Moscow University Press
Учебная литература


«Война и мир» Л. Толстого Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The manual deals with L. Tolstoy’s identity as a writer and a man and gives a detailed analysis of ‘War and Peace’ on a wide range of issues. The author sheds new light on such traditional topics as the spiritual quest of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky as he dwells heavily on their religious meaning. Students will find answers to questions about Kutuzov and Napoleon, Tolstoy's views on history, the original genre of ‘War and Peace’, etc.

The book is addressed to high school students, applicants, college students, teachers, philologists, linguists and specialists, all those interested in Russian literature.

«Мягкая сила» и публичная дипломатия. Курс лекций Soft Power and Public Diplomacy. Lecture Course

The main purpose of the textbook is to provide students with sufficient knowledge in the field of soft power and public diplomacy, the main aspects of the practical implementation of this foreign policy resource. The paper highlights theoretical issues, as well as historical and modern processes of functioning of the institutions of soft power and public diplomacy of the leading geopolitical actors of the modern world: the United States, Great Britain, Germany, China, Russia, etc. This course of lectures is the first example of educational literature in Russia devoted to the phenomenon of soft power and public diplomacy in world politics.

For students of higher educational institutions of humanities, engaged in the study of international relations and global governance.

The book may also be of interest to a wider audience interested in current issues of global political development.

«Преступление и наказание» — роман-пророчество. Crime and Punishment as a prophecy novel

The books in the "Rereading the Classics" series contain a modern analysis of the works included in school literature programs. Spiritual, moral and religious aspects in theworks of Russian writers of the XIX–XX centuries are covered in details for the first time. The series is offered as a base of modern knowledge on Russian literature, which is necessary for passing school exams and entering any university.

This manual discusses the traditional "plots" and problems of the novel: Raskolnikov's theory, the essence of the crime, what is the hero's punishment.

Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the last episode of the "Epilogue", which refers to the "resurrection" of Raskolnikov - so far it has not been discussed enough in criticism and science.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, specialists in philology, as well as a wide range of readers.

«Цветные миры». Американская литература в поисках национальной самобытности Colored Worlds. American Literature in Search of National Identity

«The Worlds of Color»: The Quest for National Identity in American Literature The problem under investigation In the research is the cultural identity quest and assertion in the course of emergence and evolution of the American literary tradition. The transformation of the European background shared by non-European racial and ethnic groups in the New World is in the focus of attention. The key moments of the process as reflected in literary texts are under consideration: the conversion of Africans and Native Americans, the nascence of the double consciousness, the debates over separatism, assimilation and integration, the controversy between the patriotic and eurocentrist viewpoints, the making of new and re-making of old concepts (the primitive, the New World utopia, the American Eden, etc.) integrating the “worlds of color” in multicultural American kaleidoscope.

The book is addressed to the university and college professors, students, scholars in American literature, culture and history.

Dozen Lessons From British History: Reader Dozen Lessons From British History: Reader

Reader “Dozen Lessons From British History” highights the most important periods in the history of Britain, stresses the role of particular monarchs, public leaders in political, economic, social, cultural and legal reforms. The reader helps to acquire background knowledge and cross-cultural cometence for better understanding of spoken and written English and further studies in law, history, political and social sciences.

Key words: William the Conqueror, Henry I, Henry II, King John, Edward I, Henry VII Tudor, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, the Stuarts, Charles I, Charles II, James II, Glorious Revolution, Robert Walpole, The Victorian Era, Disraeli, British Empire, World War I, World War II, Margaret Thatcher’s policies.

English of Global Economics English of Global Economics

The manual includes texts dealing with modern economic issues and contains an overall vocabulary and conceptual basis enabling students to easily read and understand the economic literature and to have a sufficient mastery of the professional language required for written and oral communication with their foreign colleagues.

For senior and graduate university students majoring in economics as well as for a wide range of people studying world economic problems.

English-in-Law: Textbook English-in-Law: Textbook

“English-in-Law” is a textbook presenting interesting material with a major focus on legal English. It combines incentive ideas from the field of law with the strongly task-based approach. It can be used both in class and for self-study by students of law, philosophy, sociology, political sciences, etc. Its assignments and tasks help learners of English to acquire and develop useful skills of reading, writing, speaking as well as communicative and cross-cultural competences.

Key words: law, aims of law, morality, self-interest, lawyers, positive law, international law, common law, statute law, public law, parliament, government, state.

INMOST-программная платформа и графическая среда для разработки параллельных численных моделей на сетках INMOST: A Software Platform and Graphical Environment for Development of Parallel Numerical Models on General Meshes: Textbook

This manual encompasses the experience of creating a parallel software MPI platform and a graphical environment for developing parallel numerical models on general meshes. The INMOST (Integrated Numerical Modeling and Object- Oriented Supercomputing Technologies) technology kit is a tool for supercomputer modeling characterized by the maximum commonness of supported meshes, flexible and economical nature of its distributed data structure, its cross-platform and also the graphical environment for an interactive user interface.

This manual will be useful for instrumentation and automation developers, engineers and mathematicians, whose activities are related to supercomputer modeling: to all those directly involved in creating parallel applications or using parallel numerical models.

Автоматизированные системы финансовых расследований Automated Systems of Financial Investigations: Course of Lectures

This book is an introductory course of lectures which allows learning about one of the largest projects on the creation of information systems in law enforcement authorities of Russia being implemented in the authorities of finan­cial investigations — automated financial investigation systems. The tutorial is intended for students of Lomonosov Moscow State University’s Higher School of State Audit (Department) as well as other educational establishments of law enforcement authorities and employees of the authorities of financial investiga­tions, and all the other readers interested in the problems of creation of infor­mation and analytical support systems for prevention of economic (financial) crime. 

The course of lectures is written for Bachelor students in the specialty 030900 “Legal Studies”, field of study “Economic Crime Investigation”. 

Агроэкологический мониторинг почв и земельных ресурсов Российской Федерации Agroecological Monitoring of Soils and Land Resources of Russian Federation

The paper presents the results of long-term agroecological monitoring of the state of Russia's land resources: the dynamics of changing agrochemical and physicochemical indicators, the content of organic matter and elements of plant mineral nutrition in soils; it characterizes agricultural technologies used in agriculture and plant growing; productivity of agricultural crops; contamination of soils and products with residual quantities of pesticides, oil and petrol products, heavy metals, nitrates, radionuclides; it also covers problems of erosion and melioration of agricultural lands.

Comprehensive and comprehensive information can be used by state and regional authorities, agricultural specialists, scientists, undergraduate and postgraduate students of universities, academies and agricultural higher educational institutions.

Актуарные расчеты в страховании жизни Actuarial Calculations in Life Insurance: The Manual

The manual contains a consistent and systematic account of actuarial practice proven methods of calculation of tariff rates, life insurance reserves. The methods of forming net and gross premiums, changes in the reserve during the operation of the insurance policy for the various types of long-term insurance are discussed in detail.The book is based on the part of lecture course and seminar materials that the authors have been delivering for a few years at the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University at the elective course "Actuarial methods". The uniqueness of the publication and its main advantage is that in additional theoretical material it provides solutions to many problems of actuarial mathematics.

The book is designed for the students of economic and mathematical departments of universities and individuals using actuarial calculations in their work.

Алгоритмические и компьютерные методы в трехмерной топологии: монография Algorithmic and computer methods in three dimensions topology

The monograph contains an accessible presentation of the theory of three-dimensional manifolds, which plays a huge role in modern mathematics and mathematical physics. The main emphasis is on algorithmic problems of three-dimensional computer geometry. The publication clearly describes the spectacular and unexpected applications of computers in topology and geometry. The book teaches the competent use of computers to form (and sometimes prove) geometric hypotheses and test them. The application of computer geometry methods to problems of Hamiltonian geometry and physics is shown.

For specialists in computer geometry, for mathematicians, geometricians and topologists. The book can also be used as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students involved in the creation of modern geometric type algorithms.

Александр Николаевич Островский Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of the school literature curriculum. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The book deals with the art of the great Russian writer and playwright A.N. Ostrovsky. The authors shed light on what has come to be known as Ostrovsky theater which became an innovator and reformer of Russian stage art. It contains a profound literary and historical analysis of the writer's major plays (‘It’s Family Affair – We’ll Settle it Ourselves!’, ‘The Storm’, ‘The Forest’, ‘Without a Dowry’, ‘Talents and Admirers’).

For school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, students, high school and college students, applicants, philologists and general readership.

Александр Солженицын Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of the school literature curriculum. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The manual gives a specific analysis of artistic and journalistic works by A.I. Solzhenitsyn. The novel ‘In the First Circle’ is presented in a broader context of Solzhenitsyn's short stories of 1960s – 1990s, ‘The Gulag Archipelago’ and the epic ‘The Red Wheel’. Special attention is paid to the writer’s religious and philosophical views that help to understand both his concept of the Russian national character, his historiosophy, and the principled social stand he took upon his return to Russia.

For school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, high school and college students, university entrants, philology specialists.

Александрийская школа в истории христианской мысли The Alexandrian School in the History of Christian Thought

The study guide presents a course of lectures the author read at the philosophy and history faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1997–2009. The book introduces the reader to the Alexandrian School – a historical and philosophical concept, embracing a whole range of crucial issues of the late Antique and early Christian worldview. Closely connected with the reflection of religious thought, the development of philosophical ideas can be traced throughout centuries – from the emergence of the Alexandrian School to its eclipse and qualitative regeneration into the intellectual tradition of ‘The Golden Age’ inherent in Christian patristic thought. As a cultural world center, Alexandria competed with Rome and led the way in the field of philosophical education. It gave the world Plotinus and Origen, made a decisive contribution to overcoming Gnosticism as the first temptation of Christian philosophical thought.

It was from here that Arianism and Origenism began to spread, but it was also here that the Orthodox dogmas and doctrine were formulated by SS Athanasius the Great and Cyril of Alexandria. The history of the Alexandrian School continued to cause fundamental disputes until after the end of the Middle Ages. Even today Alexandrian philosophy has not lost its relevance associated with such fields of humanitarian knowledge as hermeneutics and exegetics, semiotics, metaphysics, ontology, anthropology and the philosophy of religion.

For teachers, senior and postgraduate students of philosophy faculties.

Александрийская, Антиохийская, Каппадокийская школы в истории христианской мысли. Комплект Alexandrian, Antiochian, Cappadocian Schools in the History of Christian Thought. Set of 3 books.

These study guides present lectures delivered by the author at the philosophy and history faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1997–2009. For teachers, students and graduate students of philosophy.

More about the monographs

Аналитическая геометрия Analytical geometry

The book contains the material of lectures on analytical geometry at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Аналитическая геометрия. Элементы алгебры. Линейная алгебра Analytical geometry. Elements of algebra. Linear algebra

This publication is both a textbook and a problem book on the courses of analytical geometry, the basics of higher algebra and linear algebra, created based on the materials of lectures and seminars that the authors have read and conducted for several years for 1st-year students of the Faculty of Space Research of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The publication covers all topics necessary for future researchers with a good mathematical background. Each section is equipped with an impressive set of tasks, the solution of which will provide a good understanding of the subject.

For university and university students with advanced study of mathematics.

Англо-саксонская модель военных реформ: история и современность Anglo-Saxon Model of Military Reform. Past and Present

This book continues a series of Sergei L. Pechurov’s publications on the origins and development of the Anglo-Saxon model of society and armed forces. The author examines dominant views (both historical and current) in the Anglo-Saxon military science on military reforms. This book, for the first time in the Russian military and historical scholarship, traces the links between military reforms in the Anglo-Saxon countries (mainly, in the United States) and the revolution in military affairs. Drawing on numerous examples the author illustrates a thorny path of these military reforms and outlines the main trends for future military reforms both in the Anglo-Saxon countries and globally.

The book is addressed to the students of military and civil institutions of higher education specializing in world politics and international law, experts in international and military security, and to a wider audience of readers interested in military planning.

Андрей Платонов Andrei Platonov

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

In his book, the author draws the reader into ‘a neighborless country’ – Andrei Platonov’s unique artistic world. Most amazing heroes with an unprotected heart and anxiety for the humanity wander forever in this ‘fierce and beautiful world’. These truth-seekers, 20th-century Hamlets and Don Quixotes, are convinced that ‘a song is dearer than things, for it brings one human being closer to another’, that ‘the main thing is to sow souls in people.’ The return of the novel ‘Chevengur’ and the story ‘The Foundation Pit’ – Platonov's ‘banned’ prose of the 1920s – 1930s – allowed the researcher to uncover the writer’s dramatic path in its fullness and in the unity of personal destiny and history. ‘Without me, people are incomplete,’ said one of his main characters. Being a most active character in his own works, especially in the linguistic sphere, Platonov emerges as our contemporary and a co-author of most profound human insights into the tragic 20th century.

The book is addressed to teachers of Russian literature, high school students, university entrants, students, all admirers of Platonov’s ‘inadvertent’ and innermost Word.

Антикризисное управление: библиотека специалиста. Математическая составляющая Anti-Crisis Management: a Specialist’s Library. A Mathematical Component

This manual contains the programs of mathematical disciplines for the Crisis Management Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University's faculty of Public Administration.

A specialist in crisis management ought to master rather wide range of mathematical models which allow him to clearly formulate a problem in the emergent management situation; algorithms which in their turn allow gradually approaching the desirable result; diverse mathematical apparatus which can help in the quantitative execution of the results of management efforts. These are the motives that have defined a number of disciplines in the presented course as well as their content.

Антиохийская школа в истории христианской мысли The Antiochene School in the History of Christian Thought

This manual presents a course of lectures read by the author at the Faculty of Philosophy and History, Lomonosov Moscow State University, in 2008–2009. They reflect the path Greco-Syrian Christian thought traversed as an independent philosophical-theological tradition based on its own foundations and continuing some tendencies of ancient philosophy. The manual reflects the most important philosophical achievements of the Antiochian School – the methodological synthesis of Bl. Theodoret of Syrus and the experience of axiological constructs in St. John Chrysostom’s moral and exegetical method. It also presents the historical formation of the Antiochean approach to hermeneutics.

The theoretical course of the manual is based on the materials of fundamental domestic and foreign studies on the history of Greco-Syrian patriotic thought.

For teachers, undergraduate and postgraduate students of philosophy.

Аудит эффективности использования государственных средств Performance Audit of the Use of Public Funds

The tutorial is devoted to the comprehensive review of public funds’ handling audit as a modern type of state audit. The consistency of upraise and peculiarities of audit execution in foreign countries as well as its establishing in Russia are indicated. Theoretical bases of efficiency audit are revealed and its place in financial control is stated. Special attention is given to the problem of organization and method of efficiency audit actualization on its each stage. The experience and problems of ef­ficiency audit execution by audit institutions of the Russian Federation as well as conditions necessary for its application in the state financial control of Russia are considered.

The book is intended for students of Higher School of State Audit (Department) of Lomonosov Moscow State University, it can also be of use for post-graduates and students of economic universities, researchers and specialists in the field of state financial control and employees of audit institutions of the Russian Federation.

Аффективно-поведенческие комплексы. Наблюдение, оценка и развитие Affective-behavioral complexes. Observation, assessment and development

The fundamental model of level-based development of affective-behavioural complexes (ABC) is presented in the edition. The practical issues of the ABCs’ assessment and their correction in children with affective disorders and autistic spectrum disorders are analyzed in the book.

The model has been developed based on the data of systematic observation of 439 children’s development with behavioural disorders, emotional disturbances, autistic spectrum disorders, psychotic states. The unique authorial method of observation with therapeutic actions is described. It allows to analyse qualitatively and quantitatively recordings of children’s behaviour and emotions and their development. The book contains many photos of key affective patterns of human behavior and drawings made by children during their psychotherapeutic sessions with the author.

Басни Ивана Крылова Ivan Krylov’s Fables

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

This book is devoted to the fable writing art of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, a great son of the Russian land. The author set himself the task of narrating a general story about fable, the history of the fable genre in Russia comparing Krylov's fables with those of his predecessors in an attempt to explain the uniqueness of Krylov's fables. The author also made an attempt to clarify and revise the current views of Krylov's fables being ‘simplistic’. The Russian fabulist was indeed concerned with ‘important issues’, and his fables fully bear out Nikolai Gogol’s opinion.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, university entrants, philologists and generally for all admirers of Ivan Krylov.

Биология индивидуального развития (генетический аспект) Biology of Individual Development (Genetic Aspect)

This is the first textbook in both Russian and foreign literature to provide complete information on the achievements of modern experimental embryology based on research in molecular genetics including mechanisms underlying individual development, embryonic induction and animals cloning. The book also shows individual scientists’ contribution to ontogeny; special attention is paid to Russian researchers, their priority developments and the scientific schools they have founded.

The textbook has been written based on a course of lectures read by the author at the biology faculties of Moscow and Novosibirsk universities.

For students and postgraduates studying biology, genetics, embryology, molecular biology and researchers who study the problems of ontogeny.

Биофизика в 2-х томах Biophysics.

This book is a fundamental textbook (in two volumes) on biophysics, which presents the basics of modern biophysical science.

The first volume sets forth the theoretical foundations of biophysics. It places special emphasis on the problems of mathematical modeling of biological processes at different levels of living matter organization. It considers physical features, dynamic and electronic properties of the structural unit of living matter – the macromolecule as well as physicochemical mechanisms of energy transformation in biostructures.

The second volume (Chapters 15–30) deals with the physicochemical mechanisms of major processes that occur in organisms. It discusses in detail the issues of biological membrane structure and functioning, bioelectrogenesis, muscle contraction, reception, electron transfer and energy transformation in biomembranes. It considers the mechanisms of primary phases of photobiological processes including photosynthesis, sense of vision, photochemical reactions in biopolymers.

For students, postgraduates and multi-discipline specialists who are interested in the physicochemical foundations of life processes.

Боратынский Boratynsky

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

Boratynsky is the only one of Russian lyricists of genius to have more than a hundred books and articles written about his art of which many conspicuously misconstrue his poetry. It is especially difficult for the young reader to understand the poet’s works. This manual can help fill in the void. Without skirting the most difficult questions regarding the poet's art, the author speaks about them in an easy-to understand manner. He places much emphasis on analyzing the works that are included in school syllabi and university curricula. Despite its small volume, the book gives a holistic view of Boratynsky's poetry as it reveals for the first time the religious foundations of his worldview, philosophical lyrical poetry, as well as the national underpinnings of his art, the connection of this European educated poet with his native land. Being the first literary work on Boratynsky, it is directly addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students and university and college entrants.

It will also be interesting for specialists in philology and every lover of Russian poetry.

Введение в историю культуры Introduction to the history of culture

The textbook is focused on revealing the essence of culture through the meaningful variety of its forms. The authors considered their main goal to involve the reader in the exciting world of multiplicity of cultural meanings. Various stages of the history of culture are analyzed by modern methods of humanitarian knowledge.

The publication is intended for students of humanitarian faculties studying the history of culture as a general educational discipline, as well as for all those interested in the patterns of development of world culture.

Введение в историю Церкви. Часть 1: Обзор источников в общей истории Церкви An Introduction to the History of the Church. Part 1: A Review of Sources in the General History of the Church

Being the first part of the university course in the general history of the Church, the book is the first systematic review of sources on general church history to have been prepared in Russian science since the late 19th century.

The manual contains an overview of material and narrative sources grouped according to a wide array of data (works by ancient and medieval historians; canonical, hagiographic, liturgical and theological sources; memoirs and archival documents, mass media sources), and extensive reference material. It particularly highlights the sources produced by international Christian organizations (WCC, etc.).

The manual was prepared by the Department of Church History, the History Faculty (Lomonosov Moscow State University), and is addressed to university students of history studying in the specialty ‘History’, as well as all those interested in Church history, world history, the history of foreign art, Christian archeology, cultural studies, social psychology and religious studies.

