Moscow University Press
Библиотека факультета экономики МГУ

Библиотека факультета экономики МГУ

Методические рекомендации к разработке бизнес-плана инновационного проекта >Methodical Recommendations for Developing a Business Plan for an Innovative Project

The aim of this manual to deepen and consolidate students’ knowledge gained during their lectures and seminar classes and to develop their creative and analytical skills on the subject of the ‘Economics of Innovation’ discipline. Given that the project is to be done by graduate students and to be of a general nature, its successful implementation also requires mobilization of the previous knowledge and experience, which was gained by studying other disciplines, too.

For MSU students studying at seminars and on their own in the ‘Economics of Innovation’ course.

Практическое пособие для бакалавров к семинарским и самостоятельным занятиям по курсу «Экономика инноваций» >Bachelor Students’ Practical Manual for Seminars and Independent Work Based on the Course of “Innovation Economics’

The course of ‘Innovation Economics’ allows students to create a system of knowledge in the field of innovation economics both at the macro level (general characteristics of innovation, the innovation process theory, the innovative development concept) and at the micro level (key factors for innovation, setting up and building up an innovative company, choosing an innovation strategy). The practical guide is intended for Moscow State University students to be used for seminars and studies on one’s own in accordance with the training course ‘Innovation Economics’.

Практическое пособие к семинарским занятиям по курсу «Основы предпринимательства» >Practical Manual for Seminars Based on the ‘Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship’ Course

Authors: Doctor of Economics, Professor N.P. Ivashchenko; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor F.Sh. Fedorova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor I.V.Savchenko; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor V.G. Popova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor M.S. Shakhova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor E.V. Gruzdeva; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor E.S. Tyutyunnikova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor E.B. Korniychuk; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Senior Researcher M.V. Krasnostanova; junior researcher I.I. Korostyleva; junior researcher M.V. Khomich; junior researcher A.A. Engovatova; junior researcher A.N. Kolesnikov; E.V. Buyanov; A.V. Pis’menyuk, D.A. Sosfenov, M.R. Fomchenkov. The manual covers the basic concepts of entrepreneurship, the history of its development and case studies. Different teaching materials are offered for each topic: tasks, tests, cases, control questions, etc. using the reporting of Russian and foreign companies.

Теория капитала и экономического роста

The advanced textbook contains material for an in-depth study of economic theory. Along with the works of famous professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov presents for the first time in Russian the works of the “stars” of Western economic thought, putting forward alternative interpretations of the fundamental problems of economic theory. The authors believe that the manual will broaden the horizons of students, because it sets out interpretations of value, price, capital, profit, distribution, economic growth, etc., that are different from the neoclassical interpretation of these categories. All this, according to the authors, will be an important impetus for a deeper theoretical understanding of the processes occurring in the Russian economy.

For students, graduate students, teachers of economic universities and faculties, researchers interested in current problems of economic theory and practice.

Теория общественного богатства >The theory of social wealth
The course “Theory of Social Wealth” is taught in the third semester of the undergraduate degree at the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Управление брендом >Brand management
The tutorial consists of a brief overview of theoretical material, practical tasks, examples of practical situations, divided by topic. Materials for independent work of students and homework, a list of recommended literature and applications are provided. Intended for university students of economic specialties and teachers of courses “Marketing Management” and “Product Management” as educational and methodological materials for conducting classes.
Экономика нано-технологий >Economics of nanotechnology
The manual shows the prospects for a radical transformation of the economy under the influence of technological progress and the progress of nanotechnology. The system of relations and institutions that ensure the progress of the economy based on knowledge and the priority development of high technologies, the socio-economic conditions and consequences of the progress of nano-technologies, the relationship between market institutions and mechanisms of social regulation and stimulation of the development of science, education, and high technologies are revealed. The main emphasis is on economics and the relationship between economics and technology. This unique interdisciplinary textbook will be useful to both economists and representatives of other humanities and technical sciences.