections of the theory of partial differential equations, as well as information from functional analysis, the theory of generalized functions and function spaces. In addition, it includes material devoted to the proof of Kovalevskaya's theorem, a mixed problem for the equation of oscillations of an inhomogeneous string, the Cauchy problem for the wave equation and the theory of symmetric hyperbolic systems. The book presents the main facts related to the Laplace equation, the heat equation and the wave equation.

The textbook is intended for students studying in the fields of "Mathematics", "Applied Mathematics", "Mathematics and Computer Science", "Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics".

Лекции по дискретной математике >Lectures on Classical Dynamics

The textbook, the first edition of which was published in 1984, aims to provide the most concise introduction to the subject, including both its physical foundations and differential-geometric aspects. The publication covers a number of topics in an unconventional way: kinematics, general theorems of dynamics, derivation of the Lagrange equations, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Some of the material goes beyond the university course: elements of the theory of linear and quadratic integrals in velocities, application of variational principles, a new proof of the Darboux theorem on canonical coordinates. The textbook includes problems illustrating and supplementing the theoretical material, and provides methodological instructions for them.

The publication is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in the fields of "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling", "Applied Mathematics", "Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics", for postgraduate students of the mechanical, mathematical and physical faculties of universities, and for university teachers.

Лекции по классической динамике >Lectures on classical dynamics

The textbook, the first edition of which was published in 1984, aims to provide the most concise introduction to the subject, including both its physical foundations and differential-geometric aspects. The publication covers a number of topics in an unconventional way: kinematics, general theorems of dynamics, derivation of the Lagrange equations, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Some of the material goes beyond the university course: elements of the theory of linear and quadratic integrals in velocities, application of variational principles, a new proof of the Darboux theorem on canonical coordinates. The textbook includes problems illustrating and supplementing the theoretical material, and provides methodological instructions for them.

The publication is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in the fields of "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling", "Applied Mathematics", "Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics", for postgraduate students of the mechanical, mathematical and physical faculties of universities, and for university teachers.

Лекции по плазменной астрофизике: классические основы теории >Lectures on plasma astrophysics: classical foundations of theory

The book contains a course of lectures on the classical foundations of plasma astrophysics, a fundamental science that studies mainly electromagnetic processes and phenomena in cosmic plasma. The lectures everywhere demonstrate common features and fundamental differences in plasma properties due to electromagnetic and gravitational interactions. There is not and cannot be a simple unified model of plasma in an infinite variety of astronomical conditions. The idea of this course of lectures is atypical for most textbooks on plasma astrophysics. It consists in a consistent consideration of physical principles, starting with the most general, most accurate and simplifying assumptions that allow us to find simple ways to describe plasma in astrophysical conditions. On this path — from the general to the particular — in this textbook, the boundaries of the applicability of the next, simpler approximation from a physical point of view and from the point of view of its possible applications are specially outlined everywhere.

Линейные нестационарные системы и стабилизация движения спутника около центра масс в геомагнитном поле >Linear non-stationary systems and stabilization of satellite motion near the center of mass in the geomagnetic field

The book is devoted to the application of the theory of linear non-stationary systems to the problems of stabilization of stationary movements of a satellite near the center of mass under the action of magnetic moments of various nature. An original rigorous analytical approach to the study of linear non-stationary systems of a special class is proposed. Solutions to a number of specific stabilization tasks based on this approach are presented.

The book will be useful for graduate students and students of Moscow State University, as well as teachers and researchers dealing with issues of dynamics and management.

Литературное редактирование. Общая методика работы над текстом >Literary editing. General methodology of work on the text

The textbook on literary editing summarizes the experience of practical classes with students and lectures delivered by the author at the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The purpose of the book is to help comprehend the editorial work on the text from the standpoint of modern philological concepts and practical tasks of the editor of mass media. 

For teachers and students of journalism faculties, editors of mass media materials, practical journalists.

Медиасистема России >The Media System of Russia

The educational publication, which has been steadily produced since 2015, examines general theoretical issues of classification and indication of media systems, historical stages of development and formation of the domestic media system; characterizes the legal field in which it functions. The book examines various segments of the Russian media system: print media, television, radio, online media, social media, news agencies, the film industry, advertising and public relations. The technological, economic, organizational, structural and content aspects of each segment are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the media audience. The textbook contains a large amount of statistical material.

For teachers and students of journalism faculties, researchers, media workers.

Мелиорация почв >Soil reclamation

The textbook contains up-to-date information about the principles and methods of soil reclamation in different natural zones, the relationship of reclamation measures with the soil cover and the adequacy of reclamation methods to the natural conditions of the landscape. New methods of reclamation of the properties and regimes of saline soils, stony, swampy and boggy soils, soda soils, sulfide, gypsum, carbonate salinization, etc. are considered. The composition of the necessary measures for the environmental protection of reclaimed soils and landscapes from degradation changes is given. The issues of soil reclamation are considered. 

For students and postgraduates-soil scientists, ecologists, agrochemists, agronomists.

Менеджмент организационных изменений >Management of organizational changes

The textbook discusses the causes of organizational changes, the tasks of change management managers, methods for diagnosing organizations and identifying areas of need for changes. The main theoretical approaches and models of change management, methods of their planning and sequence of actions for their implementation, as well as a wide range of problems associated with changes are presented: the perception of changes by personnel, the reasons for resistance to changes and methods of overcoming it, the formation of change management teams, strategies for their implementation. The features of changes in the organizational structure, culture of the organization, ways of radical changes and management of changes in a crisis are considered.