Введение в океанологию Introduction to Oceanology

The manual covers a range of issues that oceanology has to solve to form strategic directions in the study of the World Ocean.

For students and magistrands studying in marine science, disciplines of natural sciences (geology, geophysics, biology, geography, ecology) as well as teachers, researchers and postgraduate students in relevant specialties.

Введение в палеоглобалистику Introduction Into Paleoglobalistics

The aim of paleoglobalistics, a new interdisciplinary trend, is to study the laws of the joint history of the Earth, life, humanity and to use this knowledge to explain modern global processes and solve global problems that face human civilization. The book gives a brief description of basic information about the origin of the Earth, the emergence and development of life and global systems. It provides data about the biosphere and the sociosphere, ecology and paleoecology, and about the interaction between geos, bios and noos.

The book is intended for university students (it may be used to study the courses ‘Global Natural Processes’, ‘Concepts of Modern Natural Science’, ‘Geoecology’ and other disciplines), as well as all those interested in the global development of the Earth, life and mankind.

Введение в специальность: Механика (010701. 65 «Фундаментальная математика и механика») Introduction to Specialty: Mechanics (010701.65 ‘Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics’)

Most of the texts in this book are based on assignments that were published in various manuals and materials pertaining to Mechanics and Physics Olympiads for schoolchildren and students. Part of the problems were written by the staff members of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University including S.I. Arafajlov, A.V. Zvyagin, A.S. Zelenskiy, A.G. Kalugin, N.E. Leontiev, A.A. Malashin, E.I. Mogilevskiy, V.L. Natyaganov, V.A. Proshkin, N.N. Smirnov, O.Yu. Cherkasov, M.V. Yumashev, A.G. Yakushev, and Ya.D. Yankov.

For seminars which are conducted for 1st year students at the Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, as part of the ‘Introduction to Specialty’ course and for training schoolchildren for Olympiads.

Введение в специальную теорию относительности Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity

The manual outlines the main ideas of the special theory of relativity. It is shown how their consistent use makes it possible to formulate relativistic dynamics, electromagnetic field theory and relativistic quantum mechanics. In this regard, the book will be useful when studying the relevant sections of theoretical physics.

It is intended for students and postgraduates of physical specialties of universities, as well as for anyone interested in the theory of relativity.

Введение в теорию журналистики Introduction to the theory of journalism

The textbook reveals ideas about the subject and structure of the science of journalism. The basis is the characteristic of the essence of mass information activity. Such fundamental issues as the social role of the media, the peculiarities of the functioning of this social institution based on the requirements of the information order in a democratic society are outlined. A special place is given to the freedom of the media and journalistic activity, ensuring information security through the optimal functioning of various social types of media, counting on their effective performance of the role of the "fourth power".

For students of higher educational institutions.

Введение в химию твердофазных материалов Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry

This is a systematic presentation of the course in the line of solid-phase materials with special properties, which is read at the Faculty of Materials Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It considers features of the chemical bond and structure of solids, thermodynamics, kinetics, and the mechanism of solid-phase reactions leading to the formation of practically important materials and gives an overview of the main classes of modern materials and methods for obtaining them. The book reflects many years of experience in teaching this discipline at the Faculty of Materials Science and the Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

For university students of materials science, chemistry and physics; it will be useful for graduate students, teachers and specialists working in the field of materials science, chemistry and solid-state physics.

Введение в экологию растений Introduction to Plant Ecology

The manual describes interaction between plants and their populations and their environment and the factors that have an impact on these processes. It examines ecological and botanical phenomena at different levels and covers its various aspects (ecological plant physiology, the ecology of species, populations and plant communities).

For students of botany and ecologists of various specializations, postgraduate students and university professors who read courses in plant ecology as well as all those who are interested in expanding their biological and ecological horizons.

Вероятностно-статистические методы декомпозиции волатильности хаотических процессов Probabilistic and Statistical Methods of Decomposition of the Volatility of Chaotic Processes

The book describes probabilistic mathematical models of chaotic processes and methods for their statistical analysis. The focus is put on the special class of mathematical models of stochastic chaotic processes – subordinated Wiener processes (processes of Brownian motion with random time). To explain the choice of these models the authors use an asymptotic approach based on limit theorems for compound doubly stochastic Poisson processes (compound Cox processes) which can be regarded as the best mathematical models of non- homogeneous (or non-stationary) chaotic flows on time micro-scales. This approach leads to the distributions of increments of the processes on time macro-scales havivng the form of mixtures of normal distributions and makes it possible not only to find formal probabilistic models of chaotic stochastic processes, but also to give a reasonable theoretical explanation of their adequacy based on mild assumptions concerning the inner structure of the characteristics under investigation. The book proposes a new multivariate interpretation of the volatility of these processes by representing the distributions (logarithms) of increments of financial index evolution processes or those of plasma turbulence as mixtures of normal distribution. For the statistical analysis of chaotic processes it proposes a method of moving separation of mixtures (MSM method) enabling spontaneous decomposition of process volatility into dynamic and diffusive components. Much attention is paid to the analytical and asymptotic properties of mixtures of normal distributions. Systematic consideration is given to statistical procedures for such numerical separation of mixtures as the EM algorithm and its modifications, grid separation methods. The author discusses questions of optimal implementation of these methods and considers examples of CPC method application to analyze the impact of information interventions in financial markets and the data obtained in plasma turbulence experiments.

For postgraduate students and university professors who are interested in the modern state of research in the field of probabilistic and statistical modeling of chaotic stochastic processes as well as scientists, engineers, specialists in the application of mathematical methods and applied statistics for analyzing characteristics of financial markets and plasma turbulence.

Вершины русской драмы The Heights of Russian Drama

The aim of the first book in the new series ‘Classics of the Genre’ published by the Moscow University Press is to show the national and genre uniqueness of Russian drama, its contribution to world aesthetic development. The author links the difference between domestic drama and foreign models with special ideas of an individual’s destiny, purpose and place in history.

For philologists, culturologists, philosophers, university and secondary school teachers, students, inquisitive schoolchildren and those interested in literature and the spiritual history of Russia.

Видеосъемка развития и анализ видеозаписей в детской клинической психологии Videography of development and analysis of video recordings in pediatric clinical psychology

This publication is the first, which has no analogues in Russian, educational and methodical manual for working with video materials of children with mental development disorders. The author's long-term experience of using video recordings in research, diagnosis and psychotherapy of children is summarized. The history, theory and practice of organizing video recordings of psychological observations and therapeutic classes are considered. The technique of analyzing video recordings of children's behavior and emotions in interaction with a specialist in the method of assessing the development of affective-behavioral complexes in the light of domestic traditions of pathopsychology and taking into account the achievements of ethology and psychoanalysis is revealed. The manual is illustrated with frames from the author's scientific and practical work, therapeutic classes, video materials, a detailed analysis of which is carried out within the framework of several training courses taught at the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The manual is a methodological supplement to the book "Affective-behavioral complexes: observation, assessment and development", and also provides the necessary educational and practical material for the courses "Mental development disorders in children", "Emotional and personality disorders in childhood", "Clinical and psychological studies of early development", a workshop on pediatric clinical psychology.

For students, specialists working with children, researchers of child development and parents, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in issues of mental development in norm and pathology and modern methods of its diagnosis and correction

Военная мощь Исламской Республики Иран The Military Power of the Islamic Republic of Iran

The authors examine unique features of modern military construction in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) by drawing on a wide range of Russian and foreign sources. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of IRI military might and gives an assessment of the overall defense potential and its elements: the economic, scientific and technical aspects of its defense capabilities, military potential as well as its armed forces’ moral and political potential. The article briefly describes the population of the Islamic Republic of Iran, its ethnic, religious and social structure as well as the Iranians’ national and psychological characteristics. Attention is paid to the analysis of the Iranian military doctrine, its socio-political and military-technical aspects and main elements. It considers the history and current state of the Iranian armed forces, specific features of the structure and order of the functioning of the armed forces management system as a key element without which the armed forces will be unable to carry out its mission.

The book is intended for Orientalists, political scientists, students studying questions of modern international relations in general and Near and Middle Eastern problems in particular as well as a wide range of readers who are interested in the issues of the internal, foreign and military policies of oriental countries and, primarily, the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Волшебный мир немецкого языка
Вступительные экзамены и олимпиады по химии: опыт Московского университета Entrance Examinations and Olympiads in Chemistry: Experience of Moscow University.

The book presents all the examination problems and Chemistry Olympiad problems off ered at the MSU entrance examinations for the fi ve years. For each problem the detailed solution or answer is given. The book is intended for pretenders, entering the University in chemical, biological, and medical specialty, as well as for high school students and teachers of chemistry.

Вычислительно сложные задачи теории чисел Complex Hard Computational Problems in Number Theory

The textbook examines in detail the four problems that have attracted researchers’ attention in the past few decades: prime factorization of large composite numbers, computation of discrete logarithms in the multiplicative residue group by a prime modulus, the solution of large sparse systems of linear equations over finite fields, the computation of the rank of elliptic curves defined over field of rational numbers. The fastest algorithms for solving the first two problems are based on what is known to be a numerical field sieve algorithm that reduces them to the solution of large sparse systems of linear equations over finite fields. These systems are so large that conventional solution algorithms are not applicable to them. Special block iterative algorithms are used instead. This area of the applied number theory is now being actively developed around the world due to its application in cryptography. Because of the absence of lower complexity estimates for solving these number-theoretic problems, the only way to verify the reliability of the cryptographic algorithms used is by running a practical test involving most advanced algorithms and most powerful computers.

Генезис просадочности лессовых пород Genesis of Loessial Rock Subsidence

The monograph describes subsidence as a specific property of loessial rocks, its genetic types, hypotheses that have been advanced in this field, some experimental evidence that was obtained both in the course of laboratory modeling and in the study of processes in virgin rock. It considers logical and graphic models of subsidence formation of loess rocks of different genesis and formulates the main provisions of particular and general theories of loess subsidence formation.

For geologists, geologic engineers, geographers, soil scientists as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students of geology and engineering geology.

География почв Pedogeography

The textbook examines factors and general patterns of geographical distribution of soils, principles of pedogeographical zoning. It characterizes the soil cover of Russia and neighboring countries and describes conditions of soil formation, genetic features of the most widespread soils and regional features of the soil cover structure and specificity of economic use of soils. The book outlines the world history of soil mapping, gives a brief overview of the soil cover in the world’s pedological and bioclimatic belts and regions and analyzes the land resources of Russia and the world, ways of soil cover rational use and protection.

For students of university faculties of soil, biology and soil and geography and natural sciences and the geographical faculties of teacher-training colleges, faculties of agrochemistry and soil science in agricultural universities.

География почв России Geography of Russian Soils

The textbook ‘Geography of Russian Soils’ is a revised edition of the 1987 book ‘Geography of USSR Soils’ in line with new material and ideas. It contains a regional description of Russia’s soil cover based on the geography of soil-forming processes and provides brief information about the physicogeographical features of its major regions. The first part of the book describes the main theories of soil geography and gives an overview of small-scale soil maps. The second part deals with the genesis and evolution of soils typical of specific regions and discusses anthropogenic changes in soils and some aspects of soil classification. Thus, the textbook reflects modern ideas about the composition of Russia’s soil cover, causes of its formation and factors that determine its differentiation.

For undergraduate and postgraduate students of geography, pedology, specialists in environmental protection, forestry and agriculture.

Геология и геохимия нефти и газа Geology and Geochemistry of Oil and Gas

This textbook (its first edition was in 2000, the second one – in 2004) covers all major questions of oil and gas geology and geochemistry – hydrocarbon origin, migration and accumulation, the composition of gas, oil and its derivatives and their distribution conditions in the earth's crust. Hydrocarbon formation is considered as a pervasive process and a natural outcome of the development of the earth's crust. Particular attention is paid to the role of fluid dynamic processes in the formation of oil- and gas-bearing structures in sedimentary basins. Typification of sedimentary basins is based on modern geodynamics using the latest ideas about the structure of the earth's crust and the nonlinear processes of tectogenesis and lithogenesis. The book highlights the role oil and gas play in the economy, fuel and energy balance of the world and the country.

For university students studying in the specialty ‘Geology and geochemistry of fossil fuels.’

Глобальные исследования и эволюционный подход Global Research and Evolutionary Approach

The monograph deals with the problems of globalization of science, new directions in the development of global studies and globalistics stimulated by using the evolutionary approach. Evolutionary globalistics focuses on studying the development and co-evolution of global processes and systems and their systemic-synergetic phenomenon – global development.

The concept of evolutionary globalistics is disclosed in the context of universal (global) evolutionism and the prospect of transitioning to new, safer forms of civilization development and its interaction with the nature of the Earth and the Cosmos. The book forecasts a possible unfolding of future global processes – a transition to sustainable development and the making of the sphere of the mind (the noosphere). Particular attention is paid to the methods and approaches used in globalistics, as well as the spatial and temporal expansion of global research. It investigates the evolution of globalistics itself including the development of such study areas as political and legal globalistics and informational globalistics. It also subdivides globalistics into temporal sections – paleoglobalistics, neoglobalistics, futuroglobalistics and nooglobalistics and the spatial one – cosmoglobalistics.

For specialists, teachers, postgraduate students and a wide range of readers who are interested in the problems of evolutionary globalistics.

Город в пореформенной России: социокультурные и правовые аспекты
Государственное управление имеет значение Public Administration Matters

Professor V.A. Nikonov’s open lecture that he read to students at the Public Administration Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, on September 3, 2012.

The lecture examines the role of public administration in the history of the rise and fall of great states. Numerous examples show the importance of management models, managerial innovations that led one or another nation to the climax of its historical development ensuring unprecedented economic growth, political advantage and the superpower status. A comparative approach to the understanding of history allows us to identify the opportunities and results of using managerial technologies in a sociocultural and historical context, to show that the great states of the past that aspired to be a superpower were created not only by using military force, army, economic influence but also by unifying culturally and ideologically their peoples with the help of common religion, language and value imperatives. For instance, the importance the Arab rulers attached to education, science and its practical application ensured vitality and global influence for their world. However, the closed traditional Arab society lost its historic leadership when it failed to meet the challenge of modernization. This challenge was taken up by Europe that created a new scientistic technogenic civilization, a new global order.

The West posits desacralized ‘Weltanschauung’, market economy and democratic politics as the cornerstone of a unipolar world project and a response to the challenges of globalism. In its struggle for world leadership the West’s opponent and rival is modern China, whose civilizational characteristics and governance models have ensured her a superpower status. The civilizational approach allows us to consider the history of mankind as an integral process of interaction between civilizations and as a struggle for historical leadership. In this philosophical and methodological paradigm, history fully becomes a teacher for professional managers.

Государственный аудит State Audit

The manual covers the program of ‘State and Municipal Audit’ course for students of School of State Audit (Lomonosov Moscow State University) and describes the basic elements of the fi nancial control, the state fi nancial control and the state audit in Russia. The basic features of the accepted mode of public audit, especially their implementation in the activity of Accounting Chamber of Russia are revealed. The experience of international organizations of the supreme bodies of audit and problems of the state audit standardization in Russia are described.

For students, teachers, scientists and experts, and for all who is interested in the problem.

Гуманитарная миссия современной глобализирующейся коммуникативистики Humanitarian Mission of Modern Globalizing Communication Science

The book introduces new theoretical concepts and trends of foreign communication science. It is based on the analysis of the fundamental research by prominent representatives of this globalizing science, which studies the humanitarian aspects of media development.

For teachers and students of journalism faculties, specialists in various fields of information activities and for a wide range of readers who are interested in the role of communication factors in the socio-cultural life of the modern world.

Дифференциальные уравнения Differential equations

A detailed summary of the compulsory course of ordinary differential equations, which has been read by the author for many years for students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, is presented. The textbook introduces readers to the geometric interpretation of the first-order equation, with the first integrals, special points and limit cycles of autonomous systems, with the theory of linear equations and systems, including constant and periodic coefficients, with the questions of the existence, uniqueness and continuability of solutions, their continuity and differentiability by parameter, Lyapunov stability, as well as with questions of the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the Cauchy problem for a partial differential equation of the first order.

Precise definitions are given, statements are carefully formulated and proved, the most important methods of solving problems are strictly justified. All the necessary theoretical information, related concepts and facts from related branches of mathematics are given. The tasks for independent solution are proposed, allowing to penetrate deeper into the read material. For students and postgraduates studying the classical theory of ordinary differential equations.

Древнерусская литература Old Russian Literature: To Aid Teachers, High School Students And University Entrants

This book contains a broad analysis of Old Russian literary monuments dedicated to Russian literature of the 11th — early 18th centuries. The collection is based on the work of the department of ancient Slavic literature in the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences and teachers of Moscow State University.

The book is meant for school teachers, high school students, university entrants, college students, as well as to all lovers of ancient literature.

Е. Замятин, А.Н. Толстой, А. Платонов, В. Набоков E. Zamyatin, A.N. Tolstoy, A. Platonov, V. Nabokov

In this book, well-known scientists analyze works that were recently included in the school curriculum. Readers will find it useful reading the analysis of the novel ‘We’ by E. Zamyatin, prose by A.N. Tolstoy, the works of A. Platonov, ‘The Luzhin Defense’ and ‘The Circle’ by V. Nabokov.

Задания для олимпиад по экологии Tasks for Olympiads on Ecology

The manual is meant for teachers and secondary school pupils, college and university undergraduate students studying Ecology. The materials of the manual can be used to assess the students’ knowledge as well as to facilitate their preparation for contests in Ecology.

The manual provides tasks on the five sections of Ecology: General ecology (Bioecology), Social ecology and Human ecology, Natural resources and their use (Environmental management), Environmental pollution (Applied ecology), and Environmental protection. The tasks are formulated as tests of different levels of complexity and various kinds (free-answer and alternative questions).

When writing the manual its authors applied their experience of teaching Ecology and developing the base of the tasks for different levels of the All-Russian contest on Ecology and ‘Lomonosov’ contest on Ecology at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Замятин и его роман «Мы» Zamyatin and his Novel ‘We’

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. This book describes the personality and fate of Zamyatin — one of the most interesting writers of the 20th century. It covers his creative behavior, his disrespect towards any authority. The book focuses on his ‘We’ novel and does not skip its political aspects banned in the Soviet period. The author focuses on the analysis of the psychological, philosophical, historiosophical and artistic discoveries of Zamyatin.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, university entrants, philologists.

Западноевропейская классика: от Шекспира до Гете Western European Classics: From Shakespeare to Goethe

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The textbook covers a number of major names and works of foreign literature from the school curriculum. With all the vastness of the period, the five offered essays represent a change in the main genres and styles from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment. The book traces the evolution of literature, starting with genres that mark the collapse of the humanist utopia, the tragedies of Shakespeare and the novel of Cervantes. It continues with the satirical comedy of Moliere and the enlightenment novel by Defoe and Swift. Finally, it discusses Goethe's work and his great book Faust, which assesses the renewed character of culture through one of the key images of modern times.

For school, lyceums and gymnasium teachers, high school and college students, university entrants, philology specialists and a wide range of readers.

И.С. Тургенев: логика творчества и менталитет героя Turgenev: The Logic of His Works and the Mentality of the Character

This lecture course was created on the basis of a special course, which for several years was read by the doctor of philology, honored professor, laureate of the Goncharov Literary Prize B.A. Nedzvetsky for students and Russian philology interns of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University. The course consists of two sections: 'Logic of creativity' and ‘Mentality of the Character'.

The first section describes common literature and personal factors that helped Turgenev — the poet, playwright, essayist and author of original novels — become one of the classics of the Russian and world novel.

The second section contains a thorough analysis of the mental values that distinguish the central Turgenev characters. Those values highlight Turgenev’s characters against the characters of other Russian writers of the 19th century and the dramatic nature of their fates.

For undergraduates, post-graduate students and teachers of philological faculties, as well as all admirers of Turgenev.

