Moscow University Press
Библиотека факультета политологии МГУ

Библиотека факультета политологии МГУ

В.И. Вернадский - создатель учения о ноосфере >V.I. Vernadsky: A Creator of the Noosphere Concept

The monograph deals with V.I. Vernadsky’s teachings about the noosphere. It analyzes the process of Vernadsky’s formation of his noospheric views in the course of his academic, scientific and organizational and socio-political activities.

For specialists, university lecturers, undergraduate and postgraduate students and a wide range of readers who are interested in the problems of the noosphere and Vernadsky's heritage.

Личность политика: теория и методология психологического  портретирования >The Personality of a Politician: the Theory and Methodology of Psychological Portraying

This publication summarizes the domestic and foreign experience of building a psychological portrait of a politician's personality. It also covers the history of the phenomenon and the concept of the psychological portrait and the current state of this issue. It explores the portrait-building potential of psychological theories, methodological grounds and methods of constructing a psychological portrait. Considerable attention is paid to the problem of portraying results reliability.

For specialists in the field of political and social psychology, political science, as well as students, undergraduates and postgraduates studying political and psychological sciences.

Нигилизм или консерватизм? Русская интеллигенция в истории политики и мысли >Nihilism or Conservatism? Russian Intelligentsia in the History of Politics and Thought

The book includes a study of ‘Political Culture of the 19th and early 20th century Russian intelligentsia. An Experience of Conceptual Analysis’ and other works of different periods written by Professor A.A. Shirinyants, head of the history of socio-political studies department of the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It is devoted to the problems of history, phenomenology and ideology of the 19th and early 20th century Russian intelligentsia.

For political scientists, philosophers, anyone who is interested in the history of socio-political thought in Russia.

О политической науке. Избранные произведения >About Political Science. Selected Works

This publication contains the selected works of Fedor M. Burlatsky, a famous scholar and author, one of the founders of modern Russian political science, a professor emeritus of the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, which he wrote for more than half a century of his creative activity. The book deals with the formation of political science in the USSR and modern Russia, the current problems of political science research including the formation of political systems, institutions and processes. The author pays special attention to the phenomenon of political leadership.

For students, graduate students, teachers, researchers, all those who are interested in political science.

Политическая динамика современного мира. Теория и практика >Political Dynamics of the Modern World. Theory and Practice
The monograph by Pavel Tsygankov, an expert of the Moscow City Regional Branch of the Russian Society of Politicians and Entrepreneurs, “Political Dynamics of the Modern World: Theory and Practice,” examines the importance of political theory in explaining and understanding key problems of the world order, analyzes the features and prospects of domestic international political science as an important component and conditions for the successful development of international knowledge about global trends in the evolution of the modern world.
Политическая философия >Political Philosophy

The tutorial is dedicated to the main problems of Political Philosophy — power, authority and governance in their different implementations. The tutorial is presenting Political Philosophy of the XX — beginning of the XXI centuries.

The book is adapted to the standards of modern generation and is particularly designed for the modern three-level education in Political Science. It is addressed to Bachelor and Master degree students as well as post-graduates specializing in Political Science.

Политические представления и ценности россиян >Russians’ Political Views and Values

The monograph presents a comprehensive political and psychological analysis of political views, values both at the theoretical and methodological level, and based on the results of empirical research. The indicated phenomena are considered from different points of view: at the level of individual and mass political consciousness, in terms of generational, politico-cultural and political-ideological dimensions. The book provides a detailed picture of the systems of modern Russian citizens’ political ideas and values and reveals the socialization context of their formation. This publication is intended for specialists in the field of political science, sociology, psychology, students and post-graduate students studying political psychology and political sociology and for all those who are interested in this topic.

Психология массовой политической коммуникации >Psychology of Mass Political Communication

The manual contains materials from the course the authors have been reading for a number of years to students at the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It considers the theoretical underpinnings of the psychological analysis of political mass communication, provides examples from modern communicative political practice and presents texts for reading and assignments for students’ independent work.
For specialists in the field of political science and psychology, students and post-graduate students studying political communication as well as all those who are interested in this subject matter.

Русская социально-политическая мысль. 1850-1860-е годы >Russian Socio-Political Thought. XI‒XVII Centuries.
The anthology, compiled in accordance with the program of the course "History of Socio-Political Doctrines of Russia", read at the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University, includes works by K.S. Aksakov, A.I. Herzen, K.D. Kavelin, N.P. Ogarev, D.I. Pisarev, Yu.F. Samarin, N.G. Chernyshevsky. The publication is provided with comments. For students of the humanities faculties of universities, as well as all those interested in the history of Russian socio-political thought.
Русская социально-политическая мысль. XI–XVII вв. >Russian socio-political thought. XI - XVII centuries.
The reader, compiled in accordance with the program of the course "History of Socio-Political Doctrines of Russia", taught at the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University, includes works of Russian thinkers of the 11th-17th centuries. The publication is provided with commentary. For students of the humanities faculties of universities and everyone interested in the history of Russian socio-political thought.
Русская социально-политическая мысль. Первая половина XIX века >Russian Socio-Political Thought. First Half of the 19th Century
The anthology, compiled in accordance with the programme of the course "History of Socio-Political Doctrines of Russia", taught at the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University, includes the works of V.T. Belinsky, M.V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky, N.V. Gogol, N.M. Karamzin, I.V. Kireevsky, N.M. Muravyov, P.I. Pestel, M.P. Pogodin, M.M. Speransky, F.I. Tyutchev, S.S. Uvarov, A.S. Khomyakov, P.Ya. Chaadaev, S.P. Shevyrev. The book is provided with comments. For students of the humanities faculties of universities, all those interested in the history of Russian socio-political thought.
Современная  цивилизация. Вызовы и альтернативы >Modern civilization. Challenges and alternatives
This work examines the trends and contradictions of modern civilization, war as a phenomenon of human civilization, analyzes the content of the concepts of “war”, “culture of war”, new forms of warfare.
Современная российская политика >Modern Russian Politics
The textbook reveals the content of one of the main disciplines of the State Standard of Higher Professional Education in Political Science - MODERN RUSSIAN POLITICS. It covers the problems of the formation and development of the state system of the Russian Federation, its main political institutions, and characterizes the political process.
Этнополитология: политические функции этничности >Ethnopolitical science: Political functions of ethnicity
The authors of this textbook are the Director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Tishkov and a well-known specialist in the field of ethnopolitical science, Doctor of Sciences (History) , Professor Yu.P. Shabaev. It was based on a course of lectures given at the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The textbook outlines the main provisions and problems of modern ethnopolitical science - the science of the political functions of ethnicity and the political interaction of the state and ethnic communities. The subject and methods of science, theoretical approaches to the analysis of research directions, problems of political organization of multi-ethnic societies, ethnonationalism, conflicts and the applied significance of science are considered. For students, teachers of humanities faculties, specialists in the field of social management and political management.