For Master's degree students studying in management specialties.

Метаморфическая петрология >Metamorphic Petrology

The textbook covers the main issues of the petrology of metamorphic and metasomatic rocks and impactites and analyzes the main types and factors of metamorphic processes. Based on the physicochemical analysis of mineral parageneses, it describes the most important mineral associations that arise under metamorphism and provides the formational analysis of metamorphic rocks.

For students and postgraduates of geological and geochemical specialties.

Методы оптической и электронной микроскопии >Methods of optical and electron microscopy
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. Approved by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The textbook examines the design principles of modern optical and electron microscopes, image formation in them, operating modes, achievable resolution, analytical capabilities, and sample preparation methods. Particular attention is paid to recent promising developments that have opened up fundamentally new opportunities in the observations of polymer objects of synthetic or natural origin, as well as nanomaterials. The publication is intended for senior students of physics faculties of universities (direction of study “Physics”, specialty 03.05.02 “Fundamental and Applied Physics”) and other natural science faculties.
Многочлены действительные и комплексные. Теоремы и задачи >Real and complex polynomials. Theorems and problemsReal and complex polynomials. Theorems and problems

The book contains about a thousand tasks that can be used in the study of algebra in both regular and specialized physics and mathematics classes and in preparation for the Unified State Exam and other exams and mathematical Olympiads up to the highest level. It can serve as an addition to the well-known problem books used in secondary and higher school.

It contains collections of problems on the main topics studied at school: algebraic and trigonometric equations and systems, solving algebraic and trigonometric inequalities, proving inequalities, complex numbers. The issues that go beyond the scope of the school curriculum, but accessible to the understanding of schoolchildren, are considered. The necessary theoretical information is presented in the form of task cycles.

The book contains both easy and difficult problems that were offered at mathematical Olympiads at one time or contain non-trivial facts from theory that go beyond the scope of the program. Some tasks are left without instructions and solutions, teachers can use them for training exams and Olympiads.

The book is of interest to both schoolchildren and students, teachers and all lovers of mathematics.

Неорганическая химия. Химия элементов. В 2-х томах >Inorganic chemistry. Chemistry of elements. Vol. 1

The textbook systematically describes the course of inorganic chemistry (chemistry of elements) in accordance with the standard program of the discipline "Inorganic Chemistry" for chemical faculties of state universities on the basis of a long-period version of the Periodic system of Mendeleev. Structural data, the basics of the valence bond method, the theory of the crystal field, molecular orbitals, the modern version of the polarization theory, the Gillepsi method are widely used. The book reflects many years of experience in teaching inorganic chemistry at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of Chemical Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

For students of chemical faculties of universities, it will be useful for graduate students, teachers and anyone interested in inorganic chemistry or working in this field.

Общая геология >General geology
Printed in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The textbook reflects modern data and ideas on the Earth as a planet, its place in the solar system and in the Universe. Basic information about the internal structure of the Earth and methods for studying it, about the geophysical fields of the Earth and the processes that change its surface is presented. Methods for determining the relative and absolute age of rocks and the geochronological scale, as well as the main endogenous and exogenous processes, tectonics of lithospheric plates, technogenic impact on the geological environment and the initial concepts of nonlinear geology are considered. The use of graphs, tables and pictures makes it easier to learn the material. A list of recommended further reading is provided for each chapter. The textbook is intended for the students of geological specialties and anyone interested in geology.
Определитель лишайников болот бореальной и тундровой зон России >The determinant of lichens of bogs of boreal and tundra zones of Russia

The proposed determinant based on modern ideas about the systematics of lichens makes it possible to make up for the lack of knowledge of these organisms in swamp ecosystems. The first sections provide brief information about the biology, ecology, practical significance of lichens, and methods of study necessary for the identification of species. In the main part, various keys are given for determining lichens (genera, lichen species, taking into account their substrate confinement and in the absence of fruit bodies); diagnoses of 107 genera are given, before which keys are given for determining the species of these genera, as well as diagnoses of 345 species. After the name of the species, its synonyms are given, and after the diagnosis of the species, the types of swamps and the substrates on which these taxa occur in swamps are indicated. 

The determinant is designed for botanists, geographers, employees of specially protected natural areas, students, postgraduates, as well as nature lovers interested in lichens.

Основы гидрогеологии >Fundamentals of hydrogeology

The textbook discusses the composition and structure of the underground hydrosphere, types of groundwater and conditions of their formation, the principles of hydrogeological zoning and the main types of hydrogeological areas problems of use and protection of groundwater: fresh mineral therapeutic, industrial and thermal power, as well as methods of field hydrogeological work, widely used in various types of research and surveys.

For students studying in the direction of "Geology", it can be used when reading the course "Hydrogeology" ("General Hydrogeology") to students of the specialties "Hydrology" and "Geoecology" of geographical faculties of universities, as well as for students studying in the specialty "Prospecting and exploration of groundwater and engineering geological surveys" of technical universities.

Основы глобалистики >Fundamentals of globalism

The manual includes materials for self-preparation to the examination in the course “Introduction to Globalistics”. The book outlines the subject field of global studies, and topical issues of Globalistics as an integrative science. The manual covers the basic categories of Globalistics: global issues, global processes and systems, globalization, sustainable development.