Идентичность и культура в современных международных отношениях Identity and Culture in Contemporary International Relations

This textbook examines identity and culture as pivotal factors in contemporary international relations. It explores theoretical foundations of culture and identity studies and particularities of leading world powers’ cultures and identities. Special attention is paid to cross-cultural interactions and differences. This textbook summarizes author’s experience in teaching cultural aspects of international relations in Lomonosov Moscow State University for more than a decade.

This book is addressed to both undergraduate and graduate students and lecturers of political science and international relations, as well as to a wider audience of readers interested in contemporary world politics.

Избранные университетские лекции Selected University Lectures

The book is specially prepared for students and teachers of Moscow State University. It contains selected university lectures by Bogolyubov, complete with several of his famous reports, most of which were read or published at Moscow State University.

The materials are arranged in three parts:

  • I. Mathematical problems of nonlinear and statistical mechanics;
  • II. General problems of the theory of condensed matter;
  • III. New methods of the quantum theory of many bodies and quantum field theory.

The lectures and reports are meant for a wide audience of students, post-graduate students, researchers and teachers of Math, Mechanics and Physics. In the References sections, the readers will find the main events and activities of Bogolyubov as well as a list of his scientific works that were included in the most complete Collection of his scientific works released in 2005–2009 by the Science publishing house (series ‘Classics of Science’, 12 volumes).

For students, graduate students, researchers and teachers specializing in theoretical and mathematical physics, as well as the history of mechanics and physics.

Инвариантные выводы в статистике Invariant Conclusions in Statistics

The book is based on a course of lectures delivered by the author (professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Modeling of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas) at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, at universities and research centers in Warsaw, Berlin, Liege, Brussels, and the US. The book deals with statistical problems that are invariant under a suitable group of transformations of observed and estimated quantities, for example, the choice of the coordinate system in which these quantities are measured. For such problems, the choice of the optimal solution in the class of invariant statistical solutions is simplified. For frequently used invariant statistical models, such solutions are explicitly defined. The book gives many examples as well as some commentary on the problem of reconstructing a multidimensional function from observations.

For students and postgraduate students of universities and institutes, as well as for reference and for individuals who study or use applied mathematics in their studies.

Инженерная геология Engineering Geology

The textbook discusses the theoretical and substantive provisions of engineering geology and its scientific directions. Its structure consists of five parts. The first of them describes the theoretical foundations, content, structure and tasks of engineering geology, its position in the system of geological knowledge. The second, third and fourth parts set out the fundamental
positions, structure and content of three scientific areas of engineering geology: soil science, engineering geodynamics and regional engineering geology, respectively. In the final, fifth, part, the general provisions of the methodology of engineering-geological research, their implementation in
the system of engineering-geological surveys for construction are considered.

For students and postgraduates of classical, geological exploration and mining universities, as well as specialists related to the study of engineering and geological conditions and solving environmental problems.

Инженерно-геологические расчеты и моделирование Engineering-geological Calculations and Modeling

The textbook considers methods of mathematical modeling used to solve engineering and geological problems and based on the use of a mathematical model of the rock massif stress-strain state. It describes the fundamentals of the similarity theory and the field of application and possibilities of experimental modeling of methods of equivalent materials, polarization-optical methods and analog modeling used in the engineering-geological study of natural processes. The book also gives the technique of engineering-geological calculations for structure foundations, stability of slopes, processing of the banks of reservoirs, deformations of rock massifs around underground cavities, deformation of the surface during the development of minerals and pumping groundwater or oil, etc.

For students and post-graduate students of universities and other higher education institutions studying in engineering geology and hydrogeology, as well as specialists engaged in engineering and geological surveys and feasibility studies for the design and construction of engineering structures.

Инженерно-геологические структуры Земли Engineering-geological Structure of the Earth

The monograph introduces the concept of ‘engineering-geological structure’, the classification of the logical and actual sets of engineering-geological structures of the globe, and their paragenetic series. It describes the regularities of the spatial distribution of engineering-geological super-, mega-, macro- and mesostructures of the Earth and its continents. For engineering geologists, hydrogeologists, permafrost scientists, geologists.

The book will be useful for students, graduate students and doctoral students of geological specialties in universities.

Инновационная экономика: теория и практика Innovative economics: theory and practice

The infusion of the textbook was installed by the vorosham ferry of Russia on this new technological intelligence. In NEM, in the case of considering a whole set of theoretical concepts within the framework of various types of Scales and resources and practical implementation, the day of innovative development is unwound. The introduction of innovations is considered as a process of "constructive dissemination", a residential innovation center, secured joint development of this environment necessary for an innovative economy. Special attention is paid to the national innovation system of Russia, the formation of innovative ecosystems and infrastructure elements, bringing and forms of implementation of useful innovation policy, tenders for practical technological development of countries. Soviet theory and practice are presented to you during the interaction, which is related to the requirements of the Federal level of education. Such a sub-year allows us to design coordinated problems of innovative development on the basis of the ray world and the resulting variant.

The publication is intended for students, postgraduates and doctoral students who are the most important acquisitions in management and socio-economic experience, as well as for those who do not practice innovation and humane management.

Keywords: innovation economy, targeted innovation system, innovation infrastructure, innovation ecosystem, human capital, scientific and technological development, universal innovation policy

Институт социального партнерства как фактор развития малого бизнеса в России Institute of Social Partnership as a Factor of Small Business Development in Russia

The monograph explores the development of Russian small business and the institutionalization of social partnership in this area. It reveals the peculiarities of studying small business as an object of economic and sociological analysis and the role of the institution of social partnership in the development of small business. The book also analyzes the dynamics, factors and prospects of small business development in Russia and the features of the social partnership institutionalization process in small business.

For students, graduate students, undergraduates, scientists and practitioners interested in the development of social partnership and small business in Russia.

Инструменты параллельного программирования в системах с общей памятью Parallel Programming Tools in Shared Memory Systems

The textbook describes methods and tools for developing, debugging and profiling parallel programs oriented to work in systems with shared memory. It considers various software packages, such as Intel Thread Checker, Intel Thread Profiler, and Intel Threading Building Blocks. The book gives introductory information on Intel Parallel Studio package and Intel MKL library. It demonstrates the whole cycle of development, including the creation of sequential implementation as a basis for comparison, preparation of the parallel version, its debugging, profiling and optimization. The study is conducted on model problems that do not require presence of specific subject areas knowledge. It requires reader's acquaintance with the basics of programming (the base language — C. C ++), some problems require information from higher mathematics (the Dirichlet problem).

The textbook was developed in the Laboratory of Information Technologies (ITLab) of the Faculty of the Higher School of Management of the UNN using materials prepared under the Priority National Project ‘Education’ with the support of Intel Corporation and the Grant Council of the President of the Russian Federation (Grant No. NSH-64729.2010.9).

For teachers and researchers, as well as postgraduate students and students of higher educational institutions.

Инфекционные болезни Infectious Diseases

The textbook presents modern data on the most common and rare infectious diseases of man, the history of their study, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology and prevention. It gives the materials necessary for a modern doctor to timely recognize an infectious disease and effectively treat the patient. It gives special attention to unsolved urgent issues of infectious pathology.

For students of medical universities and medical faculties of universities, as well as graduate students, clinical residents and general practitioners.

Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в лингводидактике: дистанционное обучение Information and Communication Technologies in Linguodidactics: Distance Learning

Current trends in Russian education and the policy of modernization require the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the process of foreign language teaching (FLT). This book is an attempt to select and organize the necessary minimum of special knowledge which could serve as a guide to using ICT in the everyday professional work of foreign language teachers. The role and place of distance learning (DL) in today’s education system, its foundations, didactic principles, strategies and methods are discussed. A concrete experience of teaching English online is considered. Suggested tasks include the practical application of described approaches. 

For students and post-graduates of universities and departments of pedagogy, teachers of foreign languages and all interested in using distance education and ICT in FLT.

Информационные технологии анализа данных Information technologies of data analysis

The peculiarity of this textbook on data Analysis is that the main attention is paid to those examples that, although using the correct theoretical models and methods, contain one or more widespread errors leading to incorrect conclusions. The necessary concepts for understanding the error are described in detail, the correct solution is shown, and alternative approaches to analyzing the situation based on data mining methods are presented.

The manual reveals the use of MS Excel, STATISTICA, Genehunter, FuzzyXl software products for various data analysis tasks: hypothesis testing, dependency search, trend highlighting, forecasting, and object clustering.

The textbook is recommended for sociologists, marketers, political scientists, specialists in finance, economics, management, public administration.

История и философия науки. Книга 2. История и философия науки об управлении History and Philosophy of Science. Book 2. History and Philosophy of Management Science

The book is based on the lectures on ‘History and Philosophy of Science’, read annually by professors of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University to graduate and postgraduate students who study at the faculty. It is the first book in Russian literature that displays in an expanded form the history of management sciences development and all the basic ideas and concepts of public administration philosophy in the 20th century; it also analyzes the main milestones in the development of the philosophical foundations of the central paradigms of modern sociology, economic science, politics and law.

The book will be useful to all graduate and post-graduate students of the humanitarian and socio-economic profile in their preparation for postgraduate exams on History and Philosophy of Science, as well as all those interested in the current state of fundamental research in the field of conceptual and philosophical foundations of social and human sciences.

История и философия науки. Книга 4. История и философия экономической науки. История и философия права. История и философия исторической науки History and Philosophy of Science. Book 4. History and Philosophy of Economic Science. History and Philosophy of Law. History and Philosophy of Historical Science

The book is based on the lectures on ‘History and Philosophy of Science’, read annually by professors of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University to graduate and postgraduate students who study at the faculty. It is the first book in Russian literature that displays in an expanded form the history of management sciences development and all the basic ideas and concepts of public administration philosophy in the 20th century; it also analyzes the main milestones in the development of the philosophical foundations of the central paradigms of modern sociology, economic science, politics, law and historical science.

The book will be useful to all graduate and post-graduate students of the humanitarian and socio-economic profile in their preparation for postgraduate exams on History and Philosophy of Science, as well as all those interested in the current state of fundamental research in the field of conceptual and philosophical foundations of social and human sciences.

История международных отношений: движущие силы, глобальные тенденции History of International Relations: Driving Forces, Global Processes

The textbook examines the history of international relations as a process of shaping the world state system, reveals the driving forces of events and phenomena, global trends that have had a significant impact on the foreign policy of the leading powers. This approach, in the author's view, allows students to get a holistic view of history, to see a close connection between its main stages, to understand the origins of the foreign policy of states, the nature of wars, conflicts, revolutions, motives for rulers who confronted countries that have cooperated with other states.

The textbook meets the requirements of the latest edition of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and the curricula of the History of International Relations course, which set the task of teaching future specialists to think independently.

История России History of Russia

The textbook examines the main events of Russian history from the ancient times to the present day. The authors sought to show the problems of the history of Russia in their development, combining the presentation of factual material with theoretical analysis.

For students of natural faculties of universities, non-humanitarian universities, university applicants, for all who are interested in the history of this country.

История России с древнейших времен до конца ХVIII века
История русского романа XIX века: неклассические формы History of the Russian 19th Century Novel. Nonclassical Forms

How many and exactly what forms of the Russian novel did Russian writers of the 19th century create besides the vertex form represented by the largest works of A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Gogol, I. Goncharov, I. Turgenev, F. Dostoyevsky and L. Tolstoy? What is the Russian novel of the Leszhevsky (‘Walterscott’, Sandovian) type? What and why does the Russian family novel differ from its counterparts in Western European literature? What are the typical varieties of the Russian novel brought to life by the actual humanitarian ‘ideas of the time’? How do the novel of the Russian positivist and the novel about the Russian ‘nihilist’ relate to each other? What is the Russian novel epic on the communal and peasantry values? And how is it necessary to qualify the nonclassical forms of the Russian novel of the nineteenth century in comparison with the classical form?

This and related questions are answered by the book of the honored professor of Moscow State University, laureate of the Goncharov Literary Prize.

For BA students, undergraduates and graduate students, as well as for teachers of higher and secondary schools and all admirers of Russian literature.

История русской журналистики XIX века History of Russian Journalism of the XIX century

The textbook consists of two parts: the first and second half of the XIX century. Various areas of journalism, the content of literary, journalistic and satirical magazines, newspapers, illegal printing are considered. The journalistic activity of A.S.Pushkin, V.G.Belinsky, A.I.Herzen, N.A.Nekrasov, M.N.Katkov, F.M. is shown.Dostoevsky, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.P. Chekhov, V.G.Korolenko, A.M. Gorky and other prominent literary figures of the XIX century.

For students of faculties and departments of journalism of higher educational institutions.

История русской журналистики начала ХХ века History of Russian journalism of the early twentieth century

The proposed textbook systematically examines the history of Russian journalism at the beginning of the XX century. When describing the press of this period,  magazines and newspapers, typological groups of publications, the author used the research of historians of Russian journalism, periodical press materials of the early 1900s, diaries and memoirs of public figures, writers and journalists. The textbook is supplemented with a textbook, which presents the most interesting publications of the studied period.

For students of journalism faculties and departments and anyone interested in the extraordinarily dramatic history of the press of the early XX century.

История русской литературы (вторая половина XIX в.) The History of Russian Literature (Second Half of the 19th Century)

This book takes a new point of view on Russian 19th century literature. It does not contain detailed biographical information nor a review of individual writer’s entire oeuvre. The author sacrificed this for the sake of creating an integral picture of Russian literature in the development of its basic ideas and meanings. The unity of literature is formed by linking writers — their consent and controversy, which is given special attention in the manual, allowing to show literature as a forum. The work analyzes best works such as ‘War and Peace’, ‘The Brothers Karamazov’, ‘A Dreary Story ‘, etc.

For students of humanitarian universities and faculties where Russian literature is studied, and everyone interested in the work of Russian writers and poets.

История русской литературы ХХ века (20-50-е годы). Литературный процесс The History of Russian Literature of the 20th century. 1920s through 1950s. Literary process

The textbook reflects the literary process of 1920s to 1950s, the evolution of artistic methods, the specificity of the development of genres.

For students and post-graduate students of philological faculties of universities, philology specialists and everyone interested in Russian literature.

История русской литературы ХХ века (20-90-е годы). Основные имена The History of Russian Literature of the 20th century (1920s to 1990s). The Main Names

This textbook intends to reflect a modern scientific view on the main artistic values and trends in the development of Russian literature of the 20th century.

For students of philological faculties of Russian universities, as well as for graduate students and teachers — all those who are engaged in Russian literature.

История стран Европы и Америки в новейшее время. 1918-1945 The Contemporary History of the Countries of Europe and America. 1918–1945

This lecture course examines the most important problems of the first period of contemporary history of the largest countries of Europe and America. The main attention in the history of these countries during the period between the First and Second World Wars is paid to an analysis of those sharp discussions that are currently taking place in Russian journalism and historiography concerning the historical process in this complex and contradictory period of the twentieth century.

For students, graduate students and all interested in the problems of contemporary history.

К тайне «Горя». А. С. Грибоедов и его бессмертная комедия. On the Secret of ‘Woe’. A.S. Griboyedov and His Ageless Comedy

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. In this manual, a modern critic re-reads the Griboyedov comedy. Since Russian classical literature in the spiritual basis is traditionally Christ-centered, the image of Christ is invisibly present in the work and there is that unshakable, absolute reference point which should be considered when analyzing the images of characters, their characters and deeds. Referring to the text of the comedy and the biography of Griboyedov, the author proves that the new reading of the comedy corresponds to the true deep design of the author in his timeless work ‘Woe from Wit’.

Каждому по его вере. О романе Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита» To Each According to Their Faith. On Bulgakov's ‘The Master and Margarita’

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The title of this book (‘To Each According to Their Faith’) expresses the very essence of the proposed reading of The Master and Margarita. The author draws the reader into a leisurely journey through that ‘labyrinth of cohesions’, which, by definition of L. Tolstoy, is every true artistic work, especially such a complex one as this Bulgakov novel. The artistic and philosophical concept of M. Bulgakov's main book is viewed in comparison with other major phenomena of Russian literature of the 20th century — in particular, with the ‘Blue Book’ of M. Zoshchenko, in which the motley ‘klopovnik’ of the Soviet NEP and post-NEP life, as in Bulgakov’s novel, is depicted against the background of world history.

The book is addressed to teachers of Russian literature, high school students, university entrants, students, as well as all admirers of Bulgakov.

Каппадокийская школа в истории христианской мысли Cappadocian School in the History of Christian thought

This textbook includes a course of lectures delivered by the author at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Moscow State University in 2008–2009. It contains a review and interpretation of the basic philosophical ideas of outstanding theologians of the 4th century from Cappadocia — the saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and Gregory of Nyssa. The joint literary activity of these Ancient Church teachers gives reason to speak of the Cappadocian school as a special phenomenon in the history of patristics ‘golden age’. Having received education in Athens, the great Cappadocians linked the achievements of Christian theological thought with the tradition of ancient philosophizing as seeking answers to the most profound questions a human can ask.

The manual highlights the social and literary activities of the Cappadocian school, carried out in the paradigm of an acute ideological confrontation with the Arianism, which in the middle of the 4th century received official support of the Roman Empire. Representatives of the Cappadocian school became the ideological inspirers of the Novocenean movement and laid the foundations of the ‘Cappadocian synthesis’, selectively applying in their theological constructs the methods of Platonic idealistic dialectics.

For teachers, students and graduate students of philosophical faculties.

Карл Маркс и современная пресса Karl Marx and the Modern Press

The book by the doctor of historical sciences S.M. Gurevich examines of the works and skill of Karl Marx. It reveals the characteristics of his journalistic activities, reveals important aspects of his creative method. The author explores the possibility of using the experience of Marx as the publicist in modern journalism.

For students and teachers of journalism faculties, publicists and all who are interested in journalistic theory and practice.

Карнозин Carnosine

The monograph is devoted to carnosine dipeptide, discovered at the beginning of the 20th century by V. Gulevich. It considers the chemical properties, distribution in tissues and metabolism of carnosine. Moreover, it describes studies of its biological role as a specific hydrophilic antioxidant in excitable tissues. The protective role of carnosine in the work of neurons and muscle cells under unfavorable conditions has been analyzed in detail. Particular attention is paid to the metabolism of carnosine in neurodegenerative diseases. The work gives grounds for the possibility of using carnosine and its derivatives for diseases of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems.

The book is addressed to scientific workers: biologists and physicians, as well as for students and specialists undergoing advanced training in the field of natural science.

Качество жизни российских граждан и его влияние на их политические и экономические предпочтения (по результатам социологического исследования) Quality of Life of Russian Citizens and Its Impact on Their Political and Economic Preferences (Based on the Results of a Sociological Survey)

The brochure gives a comparative analysis of the pre-election programs of presidential candidates of 2012 elections. It identifies their distinctive features that determine qualitative differences in the political, economic and social ways of development of Russian society and the state for each of the candidates in case of their victory correspondingly. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of objective and perceived quality of life among voters for different candidates based on the results of a sociological survey. Their findings include significant differences in these parameters, which have predetermined the voting patterns. Moreover, the authors identified the social characteristics of such citizens and made conclusions about the state and future development of the social base for supporting the development of Russia, based on presidential candidates’ programmes.

For teachers, students, sociology researchers, and political scientists, as well as for practicing politicians and public administration employees.

Квантовая теория столкновений Quantum theory of collisions

The book introduces the methods of stationary and non-stationary non-relativistic collision theory and serves to develop skills for their practical application in problems of modern physics. Special emphasis is placed on the methods and concepts used in the theory of collisions involving composite systems. The material is divided into lectures, at the end of each lecture exercises are given, selected so that the student, subject to consistent assimilation of the material, can do them independently.

The book will also be useful for graduate students and researchers specializing in atomic physics, nuclear and particle physics.

Квантовая теория. Т.10. Введение в теорию квантовых полей Quantum Theory. Vol.10. Introduction to the Theory of Quantum Fields

Collection of scientific papers in 12 volumes.

For students, graduate students and researchers.

Кинетически-согласованные схемы в газовой динамике Kinetically Consistent Schemes in Gas Dynamics

The monograph presents a new approach to the construction of computational algorithms in gas dynamics. The algorithms are based on discrete models for one-particle distribution function. The book describes possibilities of interpreting the resulting system of finite difference equations as a model for the description of viscous gas flow and their application for modeling modern problems of gas dynamics on high performance multiprocessor computer systems.

For specialists in mathematical modeling, gas dynamics and applied mathematics, postgraduate students, students studying and using methods of mathematical modeling, computational experimenting.

Книга 3. История и философия социологии. История и философия политики History and philosophy of science. Book 3. History and Philosophy of Sociology. History and Philosophy of Politics

The book is based on the lectures on ‘History and Philosophy of Science’, read annually by professors of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University to graduate and postgraduate students who study at the faculty. It is the first book in Russian literature that displays in an expanded form the history of management sciences development and all the basic ideas and concepts of public administration philosophy in the 20th century; it also analyzes the main milestones in the development of the philosophical foundations of the central paradigms of modern sociology, economic science, politics and law.

The book will be useful to all graduate and post-graduate students of the humanitarian and socio-economic profile in their preparation for postgraduate exams on History and Philosophy of Science, as well as all those interested in the current state of fundamental research in the field of conceptual and philosophical foundations of social and human sciences.

Книга о грамматике. Русский язык как иностранный A Book About Grammar. Russian As a Foreign Language

The book outlines the most important questions of Russian grammar included in the curricula of the basic and advanced stages of teaching foreign students. The work summarizes long-term practical experience of the Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL) departments and provides a description of the grammatical structure of the Russian language in the functional and communicative aspects. For Russian and foreign teachers of RFL, students of philological faculties studying in the department of Russian as a foreign language, or receiving specialization in RFL.

The book will be useful to foreign students as it contains necessary explanations on the basic issues of practical grammar.

Коммуникационная концепция связей с общественностью: модели, технологии, синергетический эффект Communication Concept of Public Relations: Technology Models, Synergistic Effect

The monograph is devoted to the analysis of public relations as a communication system regulating social activity. Communication processes in public relations are considered from the point of view of synergetics. The author analyzes the interrelation of mass and corporate communications in public relations. This work also covers the potential of public relations communication technologies in relation to the information society, as well as the place and role of the public relations system in the modern media system.

The book is intended for students, post-graduate students and teachers of advertising and public relations departments, professional communicators, as well as for those who are interested in the mechanisms of influence of public relations.

Конец крепостничества в России The End of Serfdom in Russia

The publication is devoted to a turning point in the history of Russia – the socio-political crisis between the 1850s and 1860s, the most important event of which was the abolition of serfdom (1861). The book includes official notes, drafts, and reports, intelligence data on the public sentiments, extracts from legislative acts, publicist materials and proclamations. This book contains diaries and memoirs of people of different social and political views, including major state figures (P. Valuyev, N. Milyutin, S. Lanskiy, V. Cherkassky), writers and scientists (L.N. Tolstoy, A. Engelhardt, A. Koshelev, P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky). Finally, it presents the most important rescripts and public speeches of Alexander II.

Конспект лекций О. Б. Лупанова по курсу «Введение в математическую логику» Summary of O.B.Lupanov's lectures on the course "Introduction to Mathematical Logic"

The textbook is based on the lecture notes of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences O.B.Lupanov on the course "Introduction to Mathematical Logic", read by him in the first year of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1982-2006. The manual covers the following issues: functions of logic algebra, functions of multivalued logic, propositional calculus, logic and predicate calculus, logical networks, finite automata, algorithms and computable functions.

For undergraduate and graduate students.

Константин Батюшков Konstantin Batyushkov

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. Konstantin Batiushkov is a poet without whom one cannot fully understand Pushkin. The modern school Literature curriculum on considers him a philosopher poet who combines the features of sentimentalism and romanticism. The author reveals the beneficial influence of Russian sentimentalism, whose role had been belittled for many years. He shows the development process of Batiushkov's romantic historical elegy. The book reveals the religious foundations of his philosophical poetry for the first time. It gives an uncensored description of his attitude to the French revolution and its ideologists, paying particular attention to analysis of the poet's works studied in school.

This is the first literary book about Batyushkov addressed to school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, students and university entrants. It may also be interesting for philologists and everyone who loves Russian poetry.

Конституционное (государственное) право России Constitutional (State) Law of Russia

This lecture course gives the characteristics of the basic concepts and institutions of constitutional (state) law, which is the basic branch of the Russian legal system, as well as their scientific interpretation and application practice.

The course is based on lectures delivered at the Institute of Public Administration and Social Studies of Moscow State University to students studying ‘State and municipal management’.

For students of non-law universities in Russia, students of extracurricular courses and institutes of advanced training and retraining of management staff.

Консультативная психология Counseling psychology

The textbook of outstanding Russian psychologists Professor M. A. Gulina and academician Yu. P. Zinchenko contains information on key issues of methodology, theory and modern practice of psychological counseling.

The publication is intended for students studying in the enlarged groups of specialties and areas of training "Psychological sciences", "Education and Pedagogical Sciences", "Social sphere", as well as for teachers of psychology faculties of higher educational institutions and consulting practitioners.

Краткий курс палеонтологии беспозвоночных A Short Course of Paleontology Invertebrates

The tutorial contains main trends in invertebrate paleontology: systematic, evolution, taxonomy, nomenclature, mode of life and conditions of existence, taphonomy, stratigraphic and rockforming significance. The systematic part gives characteristics of the most important geology groups. The definition of taxa is accompanied by comparison charts and keys. Descriptions are illustrated by pictures and 34 paleontological tables. There is also a dictionary of terms and generic names. The tutorial is intended for students of geological departments of universities and natural-science institutes. It can be used in educational process in paleontological and geological schools as well as by everyone interested in paleontology.

Крепости и плацдармы Георгия Владимова George Vladimov's Fortresses and Footholds

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. This book is the first monographic study of the famous modern prose writer and publicist's works. The fact that Georgi Vladimov is a ‘living classic’ is not contested by anybody. But what book sparkled this belief? Some will say it was the ‘The General and His Army’ — the best Russian novel that received the Booker Prize in 1995. Others will remember ‘Three Minutes of Silence’ — the last book before the author was forced into silence and exile. Some will say that it was ‘Faithful Ruslan’, because it made the author leave the ranks of Soviet writers, and in the end the USSR as well. Many, however, felt his first novel, ‘The Great Ore,’ already conveyed the mastership of the writer.

For school, lyceums and gymnasium teachers, high school and college students, university entrants, philology specialists.

Криминальные и финансовые угрозы реализации социально-экономических реформ и проектов в России Criminal and Financial Threats to the Implementation of Socio-economic Reforms and Projects in Russia (economic and legal review)

Criminal and Financial Threats to the Implementation of Socio-Economic Reforms and Projects in Russia

Курс лекций по общей физике для химических факультетов университетов A course of lectures on general physics for chemical faculties of universities

The textbook includes the main sections of the general physics course taught to students of the Chemical Faculty of Moscow University: "Mechanics", "Electricity", "Vibrations and Waves", "Optics". When presenting the material, the authors distinguish definitions of physical concepts and formulations of laws. The sections "Vibrations and Waves" and "Optics" consistently implement a unified approach to mechanical and electromagnetic oscillatory and wave processes. At the same time, special attention is paid to issues of greatest interest to future chemists, in particular molecular vibrations, optical phenomena used in modern experimental research methods (refractometry, spectroscopy, polarization techniques, etc.).

The publication is intended for students of chemical faculties of universities, and can also be useful for a wide range of students of physical and chemical specialties of universities of natural science profile.

Курс семинаров по математическому анализу (самоучитель). Книга 1 Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial). Book 1

The first book of the new four-book textbook (more than 3,400 problems with solutions in total) includes about 1,000 tasks and is devoted to working out the main directions of research on the topics: "Identities, inequalities and their application in mathematical analysis", "Real numbers and their purpose", "Numerical sequences", "Limit and limitation of functions of a real installation".

The book uses basic theoretical information, the main emphasis is on the systematization of techniques and methods for solving problems. Presentation of methods accompanied by analysis of examples and tasks of different types for independent solution.

For undergraduate students of universities studying in mathematical and engineering-technological specialties, and young teachers.

Курс семинаров по математическому анализу (самоучитель). Книга 2 Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 2

The second book of the new manual-problem of four books (more than 3,400 problems with solutions in total) includes more than 800 problems and is devoted to developing the skills of the main types of research on the topic "Functions of one real variable: differential calculus, indefinite integral."

The book provides the necessary theoretical information, the main focus is on systematization of techniques and methods for solving problems. The presentation of the methods is accompanied analysis of examples and tasks for independent solution.

For junior university students studying in mathematics and engineering and technology, and young teachers.

Курс семинаров по математическому анализу (самоучитель). Книга 3 Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 3

The third book of the new manual-problem of four books (more than 3400 tasks with solutions) includes more than 800 tasks and is dedicated to working out skills of the main types of research on the topic "Functions of one real variable: research and plotting, a certain integral and its applications.

The book provides the necessary theoretical information, the main emphasis is on the systematization of techniques and methods for solving problems. The presentation of methods is accompanied by an analysis of examples and tasks of various types for independent decision.

For junior university students studying in mathematics and engineering and technology, and young teachers.

Курс семинаров по математическому анализу (самоучитель). Книга 4 Course of seminars on mathematical analysis (tutorial) Book 4

The fourth and final book of the new four-book problem book (more than 3,400 problems with solutions in total) includes more than 700 problems and is devoted to developing the skills of the main types of research on the topic "Differential calculus of functions of several real variables".

The book provides the necessary theoretical information, the main emphasis is on the systematization of techniques and methods for solving problems. The presentation of methods is accompanied by an analysis of examples and tasks for independent solution.

For junior university students studying in mathematics and engineering and technology, and young teachers.

Лекции по дифференциальным уравнениям
Лекции по истории и методологии почвоведения Lectures on the History and Methodology of Soil Science

The textbook contains lectures on the entire development of soil science from the time of ancient agricultural civilizations to the present day. It examines the history of knowledge about soils and methods of studying them, adding details of the general history of science and society. It shows the connection of pedology with related natural and human sciences, with the history of studying and developing land resources. The book pays particular attention to the methodology of soil science as a natural history science and to the roles of outstanding scientists. It analyzes the formation and development of soil science in different countries, international cooperation of pedologists and the role of scientific societies in the history of soil science. The concluding chapters cover the present period of soil science development, its tasks in overcoming the anthropogenic degradation of the soil mantle of the Earth, which is an indispensable component of the biosphere and the most important natural resource for the further development of human civilization.

For college and graduate students specializing in soil science, agronomy, agrochemistry, ecology and other related sciences.

Лекции по истории русской поэзии XX века (1940–2000) Lectures on the History of Russian Poetry of the 20th Century (1940s through 2000s)

The cycle of lectures by Professor Vladislav Alekseyevich Zaytsev is based on many years of experience in reading special courses on Russian poetry, as well as the general course on the history of Russian literature of the second half of the 20th century. The author reveals the diverse artistic values, essential features and peculiarities of Russian poetry of this period, shows the complex interaction of its main branches, their rapprochement and reunion at the end of the century.

For students and postgraduates of philological faculties, as well as for all who are interested in the history of Russian literature.

Лекции по плазменной астрофизике: классические основы теории Lectures on plasma astrophysics: classical foundations of theory

The book contains a course of lectures on the classical foundations of plasma astrophysics, a fundamental science that studies mainly electromagnetic processes and phenomena in cosmic plasma. The lectures everywhere demonstrate common features and fundamental differences in plasma properties due to electromagnetic and gravitational interactions. There is not and cannot be a simple unified model of plasma in an infinite variety of astronomical conditions. The idea of this course of lectures is atypical for most textbooks on plasma astrophysics. It consists in a consistent consideration of physical principles, starting with the most general, most accurate and simplifying assumptions that allow us to find simple ways to describe plasma in astrophysical conditions. On this path — from the general to the particular — in this textbook, the boundaries of the applicability of the next, simpler approximation from a physical point of view and from the point of view of its possible applications are specially outlined everywhere.

Лекции по теории аргументации Lectures on the Theory of Argumentation

Argumentation. It permeates all spheres of human communication. We come across it everywhere, beginning from highly scientific discussions to kitchen arguments. It has been a subject of philosophical and scientific understanding for two and a half millennia. This textbook examines the main issues of the argumentation theory.

The book is addressed primarily to students, as a textbook on the course ‘Argumentation Theory and Practice’, but it will also be useful for anyone interested in problems of verbal communication, logic and rhetorics.

Лекции по теории числовых и функциональных рядов Lectures on the Theory of Numerical and Functional Series

The manual contains a systematic statement of four important sections of the general course of the mathematical analysis: the theory of numerical series, the theory of functional sequences and series, the theory of series of Fourier and the main data on Fourier’s integral. The statement is most approached to a lecture course.

The book is intended for bachelors which profoundly study mathematics.

Keywords: a series, sequence, convergence, uniform convergence, operations with convergent series, summation of divergent series, double and repeated series, infi nite products, power series, Fourier’s series on orthonormalized systems, Fourier’s trigonometrical series, Fourier’s integral

Леонид Андреев. Проза и драматургия Leonid Andreyev. Prose and Drama

The manual is devoted to the work of L. Andreyev, the ‘master of thoughts’ of the Russian pre-revolution intelligentsia, the artist whose almost every new work became ‘an information excuse’ for heated literary and critical debates.

For school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, high school students, university entrants, philology specialists.

Линейные нестационарные системы и стабилизация движения спутника около центра масс в геомагнитном поле Linear non-stationary systems and stabilization of satellite motion near the center of mass in the geomagnetic field

The book is devoted to the application of the theory of linear non-stationary systems to the problems of stabilization of stationary movements of a satellite near the center of mass under the action of magnetic moments of various nature. An original rigorous analytical approach to the study of linear non-stationary systems of a special class is proposed. Solutions to a number of specific stabilization tasks based on this approach are presented.

The book will be useful for graduate students and students of Moscow State University, as well as teachers and researchers dealing with issues of dynamics and management.

Лирика Афанасия Фета The Lyrics of Afanasy Fet

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. This textbook considers the features of A. Fet's lyrics, which stand at the junction of the Pushkin era traditions and the contemporaries' future aspirations to symbolism. The author gives a large amount of material from the history of romance, elegies, and anthological poetry. The main aim of the author is to show Fet's innovative essence, his individual contribution to the development of Russian and world lyric poetry.

For high school students, university entrants, college students, teachers, philologists, and for all lovers of poetry.

Лирика Пушкина как духовная биография Pushkin's Poetry as a Spiritual Biography

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. The author of this book set himself the task of investigating Pushkin's poetry as a single phenomenon. For the first time, he introduced the definition of Pushkin's creative work, first of all his poetry, as the ‘spiritual biography’ of the poet, not only showing the facts, but also reflecting the real process of life. The space of this process is time, the main collision is the relationship between Pushkin as a human and Pushking as an art genius. The central subject is the problem of higher human values, ‘ageless truths.’

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, university entrants, philology specialists and a wide range of enlightened readers.

Литературное редактирование. Общая методика работы над текстом Literary editing. General methodology of work on the text

The textbook on literary editing summarizes the experience of practical classes with students and lectures delivered by the author at the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The purpose of the book is to help comprehend the editorial work on the text from the standpoint of modern philological concepts and practical tasks of the editor of mass media. 

For teachers and students of journalism faculties, editors of mass media materials, practical journalists.

Личность и поступок.
Личность политика: теория и методология психологического  портретирования The Personality of a Politician: the Theory and Methodology of Psychological Portraying

This publication summarizes the domestic and foreign experience of building a psychological portrait of a politician's personality. It also covers the history of the phenomenon and the concept of the psychological portrait and the current state of this issue. It explores the portrait-building potential of psychological theories, methodological grounds and methods of constructing a psychological portrait. Considerable attention is paid to the problem of portraying results reliability.

For specialists in the field of political and social psychology, political science, as well as students, undergraduates and postgraduates studying political and psychological sciences.

Ломоносов и журналистика Lomonosov and Journalism

The monograph deals with M. Lomonosov's activity in the field of journalism. Lomonosov was the author of the first journalist code of rights and duties; he was an employee and editor of the only Russian newspaper in those years, ‘St. Petersburg Vedomosti.’ His ode, in essence, represented detailed art and journalistic speeches on the most important issues of Russia's domestic and foreign policy. Lomonosov made sure that the Moscow University, created under his project, was given the privilege of maintaining its own printing facility, where the first issue of the newspaper Moskovskye Vedomosti was published in 1756. He also contributed a lot for the development of Russian scientific periodicals.

The book is addressed to students of journalism faculties and everyone interested in the history of Russian culture.

Максим Горький Maksim Gorky

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The author of this book sees his task in viewing Gorky's 1920s-1930s works in the context of Russian literature of the period and commparing it with the artistic discoveries of his great contemporaries, primarily V. Nabokov and B. Pasternak. A separate chapter is devoted to the writer's artistic world, the originality of his realism, the concept of personality, the hero and the anti-hero. The main attention is paid to the analysis of works that are part of the program for those entering the humanitarian faculties of universities.

The book is addressed primarily to high school students and university entrants. However, high school, gymnasium, lyceum teachers and philologists who study the history of the Russian 20th century literature will find it an interesting read.

Мальбранш и картезианство Malebranche and Cartesianism

The monograph analyzes the views of one of the greatest metaphysicians of Western European philosophy of the 17th century. It investigates the main components of Malebranche's philosophical system, e.g. the theory of occasional reasons, the epistemological doctrine of ‘seeing all things in God’, physics, anthropology, ethics, and the concept of religion. The author examines Malebranche's ideas in view of the general history of the Cartesian school. He also gives a brief characteristic of later philosophers' views on Malebranch's ideas.

For college students, postgraduates, and those interested in the history of philosophy.

Маркетинг в сфере услуг Marketing in the Service Sector

The textbook examines the features of marketing tools that are characteristic for enterprises and companies in the service sector. It examines the economic essence, classification and typology of services, the features of the formation and trends in the services market, reveals the content of the main forming factors of the service market, the features of marketing services, and its differences from marketing goods.

Математика в ЕГЭ и олимпиадах: применение тождеств и неравенств Mathematics in the Unified State Exam and Olympiads: the Application of Identities and Inequalities

The manual is devoted to the basic for the formation of mathematical thinking theme — the same equations and inequalities. The book formulates and proves the most important algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic, hyperbolic, etc. numerical and functional identity equations and inequalities used in solving a wide range of mathematical problems, showing relationships between them. The manual contains 300 tasks of different types with solutions from the introductory assignments and samples of the Unified State Exam in which various identities and inequalities are used to perform transformations and construct necessary assessments. The book may become study support for Math lessons in high school and expand the outlook of the students. It may also be useful for homework assignments.

Recommended for high school students of physical, mathematical and regular schools to prepare for the higher level USE on Mathematics, olympiads and Lomonosov Moscow State University entrance exams.

Математика для поступающих в МГУ Mathematics for MSU applicants

The present fundamental tutorial is aimed at getting the applicants ready for the entrance examination in mathematics required for entering a number of MSU faculties. The book can also be of use to high school pupils and mathematics teachers.

Математический анализ. Дифференцирование функции одной переменной: теория и задачи Mathematical Analysis. Differentiation of One-Variable Function: Theory And Problems

The publication is devoted to theoretical and practical aspects of the subject of ‘Differentiation of One-Variable Function’, which is studied in the first and partially second terms in the first-year-course of mathematical analysis. It is based on the authors’ experience of reading lectures and conducting practical classes at the faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetics, Moscow State University.

The manual contains three chapters, the first of which is devoted to general theoretical aspects. This chapter contains basic concepts and facts related to the differentiation of functions, as well as some examples of the use of derivatives for solving various problems. The second chapter outlines the general scheme for investigating the function and constructing its graph, and gives recommendations on how to solve problems on finding the maximum (minimum) value of a function on a given set. It also shows some examples of the study of functions and the construction of their graphs, as well as an example of solving an applied problem for finding the maximum value of a function. The third chapter contains tasks (with solutions) for all the sections under consideration. Some of them are analyzed in the manual text while the others are designed to be solved on one’s own. For the second group of tasks, the answers and solutions are given at the end of the book in the corresponding section. The purpose of this manual is to help the student to learn the theoretical part and acquire practical skills in solving problems on the subject of ‘Differentiating a one-variable function’.

For university students. The publication can be useful for teachers who give lectures and conduct practical classes in mathematical analysis and all those who wish to study these subjects on their own or learn more about them.

Медиа Польши на рубеже XX-XXI веков Polish Media at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century

he key features of journalism development in the Republic of Poland since 1989 till the present day are analyzed in the monograph. Associated with sociopolitical changes, a wide review of printed and audiovisual media in the last twenty-five years is given for the first time; the influence of scientific-and-technological progress and digital technologies on the information complex of the country at the turn of XX—XXI centuries is shown. Special attention is paid to the role of the world media corporate groups and their impact on the media transformation and development of a new media model in the Republic of Poland.

The monograph can be useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students, teachers of journalism faculties and departments and to anyone who is interested in the development of modern journalism.

Медиа-музыка на телевидении Media Music on Television

The book deals with the fundamentals of incidental music in modern television, setting forth basic concepts and practical recommendations. Much attention is paid to the design of a television audio score and the relationship between media music and speech and sounds. The manual defines specialized genres of incidental music, examines options for sound drama in popular modern TV and radio ‘products’– news, TV shows, TV series, commercials, feature films and programs.

Медиасистема России The Media System of Russia

The educational publication, which has been steadily produced since 2015, examines general theoretical issues of classification and indication of media systems, historical stages of development and formation of the domestic media system; characterizes the legal field in which it functions. The book examines various segments of the Russian media system: print media, television, radio, online media, social media, news agencies, the film industry, advertising and public relations. The technological, economic, organizational, structural and content aspects of each segment are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the media audience. The textbook contains a large amount of statistical material.

For teachers and students of journalism faculties, researchers, media workers.

Мелиорация почв Soil reclamation

The textbook contains up-to-date information about the principles and methods of soil reclamation in different natural zones, the relationship of reclamation measures with the soil cover and the adequacy of reclamation methods to the natural conditions of the landscape. New methods of reclamation of the properties and regimes of saline soils, stony, swampy and boggy soils, soda soils, sulfide, gypsum, carbonate salinization, etc. are considered. The composition of the necessary measures for the environmental protection of reclaimed soils and landscapes from degradation changes is given. The issues of soil reclamation are considered. 

For students and postgraduates-soil scientists, ecologists, agrochemists, agronomists.

Мембранная биоэнергетика Membrane Bioenergetics

The book contains basic information about the mechanisms of energy conversion in living organisms. It considers systems of substrate, photo- and oxidative phosphorylation, which supply all energy that is necessary for organisms to function. The authors describe ways of generating membrane energy forms as well as their use for ATP synthesis, accumulation of chemicals in cells and organelles, bacteria mobility and heat formation for thermoregulation, etc. In conclusion, they examine practical applications of bioenergetics for cancelling the organism’s aging program.

For university students and postgraduates of biology, specialists in bioenergetics, biochemistry, biophysics, pharmacology, physiology and microbiology.

Менеджмент организационных изменений Management of organizational changes

The textbook discusses the causes of organizational changes, the tasks of change management managers, methods for diagnosing organizations and identifying areas of need for changes. The main theoretical approaches and models of change management, methods of their planning and sequence of actions for their implementation, as well as a wide range of problems associated with changes are presented: the perception of changes by personnel, the reasons for resistance to changes and methods of overcoming it, the formation of change management teams, strategies for their implementation. The features of changes in the organizational structure, culture of the organization, ways of radical changes and management of changes in a crisis are considered.

For Master's degree students studying in management specialties.

Метаморфическая петрология Metamorphic Petrology

The textbook covers the main issues of the petrology of metamorphic and metasomatic rocks and impactites and analyzes the main types and factors of metamorphic processes. Based on the physicochemical analysis of mineral parageneses, it describes the most important mineral associations that arise under metamorphism and provides the formational analysis of metamorphic rocks.

For students and postgraduates of geological and geochemical specialties.

Метеорология и климатология Meteorology and Climatology

The tutorial book is based on 5th (2001) edition of "Meteorology and climatology" by Prof. S.P. Chromov and Prof. M.A. Petrossiants, which has been rewritten and contributed by Prof. Petrossiants. A selection of the papers presented before was extemally reviewed and, along with additional articles, represent the contemporary understanding of atmosphere circulation processes, resent problems of anthropogenic effect on global climat and various aspects of climate change in the future and the past, atmospheric radiation, temperature and precipitation regime etc.

For students, graduate students and scientists specializing in the field of meteorology and climatology.

Методические рекомендации к разработке бизнес-плана инновационного проекта Methodical Recommendations for Developing a Business Plan for an Innovative Project

The aim of this manual to deepen and consolidate students’ knowledge gained during their lectures and seminar classes and to develop their creative and analytical skills on the subject of the ‘Economics of Innovation’ discipline. Given that the project is to be done by graduate students and to be of a general nature, its successful implementation also requires mobilization of the previous knowledge and experience, which was gained by studying other disciplines, too.

For MSU students studying at seminars and on their own in the ‘Economics of Innovation’ course.

Методология педагогики Methodology of Pedagogy

The manual is intended for college and university teachers receiving professional continuing education.

Методы Монте-Карло для параллельных вычислений Monte Carlo Methods for Parallel Computing

The book outlines methods for solving problems using statistical modeling. The algorithms under consideration are intended for use in parallel computing on computer systems of various architectures. The authors consistently describe methods for obtaining independent streams of pseudo-random numbers and random vectors with a given distribution law, methods for approximate calculation of high-dimensional integrals and numerical solution of some classes of differential equations in ordinary and partial derivatives and simulation modeling methods.

The book is designed for those students who are introduced to elements of computational mathematics and parallel programming as well as researchers who apply numerical modeling to solve applied problems.

Механика и электромагнетизм Mechanics and Electromagnetism

The manual is based on a course of lectures on mechanics and electricity, which are read to first-year students of Chemistry at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Мир Заболоцкого Zabolotsky’s World

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The manual deals with N.A. Zabolotsky’s intense moral and spiritual quest, the unique nature of his aesthetic concept, his formulation and solution of universal human questions of life and death, truth and beauty, good and evil. Much attention is paid to the process of the poet’s formation of his philosophical world outlook, his encounter with science and K.E. Tsiolkovsky’s ideas. Noting the innovative nature of Zabolotsky's poetry, the author traces its connection with the tradition of 18th and 19th century Russian philosophical lyrics and recreates the mental attitude of the artist whose influence is strongly felt in the 20th century.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, senior pupils, entrants and philologists.

Многомерная статистика: гауссовские линейные модели Multidimensional Statistics: Gaussian Linear Models

The book outlines the statistics of Gaussian, i.e., normally distributed, random variables which is the most developed to date. The core of the book is the general theory of multidimensional linear models, represented geometrically. It examines as one single whole their specific forms (dispersion analysis, regression analysis) which used to be studied separately. The mathematical apparatus is based on the modules over rings of square matrices endowed with matrix-valued scalar multiplication. For multidimensional data, this structure replaces vector algebra. The correlation theory is expounded based on linear models and the new concept of matrix correlation, The reader is expected to have a good knowledge of mathematical analysis, linear algebra and the basics of probability theory and mathematical statistics.

The book may be useful to anyone who is interested in mathematical statistics, especially, to students and graduate students of mathematical and economic faculties.

The book can form the basis of a one-term lecture course.

Многочлены действительные и комплексные. Теоремы и задачи Real and complex polynomials. Theorems and problemsReal and complex polynomials. Theorems and problems

The book contains about a thousand tasks that can be used in the study of algebra in both regular and specialized physics and mathematics classes and in preparation for the Unified State Exam and other exams and mathematical Olympiads up to the highest level. It can serve as an addition to the well-known problem books used in secondary and higher school.

It contains collections of problems on the main topics studied at school: algebraic and trigonometric equations and systems, solving algebraic and trigonometric inequalities, proving inequalities, complex numbers. The issues that go beyond the scope of the school curriculum, but accessible to the understanding of schoolchildren, are considered. The necessary theoretical information is presented in the form of task cycles.

The book contains both easy and difficult problems that were offered at mathematical Olympiads at one time or contain non-trivial facts from theory that go beyond the scope of the program. Some tasks are left without instructions and solutions, teachers can use them for training exams and Olympiads.

The book is of interest to both schoolchildren and students, teachers and all lovers of mathematics.

Модернизация государственного управления: институты и интересы Modernization of Public Administration: Institutions and Interests

The book presents a mechanism for modernizing public administration, which includes priority goals of national economic and social development in its political agenda. It shows the role of such mechanisms as the political market, lobbyism and accountability. Much attention is paid to the institutional design of reforms. The author presents factors that determine both the success and failure of institutional construction in public administration.

The book will be of interest to specialists in the field of public administration, students of management, economics and political science and all those who are interested in the problems of political development.

Молекулярная биология. Структура и функции белков Molecular Biology. Structure and Functions

The book (the first and second editions were published by the Higher School Publishing House in 1996 and 2002, respectively) completes the line of textbooks on ‘Molecular Biology’ (‘Molecular Biology: The Structure of the Ribosome and the Protein Biosynthesis’- 1986, ‘Molecular Biology. Structure and Biosynthesis of Nucleic Acids’ - 1989). It examines major elements of protein structure and functioning, all levels of structure organization of these biopolymers and discusses the specifics of functioning of the most important protein types – transport and fibrillar enzymes. The book briefly considers the properties of amino acids and peptides, post-translational modification reactions.

Молекулярная микробиология. Учебник для вузов Molecular Microbiology. Textbook for colleges and universities

The textbook summarizes major modern techniques and methods of working with carriers of microorganisms’ genetic information – DNA and RNA molecules that are isolated from experimental samples in biochemical, molecular biological, genetic engineering and environmental studies in microbiology.

This is the first textbook to present generalized materials on molecular methods of working with mixed cultures of microorganisms and techniques for analyzing microbial communities.

It is intended for students studying in biological specialties, postgraduate students, teachers and researchers who are interested in molecular biology and genetic engineering methods and their application in the study of physiology and ecology of microorganisms.

Мораль в политике. Хрестоматия
Морфология русского языка. В помощь редактору Morphology of the Russian language. Editors' Helper

The manual is the description of morphological structure of modern Russian language from the standpoint of common conceptual basis. Objective is to improve the benefits and systematization of knowledge of students in accordance with the program of course MSU «Modern Russian. Morphology». Theoretical course accom­pany exercises, using materials of literature, the media and complete the final test papers.

The manual is intended for students, postgraduate students, teachers of Rus­sian, as well as the editors of media texts.

Московские клиники. Избранные главы Moscow Clinics. Selected Chapters

Based on lecture and seminar materials, the manual presents the historical period of the 19th – 20th century development of Russian medicine illustrating it with the examples of Moscow hospitals. It speaks in detail about the history of six major Moscow clinics, which were named in honor of great Russian physicians, graduates of the medical faculty of Moscow University. At the end of each chapter it gives some background information about the scientists (N.V. Sklifosovsky, N.I. Pirogov, A.A. Ostroumov, S.P. Botkin, G.A. Zakharyin, E.M. Tareev).

For students, interns, graduate students, doctors and all those who are interested in the history of the national health care system.

Н.В. Гоголь. Жизнь и творчество Gogol: Life and Art

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary to high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The book contains the analysis of Gogol’s main works – the comedy ‘The Inspector General’ and the poem ‘Dead Souls’. It considers in detail the fate of the second volume and reveals features of Gogol's poetics, covering those aspects of the writer's biography and creativity that were rarely addressed by pre-revolutionary and Soviet literary critique: his book ‘Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends’, ‘A Trip to Jerusalem, “Trips to Optina Pustyn”. The author recreates the spiritual and moral appearance of Gogol as a writer and a person.

The book is addressed to high school students, applicants, students, teachers of literature, philologists and all those who are interested in Russian literature.

На войне остаться человеком: Фронтовые страницы русской прозы 1960‒1990-х годов Remaining a Human Being in Wartime: War Front Pages of 1960s – 1990s Russian Prose

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary to high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The manual analyzes the works by the greatest masters of 1960s-1990s Russian military prose who became an organic part of the current school curricula — K. Simonov, Yu. Bondarev, V. Astafyev, K. Vorobiev, G. Baklanov, V. Bogomolov. The reader will undoubtedly find it useful to get acquainted with the analysis of the short stories and novelettes by V. Nekrasov, A. Platonov, M. Sholokhov, with the process of approximating through the artistic word toward the full truth about man at war, about his courage, sorrow of loss and nobleness. Russian military prose will appear here as a very dynamic system of texts with complex interrelations, volatile narrative structures and vivid creative individualities. The book shows the interaction between war prose and the overall literary process of the 60s – 90s.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists and a wide range of readers.

Негосударственный финансовый контроль Non-State Financial Supervision

The monograph deals with the theoretical aspects of non-state financial supervision. The author attempts to elaborate the theoretical conclusions she made earlier and to introduce them into the practical plane of the current Russian legislation.

For students and teachers of law schools and experts in the field of financial law.

Неизгнанная  мысль. Филология П.М. Бицилли. The Unbanished Thought. Philology of P.M. Bitsilli

The monograph is the first attempt to summarize and systematize the philological views of the outstanding Russian émigré scholar Peter Mikhailovich Bitsilli. It analyzes in detail the scholar’s linguocultural and sociolinguistic concept, his views on the nature of poetic speech, the formation and existence of the norm in the language, the main stages of the history of Russian literary language development.

The book is of interest both for philologists and for a wide range of readers who are interested in the history of Russian science and the fate of Russian émigrés.

Нейрокомпьютерная парадигма и общество Neurocomputer Paradigm and Society

This multi-authored monograph is dedicated to the application of neuro-computer and some related models in different spheres of social and humanitarian knowledge (political studies, sociology, administration, business ethics, economics) and also fundamental problems of the neuro-computer paradigm development.

The book can be useful for the specialists in various fields of neuro-computing, political forecasting, administration sociology, organization management and state administration as well as for everyone interested in the perspectives of development and application of the neural network technologies, neuro-computers and neuro-modelling, including post-graduates and students of technical, biological and social science specialties.

Неметаллические полезные ископаемые Nonmetallic Minerals

The manual examines such major non-metallic minerals as apatites, phosphorites, sodium, potassium and potassium-magnesium salts, sulfur, boron, asbestos, etc, as well as piezo-optical raw materials, precious and ornamental stones, various rocks as construction materials. It gives major geological-industrial and genetic types of deposits as illustrated by numerous Russian and foreign industrial facilities.

It describes typomorphic deposits of the above chemical elements, minerals, crystals and cryptocrystalline rock substances; their geological structure, the size and composition of ore bodies and considers their genesis, and in some cases the mining and technical conditions, the methods and scales of their development, the quality of the raw materials, its processing and use. The geological description of some deposits is given for the first time.

For students, undergraduates and post-graduate students of geological departments and faculties of universities.

Немецкий язык для студентов-историков. Практический курс
Неорганическая медицинская химия Inorganic Medical Chemistry

The textbook “Inorganic Medicinal Chemistry” is devoted to describing new interdisciplinary trend as a part of medicinal chemistry and the use and development of metal-based drugs.

Николай Рубцов Nikolay Rubtsov

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary to high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

The manual is devoted to the poetry of N.M. Rubtsov, a major Russian lyricist of the second half of the 20th century, which is rooted in the national classical and folklore tradition. It gives an outline of the poet’s life and creative path, examines the features of his artistic world that determine the main themes and motifs of the lyrics, characterizes the genre and style peculiarity of his poetry and analyzes the most significant of his poems.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, high school students, university entrants, students of philology and a wide range of readers.

Николай Семенович Лесков Nikolai Semenovich Leskov

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary to high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

This manual is devoted to the creative work of N.S. Leskov who was, in Maxim Gorky’s words, ‘the most original Russian writer’. The introductory chapter gives an idea of Leskov’s difficult literary fate, specific problems of his art and the vivid original style of his works. In the other chapters, the author analyzes the writer’s most popular short stories and novelettes – ‘The Enchanted Wanderer’, ‘Iron Will’, ‘The Tale of the Cross-eyes Lefty from Tula and the Steel Flea’, ‘Toupee Artist’.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, senior pupils, entrants and philologists.

Новое в школьных программах. Русская поэзия ХХ в. Innovations in the School Curriculum. Twentieth Century Russian Poetry

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary to high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning.

In this book, the reader will find under one cover two issues of the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series. One of them analyzes the art of poets from among those who defined the face of Russian lyric poetry from the pre-October period to the mid twentieth century. Special attention is paid to the creations by the two most illustrious Silver Age poets – Alexander Blok and Anna Akhmatova. The other issue contains articles about poets whose artistic gift revealed itself vividly later on in the post-war decades.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, high school students, university entrants, students, philologists, and all lovers of Russian literature.

О Гейдельбергской обезьяне. Современная латынь.

De simia Heidelbergensi. Liber ad usum discentium Linguam Latinam hodiernam denuo editus. Appendix ad praecepta «Linguae humanitatisque Latinae» Ordinis professorum qui linguas peregrinas et regionum proprietates explorant in Studiorum Universitate Mosquensi Lomonosoviana.

О политической науке. Избранные произведения About Political Science. Selected Works

This publication contains the selected works of Fedor M. Burlatsky, a famous scholar and author, one of the founders of modern Russian political science, a professor emeritus of the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, which he wrote for more than half a century of his creative activity. The book deals with the formation of political science in the USSR and modern Russia, the current problems of political science research including the formation of political systems, institutions and processes. The author pays special attention to the phenomenon of political leadership.

For students, graduate students, teachers, researchers, all those who are interested in political science.

Образ жизни современного француза: праздники и будни Modern French people’s way of life

The textbook contains original non-adapted materials on cultural-specific, general cultural and everyday life subjects. It includes texts, vocabulary, exercises, and, in certain cases, lexical-grammatical comments.

For university students, postgraduates, school pupils and everyone who continues his or her study of the French language and culture.

Общая геоморфология General Geomorphology

The textbook deals with the history of the development of geomorphological science and provides general information on landscape and factors that determine the formation of topographic features; it describes endogenous and exogenous processes and the topographic features they create. Much attention is paid to slope processes, as well as geomorphological processes occurring on the World Ocean floor. The third edition incorporates changes and additions made in accordance with the latest achievements of science and includes graphical appendixes.
For university students of geography, geology, mining and a wide range of specialists in the Earth’s topography and its evolution.

Общественное мнение в рекламе и связях с общественностью Public Opinion in Advertising and Public Relations

Advertising and public relations operate in the social space solving their professional tasks and dealing with the mass consciousness or with its relevant social cross-section – public opinion.
For public relations and advertising the study of public opinion is to research public reaction to these activities, company image, goods. services produced by such company and implications of its activities. Studying interrelationships between PR and advertising activities and public opinion has a pragmatic meaning: it helps these corporate institutions to function in society in a more effective way.

Общественное мнение и журналистика Public Opinion and Journalism

The manual examines the relationship of journalism and public opinion. Journalism is understood here as a structure, process, professional activity of collecting, processing, managing according to certain standards, transferring socially significant information in society for solving certain tasks remotely on a regular basis. Public opinion is a conglomeration of opinions, interests, preferences, likes and dislikes, relationships, behavioral patterns in society. This explains the mutual interest of journalism to public opinion, since this world of opinions characterizes society. Public opinion is interested in journalism, because the structures that study public opinion supply the public with this information. The process of studying public opinion, the methodological apparatus of surveys is professional knowledge. Journalists, too, should have it. The Book is addressed to students of journalism faculties.

Определитель лишайников болот бореальной и тундровой зон России The determinant of lichens of bogs of boreal and tundra zones of Russia

The proposed determinant based on modern ideas about the systematics of lichens makes it possible to make up for the lack of knowledge of these organisms in swamp ecosystems. The first sections provide brief information about the biology, ecology, practical significance of lichens, and methods of study necessary for the identification of species. In the main part, various keys are given for determining lichens (genera, lichen species, taking into account their substrate confinement and in the absence of fruit bodies); diagnoses of 107 genera are given, before which keys are given for determining the species of these genera, as well as diagnoses of 345 species. After the name of the species, its synonyms are given, and after the diagnosis of the species, the types of swamps and the substrates on which these taxa occur in swamps are indicated. 

The determinant is designed for botanists, geographers, employees of specially protected natural areas, students, postgraduates, as well as nature lovers interested in lichens.

Организационное поведение Organizational Behavior. A Manual

The textbook analyzes problems facing organizations and employees in the 21st century. In addition to the fundamentals of organizational behavior, it examines the current state of rapidly developing organizations that face uncertainty, constant change and the impact of high technologies. It presents various models, technologies and tools of business changes aimed at radical organizational transformations. The manual contains a brief overview of the theoretical material, practical assignments and examples of case studies with a breakdown by topic, materials for students’ independent work and homework, recommendations for writing term and diploma papers. The manual is intended for students of economic specialties.

Организация и рынок: противоборство или согласие
Основы геоинформатики в археологии
Основы гидрогеологии Fundamentals of hydrogeology

The textbook discusses the composition and structure of the underground hydrosphere, types of groundwater and conditions of their formation, the principles of hydrogeological zoning and the main types of hydrogeological areas problems of use and protection of groundwater: fresh mineral therapeutic, industrial and thermal power, as well as methods of field hydrogeological work, widely used in various types of research and surveys.

For students studying in the direction of "Geology", it can be used when reading the course "Hydrogeology" ("General Hydrogeology") to students of the specialties "Hydrology" and "Geoecology" of geographical faculties of universities, as well as for students studying in the specialty "Prospecting and exploration of groundwater and engineering geological surveys" of technical universities.

Основы лингвистики речи Fundamentals of Speech Linguistics

The book outlines the basics of speech linguistics, a new branch of linguistics and a new scientific discipline and defines its subject, methods of research, goals, tasks and prospects of study. It considers speech in theoretically and practical terms as a relatively independent area, an aspect of the single complex ‘language – speech’ phenomenon and examines in detail the components of the process of speech activity (speech production): Addressee (speech producer) – Speech (code, message) – Addressee. It shows the specificity of speech, patterns of its development and operation, the importance of speech linguistics for functional and practical stylistics, speech culture, rhetoric, general linguistics and modern scientific areas such as pragmalinguistics, anthropocentric linguistics, sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics and others. The work is intended for a wide range of readers – university students, post-graduate students, teachers of journalism and philology as well as for all those who are interested in the Russian language, its purity and expressiveness.

Основы нейтронографии Fundamentals of neutronography

The physical foundations of low-energy neutron scattering methods for studying the structure and dynamics of matter in a condensed state are described. The textbook is written on the basis of courses of lectures given by the authors at the Faculty of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The book consists of three parts. The first part contains a consistent presentation of the principles of the theory of low-energy neutron scattering. The second part is devoted to the methods of obtaining and forming neutron beams, as well as their registration. The third part is devoted to basic experimental methods of neutronography, describes the principles of the device of experimental installations and measurements, as well as methods of interpretation of experimental data based on the theory described in the first part.

For students, postgraduates and researchers working or beginning to work in the field of research of physical, chemical and biological systems at the microscopic level.

Основы политического консультирования
Основы статической физики материалов Fundamentals of Statistical Physics of Materials

This publication is the first textbook on statistical physics for students specializing in physics, chemistry and mechanics of materials and condensed-matter physics (solid state physics). It examines in detail the basic methods of statistical physics and those of its most important models that are widely used in condensed-matter physics. The textbook includes both equilibrium statistical physics and physical kinetics.
For students and post-graduate students of the faculties of materials sciences and the physics and chemical faculties of higher educational institutions.

Основы физиологии и биохимии свертывания крови Fundamentals of physiology and biochemistry of blood clotting

As part of the curriculum, this textbook provides a fairly general, complete basic understanding of the basic (including classical) physiological concepts and principles used in the study of the blood coagulation system. The application of modern biochemical approaches to solving the problem of physiological regulation of the blood coagulation system makes it possible to understand the mechanisms of interaction between the processes of coagulation and anticoagulation.

The textbook consists of two parts, the first of which covers modern theoretical concepts of the physiological foundations of blood clotting processes occurring in the body, their relationship with the function of the body's anticoagulation system. The second part is devoted to the practical application of the theoretical knowledge on hemostasis and includes the implementation of tasks in the direction of professional activity of students who study primary and plasma hemostasis, humoral agents of the anticoagulation system of the blood, the relationship of the coagulation and insulin systems of the body. This is the most important difference between this textbook and other books on the physiology and biochemistry of blood clotting.

The textbook examines the current state of the hemostasis system and introduces readers to blood research methods used in physiological and biochemical laboratories and medical practice.

It is intended for students and teachers of biological and medical universities, researchers, doctors.

Основы физической геохимии Fundamentals of Physical Geochemistry

The textbook provides a complete course in basic physical geochemistry. It considers the subject and methods of physical geochemistry as a science of the physicochemical regularities of mineral, rock and ore formation and gives general points of the thermodynamics of equilibrium natural systems, which are a special type of systems with completely mobile components. It derives main thermodynamic relationships that characterize natural processes and shows their application. The book gives a detailed description of the questions of theory, topology, methods for constructing diagrams used in geochemistry, petrology, and the theory of mineral deposits.
For students, graduate students and all specialists involved in the study of physical and chemical regularities of natural processes.

Основы эндокринологии Fundamentals of Endocrinology

Based on modern data and concepts, the book examines intercellular control systems and their interrelation; topography and morphology of the endocrine glands; organization of endocrine functions; chemical structure of hormones, their biosynthesis, secretion, transport, metabolism, mechanisms of their action on cells. This publication (the first one came out in 1980) is supplemented with the latest information on various questions of endocrinology. The book underlines scientific and practical importance of endocrinology for medicine and agriculture. The textbook is written based on the university course in endocrinology and the physiology of metabolism approved of by the Presidium of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Higher Biological Education of the State Committee for Higher Education. It is primarily designed for biology students and beginning researchers in the field of physiology of the endocrine system and biochemistry of hormones. The author hopes that this publication will also be of use to all those who are interested in endocrinology and intercellular interactions.

Основы этнологии Fundamentals of Ethnology

The textbook examines the subject area of ethnological science, methods of collecting, processing and interpreting ethnological data, the sources of information used, problems of theory and history of ethnological science. Most of the chapters of the textbook contain a scientific description (by continents and regions) of the modern ethnic picture of the world and the history of its formation. Special attention is paid to the issues of the correlation of the racial and ethnic composition of the world's population, as well as anthropo- and racogenesis. Various classifications of peoples are considered (by types of economic activity, characteristic features of material and spiritual culture, languages and their families, etc.). 

For students of historical and other faculties of Russian universities, Russian-speaking students of universities of neighboring countries, graduate students, university professors and anyone interested in ethnology (ethnography) of the peoples of the world.

От заглавия до последней строки. Учимся читать классику From the heading to the last line. Learning how to read classics.

In the book-aid written by the well-known teacher of Russian language and Literature Sergej Leonidovich Shtilman the idea of so-called slow reading (co-authorship of the reader and writer) is formed. Unpredictable discoveries in analysis of literary works studied at school and, besides, the topics (e.g. body language, «symbolic» names) that are rarely discussed by the literature specialists and critics are provided.

This book is addressed to the teachers of Russian language and Literature, the enrollees and the high school students willing to penetrate into the mysteries of Russian classics.

От Пушкина к Чехову From Pushkin to Chekhov

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. The author of this manual has re-read such great works of Russian literary classics as ‘Eugene Onegin’ by Pushkin, ‘A Hero of Our Time’ and ‘Death of the Poet’ by Lermontov, ‘Dead Souls’ by Gogol, ‘Hunter's Notes’, the novella ‘Asya’ by Turgenev, Goncharov's ‘The Precipice’, Dostoyevsky's ‘Poor Folk’, ‘Notes from Underground’ and ‘The Brothers Karamazov’, Chekhov's ‘The Death of a Government Clerk.’
For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, senior pupils, entrants, philologists.

Очерки истории и теории политической науки Essays on the History and Theory of Political Science

The textbook provides a detailed examination of a number of topics that are of key importance for modern political science and analyzes the history of political science, problem aspects of its formation and development. Special attention is paid to such issues as political elites and political regimes. The manual takes into account the author’s scientific writings, which made it possible to introduce a significant element of novelty in presenting the basic sections of the course.
For students, graduate students, teachers, all those who are interested in problems of political science.

Палеоботаника. Высшие растения Paleobotany. Higher plants

The textbook describes the morphological and anatomical structure of fossil higher plants, provides information on their geological and geographical distribution and gives characteristics of the divisions, classes and genera of fossil spore and seed plants. It also describes the main methods of paleobotanical research and, in addition, studies the paleofloristic zoning of land for different geological epochs.
For students and magistrands of geology, biology and geography at universities and colleges; it can be used by teachers in the following specialties: ‘Paleontology’, ‘Geological Survey’ and ‘Prospecting for Minerals’.

Палеонтология Paleontology

The textbook (its first edition was published in 1997) presents a picture of the organic world of the past as it came into existence 3.8 billion years ago. It outlines general provisions and basic concepts of paleontology including the history of paleontology, types of fossil preservation, evolution patterns; habitat, organisms’ conditions and life in marine and terrestrial environments; bionomics of the World Ocean; biomineralization and fossilization; the role of organisms in sedimentation and rock formation; importance of paleontology for geological and biological sciences. The systematic part of the book contains a description of 30 types, 58 classes and 132 orders of the five kingdoms (bacteria, cyanobionts, plants, fungi and animals), and 6 major mammal families for vertebrates. The final part deals with the evolution of the organic world from the Archeozoic era to the present day and examines in detail the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods. All the sections are accompanied by a set of tasks, exercises and a variety of illustrative material including four fly-leave illustrations, 335 drawings (often composite), 33 tables and 26 diagrams.
For students and teachers of geology, geography and biology at universities and colleges as well as for museum workers and all lovers of paleontology.

Палеооэкология Paleoecology

The textbook outlines general provisions and a brief history of paleoecology and examines its methods and major areas of research. The main attention is paid to paleoautoecology (reconstruction of organisms’ way of life and conditions of existence and identification of physiological and behavioral phenomena) and the paleosinecology of marine animals (biocenotic analysis of modern and ancient biocenoses, interrelationship between organisms in communities, paleobiocenoses in time and space, the ecosystem analysis of modern marine ecosystems and ancient paleoecosystems, their evolution in time and space). The textbook is intended for university and college students, undergraduates and postgraduate students of geological specialties. It can also be useful for researchers in the field of paleontology, ecology, paleobiogeography and paleogeography.

Палеоэкология Paleoecology

This textbook states the general principles and brief history of paleoecology, considers methods and main directions of researching. The attention is mostly placed on paleoautoecology (reconstruction of living activities and environment of organisms, cleaning up physiological and behavior phenomenon) and paleosynecology of sea animals (paleobiocenotic analysis of ancient biocenosis, relationship of organisms in associations, paleobiocenosis in time and in space; ecosystem analysis of the actual sea ecosystems and paleoecosystems, their evolution in time and in space).

This textbook is intended for students, magistrants, postgraduates of geological professions, also it may be useful for the scientists in the fields of paleontology, ecology, paleobiogeography and paleogeography.

Key words: paleoecology, paleobiocenosis, paleoecosystems.

Параллельные вычисления в задачах глобальной оптимизации Parallel Computations in Global Optimization Problems

This paper is devoted to the analysis of complex multi-extremal models of decision-making, which is traditional for Professor R.G. Strongin’s world-renown scientific school in this field. The work contains the necessary theoretical apparatus for constructing and analyzing parallel methods based on the information-statistical approach to constructing optimization methods, the characteristic theory of convergence and the effectiveness of methods for finding the extremum, and the methodology for reducing the complexity of models under examination. It gives a description of computational schemes of optimization methods, their theoretical justification and examples of practical application. It provides a brief depiction of the software that realizes, in the form of complete software systems, the proposed methods for searching for globally optimal solutions and has found its application in solving complex applied problems and in the learning process as a medium for performing laboratory work and research. The book is intended for a wide range of students, graduate students and professionals who want to study and practically use parallel methods of global optimization for solving computationally labor-intensive applied problems. The Academic Council of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (CMC), Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University recommends this monograph for use in the educational process. The monograph was prepared as part of the project of the Presidential Commission on Modernization and Technological Development of the Russian Economy ‘Creating a System for Training Highly Qualified Personnel in the Field of Supercomputer Technologies and Specialized Software.’

Пастернак Pasternak

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. This book is dedicated to the art of Boris L. Pasternak - the world’s most studied 20th century Russian poet. His lyrical poems belong to the heights of poetry, his novel ‘Doctor Zhivago’ is the most popular Russian novel of this century and his translations of Shakespeare, Goethe, French and Georgian poets are considered to be second to none. The author also tells about the Nobel Prize laureate’s extraordinary personality and complex life path. The book is addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, high school students, university entrants, students, specialists in philology and everyone who loves Pasternak's work.

Планирование персонала организации Organization Staff Planning

The manual provides a thorough analysis of the staff planning organization process. It explains the primary importance of personnel planning for a modern organization to be successful and analyzes the technology of personnel planning and its basic methods. It considers the planning of personnel composition in close unity with its quantitative and qualitative characteristics, as well as the specificity of strategic personnel planning, functional and situational planning. It characterizes the most important types of functional staffing plans: flexibility and personnel changes, the involvement of personnel and personnel marketing, plans for the use, staff training and development, plans for career development and staff costs, etc. A general business plan model for personnel is proposed for practical application.
For students of managerial, economic and some other faculties who study personnel management problems and for managers and specialists who do practical work in staff planning.

Полезные ископаемые Мирового океана Minerals of the World Ocean

The textbook describes the most important geological and commercial types of oceanic ore and non-ore deposits, which are being actively developed or prospected for future commercial development. It presents information on the ocean’s geology and metallogeny, features of deposit location and localization and considers the processes of modern ore genesis; the main attention is paid to the formation of ferromanganese nodules and crusts, sulfide sediments and massive sulphide ores.
For students and magistrands of geological colleges and universities as well as specialists in the field of marine geology and ore deposits.

Политическая динамика современного мира. Теория и практика
Политическая философия Political Philosophy

The tutorial is dedicated to the main problems of Political Philosophy — power, authority and governance in their different implementations. The tutorial is presenting Political Philosophy of the XX — beginning of the XXI centuries.

The book is adapted to the standards of modern generation and is particularly designed for the modern three-level education in Political Science. It is addressed to Bachelor and Master degree students as well as post-graduates specializing in Political Science.

Политический ислам: учебно-методическое пособие Political Islam: a study guide

This study guide examines the growing role of the Islamic factor in modern political processes. The paper analyzes the existing theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of political Islam, its stages of development and transformation; political and legal ideology and basic concepts of the Islamic state. The authors present the typology of modern Islamist concepts. Islamic radicalism is considered as a factor of destabilization of the global political situation. The authors also investigate the growth of a number of religious organizations and the activity of extremist Islamic movements in various countries of the world and propose a set of measures to counteract Islamism. Urgent problems of modern political Islam are explored in connection with social processes. 

The study guide is designed for students, graduate students, researchers, as well as for everyone interested in contemporary problems of political developments in Muslim states.

Политический менеджмент: исторический опыт России. Political Management: Russia’s Historical Experience

This is the country’s first manual in this discipline. The author traces the experience of forming people’s representation in Russian elective institutions from their inception in Old Rus to February 1917. The author analyzes party activities during the election campaigns for the State Duma in much detail based on the example of the Constitutional Democrats or Cadets in abbreviation - the largest and well-structured democratic party of that period.
For students of faculties and departments of journalism and all those who are interested in electoral technologies.

Последний творческий акт. Случай Мандельштама The Last Creative Act. The Mandelstam Case

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. The title of this book goes back to the well-known formula of O. Mandelstam who often said that an artiste’s death is not accidental, that it is not only the last act of the artiste's life, but also his ‘last creative act’, and more than that – it is as it were ‘the source of this creativity, its teleological reason.’ This formula may seem to be just a beautiful metaphor but when applied to the poet himself it acquires an almost literal meaning. Analyzing Mandelstam’s work of the last period, the author proceeds from the premise that the poet not only predicted the tragic end of his life path in his later poems but he also predetermined it. The book focuses on considering the artiste's relationship with the totalitarian regime, unknown to the previous historical epochs.
For teachers of schools and gymnasiums, high school students, applicants, philologists as well as all literature lovers.

Поэзия М.Ю. Лермонтова M.Yu. Lermontov’s Poetry

The book contains a detailed analysis of the works that are incorporated in the college and university curricula for those entering humanities faculties. At the same time, it gives a description of Mikhail Lermontov as a human and creative individual and defines the features of his worldview and artistic manner, providing the main milestones of the poet’s life and creative path. The book also discusses the aspects of Lermontov's biography and art that were rarely dealt with by Soviet literary critics such as his attitude to religion, domestic behavior, certain weaknesses of classically Lermontovian works, etc. The manual is addressed to high school students, applicants, students and teachers.

Поэзия Некрасова Nekrasov’s Poetry

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. In his book, the author considers both the epic and lyrical poetry of Nekrasov, analyzes his central works, their (sometimes hidden) meaning as well as features of his genre, style and verse forms. The manual is addressed to high school students, applicants, students and teachers.

Поэтический мир Марины Цветаевой The Poetic World of Marina Tsvetaeva

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. The manual is devoted to the formation of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetic world. It focuses on the evolution of Tsvetaeva in the period between 1908 and 1921 – those years saw the foundations of the poet's world laid down. The book provides insights into Tsvetaeva’s ‘Moscow poetics’ which in some ways echoes St. Petersburg acmeism as it traces the formation of the ‘lyrical I’ and the ‘Moscow chronotope’ of the poet - everything that influenced the art of the mature Tsvetaeva and made her a unique phenomenon not only in Russian but also world literature.
For students, schoolchildren, university entrants, university and school teachers, all those who are interested in Tsvetaeva's art.

Правовая экспертиза законопроектов в Государственной Думе Legal Expertise of Draft Laws in the State Duma

This manual reflects the views of the author, who worked as a consultant, deputy head of the section, head of the section of the State Duma Administration’s Legal Department in 1994-2004, an honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, on the complex multidimensional problem of legal expertise of bills submitted to the State Duma by the staff members of the above administration.
For teachers, students, participants in the legislative process in the Russian Federation and its constituents, participants in the norm-setting activities of local self-government bodies as well as all those who are interested in issues of lawmaking and legislative technologies.

Правовые основы журналистики Legal Basis of Journalism

The textbook consistently outlines such aspects of media legal regulation as sources of media laws, organization of media activities, national media policy, regulation differences between electronic media and print media, media activities in the pre-election period, intellectual property, advertising and the freedom of speech, etc. The material provided includes a list of reference literature and questions for self-control, self-monitoring and discussion as well as a reference apparatus.
For university and college students of journalism and for journalists seeking to improve the level of legal knowledge.

Правовые основы журналистики: Хрестоматия Legal Foundations of Journalism: Reader

For university and college students of journalism and for journalists seeking to improve the level of legal knowledge.

Правовые основы муниципальной хозяйственной деятельности Legal Basis of Municipal Economic Activity

The manual examines problems associated with the legal foundations of municipal economic activity. It focuses on the complex regulatory regulation of the municipal economy as a socially oriented responsible activity of municipal entities and other economic entities regardless of the forms of ownership, which is interrelated.
For students, post-graduate students studying for the bachelor's and master's degrees, teachers of law schools and faculties as well as practical workers of the municipal and state service, deputies of various levels.

Практикум по курсу «Современный русский литературный язык». Выпуск 1: Фонетическая транскрипция. Артикуляционная фонетика. Рабочая тетрадь. Practical Course in ‘Modern Russian Literary Language’. Issue 1: Phonetic transcription. Articulatory phonetics. Workbook

The manual corresponds to the curriculum of the Russian language department of the Philological faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and reflects many years of the textbook authors’ experience in teaching this course at the MSU faculty of philology. The manual was written for students, philologists, postgraduate students, teachers of the Russian language and all those who are interested in the problems of Russian phonetics.

Практикум по курсу «Современный русский литературный язык». Выпуск 2: Акустическая и перцептивная фонетика. Рабочая тетрадь Practical Course in ‘Modern Russian Literary Language’. Issue 2: Acoustic and Perceptual Phonetics. Workbook

The manual corresponds to the curriculum of the Russian language department of the Philological faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and reflects many years of the workbook authors’ experience in teaching this course at the MSU faculty of philology. The manual was written for students, philologists, postgraduate students, teachers of the Russian language and all those who are interested in the problems of Russian phonetics.

Практикум по общей вирусологии Practical Course of General Virology

The second edition of ‘Practical Course’ (first published in 1981) includes tasks that introduce methods of general and applied virology. The tasks are related to viruses of different groups - plant viruses, animal viruses and bacteriophages. It presents a wide range of methods: classical biological methods, physicochemical methods for isolating viruses and their components (nucleic acids and proteins), methods of molecular biology and genetic engineering.
For university students, medical and agricultural colleges and universities specializing in virology, molecular biology, phytopathology, veterinary medicine, epidemiology, medical virology, oncology and biotechnology.

Практикум по общей химии Practical Course in General Chemistry

The fourth edition of ‘Practical Course in General Chemistry’ prepared by the author's team under the guidance of Professor S.F. Dunaev presents a wide range of practical tasks and tests that fully correspond to the course curricula of general and inorganic chemistry for non-chemical specialties at Moscow State University and other classical universities. The distinctive feature of this training manual is that it provides a wide representation of the chemistry of the elements. It envisages the use of modern equipment and modern methods of calculation and report in order to perform its tasks and tests. Every college and university and secondary specialized educational institution that teaches general and inorganic chemistry can use this training manual.

Практикум по русскому языку для иностранных учащихся, обучающихся в нефилологических вузах России Practical Course in the Russian Language for Foreign Students Studying in Non-Philological Universities in Russia

This ‘Practical Course in the Russian Language for
Foreign Students Studying in Non-Philological Universities’ aims to provide foreign students with linguistic material enabling them to gain practical mastery of the grammatical base presented in the curricula and textbooks on the Russian language for this category of students at the main stage of education. It consists of two parts: the corrective course and the basic one. Like the entire ‘Practical Course’, the corrective course is built on a structural-semantic basis according to the logical-grammatical principle. It is designed to assimilate the language material associated with students’ most typical mistakes and to fill in the gaps in their initial stage of training.

Практическое пособие для бакалавров к семинарским и самостоятельным занятиям по курсу «Экономика инноваций» Bachelor Students’ Practical Manual for Seminars and Independent Work Based on the Course of “Innovation Economics’

The course of ‘Innovation Economics’ allows students to create a system of knowledge in the field of innovation economics both at the macro level (general characteristics of innovation, the innovation process theory, the innovative development concept) and at the micro level (key factors for innovation, setting up and building up an innovative company, choosing an innovation strategy). The practical guide is intended for Moscow State University students to be used for seminars and studies on one’s own in accordance with the training course ‘Innovation Economics’.

Практическое пособие к семинарским занятиям по курсу «Основы предпринимательства» Practical Manual for Seminars Based on the ‘Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship’ Course

Authors: Doctor of Economics, Professor N.P. Ivashchenko; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor F.Sh. Fedorova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor I.V.Savchenko; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor V.G. Popova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor M.S. Shakhova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor E.V. Gruzdeva; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor E.S. Tyutyunnikova; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor E.B. Korniychuk; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Senior Researcher M.V. Krasnostanova; junior researcher I.I. Korostyleva; junior researcher M.V. Khomich; junior researcher A.A. Engovatova; junior researcher A.N. Kolesnikov; E.V. Buyanov; A.V. Pis’menyuk, D.A. Sosfenov, M.R. Fomchenkov. The manual covers the basic concepts of entrepreneurship, the history of its development and case studies. Different teaching materials are offered for each topic: tasks, tests, cases, control questions, etc. using the reporting of Russian and foreign companies.

Прикладной функциональный анализ. Задачи с решениями Applied Functional Analysis. Tasks with Solutions

The book contains examples and problems that allow us to master the methods of functional analysis without using the theory of measure and the Lebesgue integral. The manual is aimed at students specializing in applied mathematics. The reader needs to have prior knowledge of the basics of mathematical analysis and linear algebra.

Принципы параллельного программирования Principles of Parallel Programming

In the age of development of multi-core processor architecture, the topic of parallel programming assumes great importance for engineers and designers of computer systems. The book ‘Principles of Parallel Programming’ written by renowned researchers and scholars Calvin Lin (Department of Informatics at the University of Texas, Austin) and Lawrence Snyder (Department of Computer Science and Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle), deals with the fundamental principles of parallel computing. The book explains various phenomena and provides examples of the cases when these phenomena contribute to the success of parallel programming, or, on the contrary, create certain difficulties. The publication is intended for senior university students, for students studying for their master's degree and professionals who want to learn parallel programming. The book contains valuable reliable and information that will continue to be relevant despite the hardware and software evolution.

Проза русского зарубежья (1970‒1980-е) Prose of the Russian Abroad (the 1970s and 1980s)

The books of the series ‘Rereading the Classics’ contain a modern analysis of works that are part of school curricula in literature.
For the first time, the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the work of Russian writers of the 19th and 20th centuries are thoroughly elucidated. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge of Russian literature, necessary for the passing of school examinations and admission to any university. Analyzing the art of 70s-80s émigré prosaists, the author talks about the origins of the ‘third wave’ of the Russian Diaspora, examines the historical background and artistic features of the literary works by all the generations of 70s-80s émigrés writers (from V.P. Nekrasov to Sasha Sokolova), identifies the main directions of their writings and characterizes its themes and genre peculiarity.
For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, high school students, students, specialists in philology and lovers of Russian literature.

Психология аномального развития ребенка в 2-х томах The Psychology of Abnormal Child Development in Two Volumes

This is the first anthology to be published in our country providing the necessary theoretical material for the course ‘The Psychology of the Abnormal Child’ which was read for many years at the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University, and other related courses (‘Emotional Disorders in Childhood’ and a hands-on workshop on ‘The Psychology of an Abnormal Child’). The specific feature of this book lies in the fact that it has been compiled by practicing psychologists who are directly involved in working with children in a clinic or a children’s consultation office. The numerous cases that different authors describe in their articles make theoretical constructions or conclusions clear and understandable helping to recognize deviations in child development and map out ways to correct them. The domestic psychological literature knows no other publication like this in the width and variety of theoretical concepts presented in the textbook and in the extent of the book’s coverage of clinical manifestations of abnormal child development. The reader is designed both for students who are beginning to study psychology, and for working doctors, psychologists, teachers and caregivers.

Психология массовой политической коммуникации Psychology of Mass Political Communication

The manual contains materials from the course the authors have been reading for a number of years to students at the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. It considers the theoretical underpinnings of the psychological analysis of political mass communication, provides examples from modern communicative political practice and presents texts for reading and assignments for students’ independent work.
For specialists in the field of political science and psychology, students and post-graduate students studying political communication as well as all those who are interested in this subject matter.

Путеводитель по «Книге про бойца» А. Твардовского «Василий Теркин» Guide to ‘A Book about a Soldier’, A. Tvardovsky’s Poem ‘Vasily Tyorkin.’

The book ‘Vasily Terkin’ by A. Tvardovsky played an outstanding role during the Great Patriotic War and became, to put it in the words of a front-line soldier, an encyclopedia of the soldier's life which found place for humor that brightened up the endless trench warfare, and the harshest truth, ‘no matter how bitter it was.’ The long-time researcher of the great Russian poet’s life and work tells the story behind this ‘Book about a Soldier’, its complex fate and amazing artistic originality that is still to be fully appreciated.
For teachers of secondary and higher schools, their students, applicants and all lovers of Russian literature.

Путеводитель по «Слову о полку Игореве» Guide to ‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’

The book is dedicated to the ‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’, one of the most famous and mysterious Russian literary monuments. Having been published in 1800 only once according to the manuscript that later burnt in the Moscow fire of 1812, ‘The Tale ...’ has constantly attracted the attention of researchers and writers and generated new interpretations for more than two centuries now. The manual examines the authenticity of the ancient Russian ‘poem’, the creation of a twelfth-century nameless scribe or an eighteenth-century mystification, and the problem of the genre nature of the work, the reflection of history in ‘The Tale ...’, obscure (‘dark’) passages and Christian elements in its text. The book is largely an overview of various modern scholarly interpretations of the monument.
For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists and a wide range of readers.

Путеводитель по комедии А.П. Чехова «Вишневый сад» Guide to Chekhov’s Comedy ‘The Cherry Orchard’

This original study of A.P. Chekhov's comedy ‘The Cherry Orchard’ is based on a detailed examination of exclusively primary sources — Chekhov's correspondence, memoirs and testimonies of his family and friends, a narrow and confidential social circle. In his first part - ‘The Cherry Orchard’ - ‘Anton Chekhov's Dreams’ - the author attempts to trace the accumulation of creative material, to substantiate and understand the primary sources from which the author derived his idea of writing the play, to analyze the most important circumstances of the writer's life that impacted his creative process. The second part - ‘The Cherry Orchard’ - ‘Mystification of Life’ – is in fact a scientific study of the play itself. The author presents and proves a number of hypotheses and psychological motives for the behavior of the play’s main characters, offers an original explanation of the factual aspect of the play, draws up complete and at times paradoxical psychological portraits of his characters. The third part of the book - ‘The Undisclosed Secrets of the Cherry Orchard’ (The Talk that Never Happened’ - gives the reader an opportunity to fantasize about the play and to reflect on the motives and circumstances that are not subject to scientific discussion and are merely the author’s assumptions and hypotheses.
For teachers and students of secondary and higher schools, applicants and everyone who wants to broaden their understanding of Chekhov's art outside the standard interpretation of this author that has been elaborated in the scientific and journalistic literature.

Путеводитель по Маяковскому Guide to Mayakovsky

Unlike other books in this series, this book is a guidebook not just to a single work, but to all of Mayakovsky's lyrics, practically his poetry, for Mayakovsky remained a lyrist in both his civil verses and even in his big poems. Throughout the book, the author guides the reader through a complex labyrinth of bonds that Mayakovsky's lyrical poetry forms with that of his fellow poets, as well as with that of poets who seem to be worlds apart but in fact not so far away.
For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists and a wide range of readers.

Путеводитель по поэзии А.А. Фета Guide to the Poetry of A.A. Fet

This book is the first one to analyze all of A.А. Fet’s lyrical poems which are included in the Education Standard for secondary schools and in the sysllabus for MSU applicants: ‘The cat is singing, his eyes screwed up ...’, ‘As a wavy cloud ...’, ‘Whispers, timid breathing ...’, ‘This morning, this joy ...’, ‘The night was shining, Moonlight had filled the garden...’ and others. Each of the 14 chapters offers a review of one of these poems. The author analyses the motive organization, figurative structure, vocabulary, features of their sound patterns, metrics and rhythms of Fet’s texts.
For teachers of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, high school students, university entrants, students and teachers of philology and all admirers of Russian literary classics.

Путеводитель по поэме Н.В. Гоголя «Мертвые души» Guide to N.V. Gogol’s Novel ‘Dead Souls’

The manual offers a systemic chapter-by-chapter analysis of the novel’s text, explains words and names that have fallen out of use, interprets the author's position, characteristics of his narration and style and compares the first and second volumes of the novel. He also references the works that Nikolay Gogol was working on while writing his ‘Dead Souls’ - ‘Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends’ and ‘The Author's Confession’.

For teachers of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, high school students, university entrants, students, university and college teachers and all admirers of Russian literary classics.

Путеводитель по пьесе У.Шекспира «Ромео и Джульетта» Guide to William Shakespeare's Play ‘Romeo and Juliet’

The commentary on the tragedy is based on the interlinear translation of the variant of the text, which was published in the First Folio (1623). The text of the word-for-word translation is compared with the 20th century Soviet translations, which were marked by censorship and aesthetic restrictions so inherent in Soviet literary criticism. The guidebook aims to bring the reader closer to the understanding of Shakespeare's phraseology, the idioms and jokes of his comic characters that live in Verona but speak the language of Elizabethan London.

Путеводитель по роману А.П. Платонова «Котлован» Guide to A.P. Platonov’s novel ‘The Pit Foundation’

Andrei Platonov’s novella ‘The Pit Foundation’, one of the most unusual events in Russian literature, is almost journalistically saturated with the realities of that time and is a striking documentary source of Russia’s 20th century dramatic history. The guide to ‘The Pit Foundation’ provides an easy-to-understand and fascinating account about the factual underpinnings of this complex allegorical work; the philosophical subtext of the novella, the literary parallels of its plot, composition and main characters.

For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums; students, high school students, university entrants, specialists in philology and a wide range of readers.

Путеводитель по роману А.П. Платонова «Чевенгур» Guide to A.P. Platonov’s Novel ‘Chevengur’

‘Chevengur’ occupies a central place in Andrei Platonov’s work. The guidebook offers an artistic story behind the novel against the backdrop of the 1920s socio-political situation; it provides a complete philological analysis of the work, showing its links with the historical and cultural context (mythological, religious, philosophical, political and scientific reminiscences including those related to the works of 19th and 20th century Russian literature). It examines the linguostylistic features of Platonov’s text – its specific collocational characteristics and connotational nuances.
For teachers, philologists, students, applicants, high school students and a wide range of readers.

Путеводитель по роману в стихах А.С. Пушкина «Евгений Онегин» Guide to А.S. Pushkin’s Novel in Verse ‘Eugene Onegin’

According to V.G. Belinsky, ‘Eugene Onegin’ ‘is Pushkin’s most intimate work, the most beloved child of his imagination.’ There have been numerous researchers’ commentaries on Pushkin's novel in verse. The author of this book takes into account literary scholars’ commentaries and interpretations. At the same time, the reader will find here a lot of new material that has escaped the attention of its previous researchers. The ‘slow reading’ method allows the reader to get rather extensive ideas about the genre of Pushkin’s novel in verse, the nature of its main characters and their relationship with each other. In elucidating the text of ‘Eugene Onegin’ the author successfully brings Pushkin's speech closer to the modern idiom without leaving any of the novel’s realities unexplained. To facilitate the reader's understanding of the Pushkin novel in verse, the book contains a glossary of mythological and art historian terms used in ‘Eugene Onegin.’

For school and university teachers, their students, applicants and all lovers of Russian literature.

Путеводитель по роману Ф.М. Достоевского «Братья Карамазовы» Guide to F.M. Dostoevsky's Novel ‘The Brothers Karamazov’

‘The Brothers Karamazov’ is the last of the great novels by F.M. Dostoevsky, in which he put everything all he knew and understood about Russia, the world at large, the man and mankind. Externally, this novel is written in a very simple way but it contains numerous profound truths, philosophical meanings, paradoxes and prophecies. The author of the ‘Guide’ identifies and explains many of them and helps the reader see them too by navigating him through the pages of the novel and rereading them again. First, he follows its events and main characters, revealing its explicit and implicit biblical and literary quotations, philosophical and historical allusions, showing the historical context in which the novel was created, and what the writer prophesied about the future. Finally, in his other chapters, the author invites the reader to reflect together with him on the novel’s cross-cutting themes and key scenes.

For high school students and college students, teachers of schools and universities and, in general, fans of this great Russian classic.

Пути развития русского литературного языка XI-XVII вв. Development of the Russian Literary Language in the 11th – 17th Centuries

By proving that in Russia existed a language situation characterized by the presence of two opposing normed language phenomena from the time of the origin of writing and up until the modern time, Professor M. M. Remneva traces the history of the evolution of the Russian (East Slavonic, Old Russian) literary language based on the material of four hundred 11th-17th century monuments and analyzes its grammatical system in comparison with the language system that was reflected in the Old Church Slavonic texts.

For teachers, graduate students, students and all those who are interested in the history of the language.

Радиационная медицинская физика Radiation medical physics
The textbook has been prepared on the basis of special courses taught at the Department of Accelerator Physics and Radiation Medicine for 20 years. The main material for the book was the textbooks of the cycle "Library of Medical Physics" for the basic courses of the department, published in 2017-2019. The textbook consists of three sections: theoretical chapters, nuclear physics in medicine, clinical dosimetry and quality assurance.

     The textbook is intended for students of physical, physico-technical, chemical, radiobiological specialties studying in the specialty " Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles", "Medical physics". It will also be useful for students of other physical, chemical, biological and medical specialties preparing to work in radiological departments of oncological institutions. The publication is also aimed at students studying under the program of additional professional retraining of medical physicists, as well as medical specialists working in radiology, radiation therapy and diagnostics, nuclear medicine.
Радиожурналистика Radio Journalism

The textbook deals with the history, specific features and public functions of radio broadcasting, its place in the mass media system, the structure of its expressive means, radio broadcasting program genres and forms, questions of the methodology of the radio journalist's work both when broadcasting live and recording programs for future broadcasts as well as the typology of radio broadcasting organizations that has been established in Russia and abroad. It provides the first ever summary of foreign experience, international broadcasting experience and forms and methods of radio audiences surveys.
For students of journalism and television practitioners.

Развитие метода ортогональных полиномов в механике микрополярных и классических упругих тонких тел Development of the method of orthogonal polynomials in the mechanics of micropolar and classical elastic thin bodies

The book is devoted to the construction of various versions of the theories of elastic thin bodies using the method of orthogonal polynomials. It deals with selected issues of classical and micropolar continuum mechanics and eigenvalue problems of tensor objects of any even rank with some applications to mechanics. Formulas expressing explicitly complete systems of orthonormal proper tensor objects are derived. Classifications of materials are given.

For researchers, undergraduates and postgraduates specializing in the fields of deformable solid mechanics and mechanics of thin structures.

Реклама: каждый прав по-своему. Учебное пособие по развитию речи (более 100 творческих задач) Advertising: Everyone is Right in Their Own Way. A Manual on Speech Development (Over 100 Creative Tasks)

The manual consists of lessons including adapted journalistic texts, lexical and creative tasks that motivate students to communicate on a given topic, to develop their practical skills and speech skills. The specific feature of the material organization is to get students to express their own opinion and conduct discussions when working in a group in Russian as a foreign language (the advanced stage) and in Russian as a non-native language. The goal of the course is to develop students’ language, speech and socio-cultural competence. The manual is aimed at improving all types of speech activity - reading, listening, speaking, writing. It covers a wide range of socio-cultural and public topics. All the texts are united by a common theme - ‘Topical issues of advertising’.
For students studying in different specialties and disciplines such as ‘Philology’, ‘Sociology’, ‘Journalism’, ‘Advertising and Public Relations’, ‘Intercultural Communication’, etc.

Речевая коммуникация в бизнесе Speech Communication in Business

The monograph explores a wide range of business communication issues. In modern information society, the sine qua non condition for successful commercial activity is the ability to create an effective system of business communications both within the organization and in the external environment. The monograph answers the questions about the ways of optimizing communication processes and teaching students to discern their mistakes and eliminate them.

For students, specialists in the field of business communications, businesspersons and all those who are interested in the questions of speech communication in business.

Роман А.С. Пушкина «Капитанская дочка» A.S. Pushkin’s Novel ‘The Captain's Daughter’

This book offers a new reading of Alexander Pushkin’s ‘The Captain's Daughter’. The well-known literary critic Yu.M. Lotman rightly remarked: What’s happening with ‘The Captain's Daughter’ is the same as what happened to such works as Cervantes’s ‘Don Quixote’: the novel being too serious even for an adult reader, it has been transferred to the category of children’s books.’ The manual is addressed to high school students, applicants, students and teachers.

Роман И.А. Гончарова «Обломов». Путеводитель по тексту Goncharov's Novel ‘Oblomov’. A Guide to the Text

How much did the original design of Goncharov’s central novel change? What is his true conflict, what forms the foundation of its plot and why is ‘Oblomov’ made up of four parts? What gave the main character of the book a national and universal significance, and put Oblomovism on par with such notions as ‘Hamletism’, ‘Platonism’, ‘Quixotism’, ‘Don Juanism’, etc.? How are all the male and female characters in the novel systematized and how do the ‘notions of life’ including those of love, marriage and familial home they embody differ from each other? What does Olga Ilyinskaya yearn for in the ‘Crimean’ chapter of the novel? These are but only some of the questions to which this book offers detailed answers. Written by the famous historian and popularizer of Russian classical literature and a Goncharov literary prize-winner, the book is a fascinating guide to the artistic text of Goncharov’s famous masterpiece on every content level and facet - from social, everyday, topical and folklore to mythological and symbolic ones.

For teachers of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, high school students, university entrants, students and teacher of philology and all admirers of Russian literary classics.

Романы И. А. Гончарова I.A. Goncharov’s Novels

Which ancient yet ever-living story does the novel about the hopes, delusions and disappointments of Alexander Aduyev, Ivan Goncharov’s main character, remind of? Who is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov – a patriarchal master or a Russian Don Quixote? Why did the writer call his ‘The Precipice’ ‘an epic of love’? And with what purpose does the Russian ship ‘Pallada’ prowl the world ocean? These and many other questions get answered in this book. The author offers a new reading of ‘A Common Story’. ‘Oblomov’ and ‘The Precipice’, as well as his travelogue ‘Frigate Pallada’ based on the materials of his round-the-world voyage from Kronstadt to Japan and his subsequent return to St. Petersburg by land across Siberia. The book ends with the chapter about ‘The Extraordinary Story’ - an autobiographical novel in which Goncharov told about the creation of his novels, especially ‘The Precipice’. The book is addressed to teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, to students of philology and to all admirers of Goncharov.

Романы Ф.М. Достоевского F.M. Dostoevsky’s Novels

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. This work is devoted to Dostoevsky’s three novels – ‘Crime and Punishment’, ‘The Idiot’ and ‘The Brothers Karamazov’. In the first chapter (on ‘Crime and Punishment’), the author's attention is drawn to his central character - Rodion Raskolnikov. The contact between the consciousness of the protagonist and that of other characters reveals the basis of the concept of man in Dostoevsky's work: ‘everyone is guilty for everybody and everything’. The second chapter dealing with the novel ‘The Idiot’ also examines the problem of guilt in Dostoevsky’s concept of a personality. The third chapter analyzes the meaning of the poem about the great inquisitor in ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ - the ideological center of the writer's artistic world. The conversation about the three novels is united by one common problem – that of the personality in the work of Dostoevsky as an artist and a thinker.
For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists, and for a wide range of readers.

Руководство к практическим занятиям по физиологии человека и животных A Guide to Practical Studies in Human and Animal Physiology

The manual presents experimental tests for practical consolidation of the fundamental lecture course in the physiology of man and animals, which was read at the biological, psychological and medical faculties, Moscow State University. Compared with the first edition (published by Moscow University Press in 1975), the manual includes a new section - problems in general pathophysiology. The manual describes both classical and advanced techniques using modern electronic equipment. The description of the tests is given in a format that generally corresponds to the rules for the design of scientific publications in the specialized literature.

For students, post-graduate students and teachers of biological, medical-biological, psychological and veterinary specialties.

Русская «деревенская» проза Russian ‘Village’ Prose

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. The book analyzes universal spiritual, moral, ethical, and aesthetic values of Russian peasantry in the works of F.A. Abramov, V.I. Belov, V.M. Shukshin, V.G. Rasputin, as well as their immediate predecessors, such as E.I. Zamyatin and A.P. Platonov. A special chapter is devoted to the origins of our country's ‘rural’ prose of our century in Russian classical literature, from N.M. Karamzin, A.S. Pushkin, D.V. Grigorovich and I.S. Turgenev to L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, G.I. Uspensky and A.P. Chekhov.
For school, lyceum and gymnasium teachers, high school and college students, university entrants, philology specialists.

Русская критика о Пушкине: избранные статьи, комментарии Russian Criticism of Pushkin: Selected Articles, Comments

The book offers the best and most significant articles about Pushkin by outstanding writers, thinkers and reputable literary critics, from Vyazemsky to Akhmatova. The texts are accompanied by detailed commentary. The book is addressed to students of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, university entrants and students. It will also be useful for teachers, university lecturers, philology specialists, and all admirers of Pushkin.

Русская литература XIX века. 1840-1860-е годы Russian 19th Century Literature. 1840s through 1860s

This is the third book in the 'University Lecture Courses' series (on philological disciplines), opened by Moscow University Press in 2005 with lectures by the oldest teacher of the University, N.I. Liban.

Its main author is V.A. Nedzvetsky — an Honored Professor of Moscow State University, a Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education Sciences, laureate of the Goncharov Literary Prize. He had published two lectures on Russian literature of the Soviet period (Budapest, 1986, 1989) and lecture courses on Russian literary criticism of the 18th and 19th centuries (Moscow, 1994, 2008), as well as a special course on I.S. Turgenev works (Moscow, Sterlitamak, 2008). The last two lectures in the book (about Nekrasov and Ostrovsky) were written by the associate professor of the Moscow City Pedagogical University E.Yu. Poltavets. This lecture course is dedicated to Russian literature of the second third of the 19th century. Writers of that period, such as Herzen, Turgenev, Goncharov, Chernyshevsky, L. Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Nekrasov, Fet, Tyutchev, and Ostrovsky, gained Russian and European recognition within their lifetimes. V. Nedzvetsky and E. Poltavets' lecture course is remarkable in its subtle aesthetic analysis, conceptual consistency, and simplicity.

For students (bachelors and masters), postgraduates and teachers of philological faculties, as well as for all those interested in Russian literature classics.

Русская литература и журналистика XVIII века Russian literature and journalism of the XVIII century

The textbook "Russian Literature and journalism of the XVIII century" is already the 5th edition. The content of the book covers the period from Peter the Great's transformations to the last decade of the XVIII century, when sentimentalism was established in Russia as a literary trend. The author analyzes the artistic and journalistic works and journalistic activities of famous writers of the XVIII century, introducing the reader to a wide range of names — from Feofan Prokopovich to N.M. Karamzin.

The publication is intended for students, postgraduates and university teachers.

Русский роман XIX века:  спорные и нерешенные вопросы жанра

This new book by Valentin Nedzvetskiy is dedicated to the problems of the modern scientifi c history of the Russian XIXth century novel. The author suggests to his readers well-reasoned answers to the argumentative questions about the substantial forms of Pushkin's Eugene Onegin, Goncharov's «trilogy» novel, «five-book» novel by F. Dostoyevsky, and My Past and Thoughts by A. Herzen. Using the cast of N. Leskov's work No way out the unique issues of the Russian novel are revealed. The chapters about antique origins of the classical Russian novel; its passionate supporter Belinsky; V. Kozhinov, the bright historian of the novel genre, and a dismaying state of the Russian classic literature teaching in our universities, make this book essential not only for the specialists and students in philology, but also for all language arts teaches.

Русский фольклор Russian folklore

The famous teacher and scientist, academician, Professor Y.M. Sokolov (1889-1941) considers the artistic properties of Russian folklore, its features as a phenomenon of traditional Russian culture. All types of folklore are covered. The history of collecting and studying folklore in Russia is presented. The book is characterized by brevity and clarity of presentation, written in excellent language. Time has highlighted the scientific merits of the book. And to this day the surviving copies of the first (1938) and second (1941) editions are in use by the higher school. The book was also published in English. In the process of preparing for the third edition, comments were made on certain outdated provisions.

For students, postgraduates, teachers and anyone interested in Russian folklore.

Русский язык: теоретический курс для школьников Russian language: a theoretical course for schoolchildren

The manual contains a systematic presentation of all sections of the course "Russian language" with an overview of the material presented in the most common school teaching materials, as well as diagrams and samples of analysis of all language units and comments on these analyses. The task of the manual is to generalize and systematize students' knowledge of language and speech. The manual is compiled in accordance with the theoretical guidelines adopted in pre-university training at the Faculty of Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and is intended for school students who study Russian in depth (at the profile level), and teachers.

Рынок труда. Занятость. Безработица
Сборник задач по оптимизации. Теория. Примеры. Задачи. Collection of optimization problems. Theory. Examples. Tasks.

The book contains about 700 problems for finding extremes for the finite-dimensional case, for problems of classical calculus of variations, optimal control and convex programming. It contains elements of functional analysis, differential calculus and convex analysis.

The book contains the theory necessary for solving problems and examples. The basis for solving all problems is a single principle that goes back to Lagrangian. Some of the tasks are given with solutions. There are a large number of difficult tasks that can be used as term papers and theses.

For university students majoring in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, as well as for graduate students and researchers.

Сверхзвуковая плазменная аэродинамика Supersonic plasma aerodynamics

The monograph summarizes and systematizes the results on the fundamental problem of plasma physics related to the study of physical processes occurring in low-temperature non-stationary multicomponent gas-discharge plasma created by microwave and transverse discharges in high-speed flows of chemically active mixtures. This new field of plasma physics includes both fundamental research of the mechanisms and kinetics of atomic-molecular transformations in plasma, as well as applied aspects of optimization of plasma-chemical processes in supersonic air and air-hydrocarbon flows.

For researchers, graduate students and students specializing in the field of aerodynamics, plasma physics, chemical and physical kinetics.

Связи с общественностью: гражданский диалог
Семиотика искусства: история и онтология Semiotics of Art

The basics of “Semiotics of Art” as sign nature of art science are stated in this book in historical and ontological aspect. System defi nition of basic notions, terms and categories of semiotics as empiric and theoretical experience is given. Furthermore, the research of character, structure and types of signs is made. Special attention is paid to applied and none-applied arts; analysis of semiotic systems (special and integral) is displayed; historical similarities of semiotics development as humanities knowledge are marked.

The book contains a glossary of terms, tables and schemes, illustrations and music note samples. The main target is to give an integral and observable summary of the discipline, the development of which can be continued in academic research and university teaching.

The book is intended for students, post-graduates, university teachers and researchers, specialized in arts, as well as for everyone interested in art studies, history and theory of art.

Сергей Есенин
Синдром Шегрена. Руководство для врачей

Many diseases are beyond one medical discipline, and it turns out to be a serious obstacle for their research. Creation of multidisciplinary group involving all the specialists interested – is a key to solving this problem. Such a decision was made long ago, in 1980's, by the Russian Academy of Sciences concerning Sjögren's syndrome. Uniting together efforts of several academic institutions has led to a serious breakthrough in the research of fundamental basis of this complicated pathology. Due to this, nowadays the Russian Federation is one of the ten leaders in this problem solution. The book reflects a long-term experience of the authors as well as analysis of the world literature data to present the peculiarities of clinical picture, diagnostics and contemporary methods of curing patients with Sjögren's syndrome.

Современная российская политика
Современная финансовая политика Российской Федерации
Современный русский язык. Морфология Modern Russian language. Morphology

The manual highlights theoretical and practical issues of the morphology of the modern Russian language. The material is presented in the volume provided by the mandatory program for students of philological faculties of universities. New studies on the categories of gender, number, case, type, time, etc. are involved. The manual is written on the basis of a lecture course given by the author at Moscow State University. 

For students of philology, graduate students, teachers of schools with a humanitarian orientation.

Созвездие неповторимых. Мастерство русских классиков.
Социально-политическая концепция Маркса и Энгельса
Социология организаций
Социология рекламной деятельности
Социология управления
Сравнительная анатомия позвоночных животных Comparative anatomy of vertebrates

The textbook summarizes in a concise form the basic data on the structure and morpho-functional relationships of all organ systems of vertebrates, taking into account their individual development and existing ideas about phylogeny. It is intended for the reader who already has some training in the field of vertebrate morphology.

It is intended for senior students specializing in the field of zoology and paleontology of vertebrates, can also be used by graduate students, teachers, researchers.

Сравнительная грамматика славянских языков Comparative grammar of Slavic languages

Textbook. 2nd edition. The textbook discusses the principles and methodology of comparative historical linguistics, presents the history of the Proto-Slavic language, contains information about the territory of settlement of the ancient Slavs and their contacts with native speakers of other languages. A special section is devoted to the history of the sound system of the Proto-Slavic language and the later phonetic transformations.

The book is intended for students and postgraduates of philological faculties as a textbook for the course "Comparative grammar of Slavic languages" and as a textbook for the course "Introduction to Slavic Philology".

Старославянский язык Old church language

The textbook, created by one of the prominent scientists in the field of Slavic linguistics, includes the following sections: philological introduction; phonetics; texts from Old Slavic monuments intended for practical classes and containing all the basic data that are studied in the course of the Old Slavic language; dictionary; essays on morphology.

Старославянский язык. Учебное пособие + Электронный курс (CD) Old church language. Tutorial + E-course (CD)

3rd edition, revised and supplemented. CD-ROM. 

The textbook by M.L. Remneva, based on modern scientific concepts, gives a detailed description of the system of the Old Slavic language of the IX-XI centuries, analyzes the process of its formation starting from the initial characteristics of the Indo-European language, traces the fate of specific phenomena of the Old Slavic language in the history of national Slavic languages. 

CD-ROM. In this edition, the book is supplemented with an electronic hypertext course prepared on its basis (authors M.L. Remneva and O.V. Dedova), as well as texts and a dictionary (compiled by V.S. Savelyev).

Структурная геология: иллюстрированный терминологический словарь Structural geology: an illustrated terminological dictionary

The illustrated terminological dictionary of structural geology is intended for students and undergraduates studying in the field of "Geology", as well as for geologists engaged in structural research. The dictionary contains 340 terms, which are arranged in alphabetical order. Almost all terms are accompanied by illustrations, for most of them there is an English translation.

Субатомная физика. Вопросы. Задачи. Факты
Сюжет «Евгения Онегина»
Теория вероятностей, математическая статистика и элементы теории возможностей для физиков Probability theory, mathematical statistics and elements of the theory of possibilities for physicists

The book consists of three parts. The first part presents all sections of probability theory for physics and mathematics specialties. The limit theorems of probability theory and the theory of random processes, which is important for physical applications, are considered in more detail.

The second part presents the main sections of mathematical statistics and considers its applications in the theory of measuring and computing converters as means of physical measurements and in the theory of statistical solutions.

In the third part, the elements of the theory of possibilities are considered as an alternative probability theory of the randomness model, which allows empirically reconstructing mathematical models of objects, including stochastic ones, whose probabilistic models cannot be constructed empirically. Applications of the theory of possibilities in problems of optimization of solutions, analysis and interpretation of measurement experiment, etc. are considered.

The book is aimed at students of physics and mathematics departments of universities.

Теория и история искусства. Вып.1. Ломоносов и искусство

This collected volume includes the articles by professors, teachers and postgraduate students of the Faculty on actual problems of history and theory of art. 

Intended for specialists, students in humanities and a wide range of readers.

Теория и история социологии религии Theory and history of the sociology of religion

The textbook summarizes the materials of educational and methodological developments of the basic course "Sociology of Religion", taught at the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University for undergraduate students of the educational program in the field of Religious Studies. The publication presents both classical scientific views on a wide range of problems of the sociology of religion in historical, conceptual, methodological aspects, and the author's solution of those problems that constitute the main subject field of the sociology of religion. The appendices contain a number of cases representing examples of sociological research conducted by the staff of the department under the guidance of the author of the textbook — Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Professor of Moscow University I. N. Yablokov. For undergraduate students taking courses in sociology of religion, philosophy of religion and religious studies, as well as for all interested- engaged in the study of religion.

The scientific and auxiliary work was carried out by the Candidate of Philos. M. S. Kiselev, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies.

Теория капитала и экономического роста
Теория общественного богатства
Теория перевода Theory of translation

The textbook is devoted to the general theory of translation, a scientific discipline that studies by various methods and techniques the structure and patterns inherent in any translation, regardless of the pair of languages being compared, the form of translation activity and the conditions of its course, the content and functional orientation of the translated texts.

It is intended for students studying the theory of translation within the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies", the direction "Linguistics", as well as for persons studying under the program of additional qualification "Translator in the field of professional communication", and for a wide range of readers who want to get acquainted with this type of complex and socially significant cognitive and communicative activity.

Теория познания. Симвология. Теория символических форм
Теория экономического анализа
Технологии параллельного программирования для процессоров новых архитектур Being a Leader

A lecture read by V.A. Nikonov, the dean of Faculty of Public Administration (Lomonosov Moscow State University), before first course students on September 2, 2011.

Товарный маркетинг
Традиции и инновации в профессиональном образовании
Тренировочные задания по испанскому языку DELE и ЕГЭ

This course aims at providing comprehensive preparation for the State Exam and the International Exam in the Spanish language. The course contains two full practice tests in the format of the State Exam and one full test in the format of DELE "Escolar". This course is followed by the CD-disk with authentic materials and documents, regulating the structure and the content of examinational materials for the State Exam (Exam Specifi cation and Codifi cation of the Spanish Language) and contains the State Exam demo test 2013 as well.

This course is designed for teachers and teacher consultants, who manage the preparation of senior pupils to the State Exam and for all the students, who are going to prepare for the State Exam individually or with the help of a teacher, using all the tips and typical test items that allow them to evaluate the level of their preparedness.

Труды Московского математического общества. Том 56
ТФФА — лекции для аспирантов TFFA — lectures for graduate students

The book is based on the courses of lectures that are read annually for graduate students of the Department of Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in preparation for the candidate's minimum. The book contains 19 chapters devoted to various topics from the theory of functions of a real variable, functional analysis and the theory of functions of a complex variable.

The book is intended for students and postgraduates specializing in the theory of functions and functional analysis, as well as for a wide range of mathematicians and physicists using the theory of functions and functional analysis in their research.

Управление брендом
Управление персоналом в условиях социальной рыночной экономики
Устойчивое развитие человечества Sustainable human development

Written taking into account the rich international and domestic experience of recent decades, the textbook promotes a holistic perception of modern environmental and social problems in mutual connection: from the most general environmental and demographic patterns in combination with the analysis of human consumption of natural resources to modern ways of preventing an environmental crisis and achieving sustainable human development. 

For students of higher educational institutions studying in environmental specialties, as well as for a wide range of people interested in modern problems of human development.

Учебник латинского языка Latin language textbook

The textbook consists of 24 lessons, a "Textbook", a "Short grammar guide", Latin-Russian and Russian-Latin dictionaries and a section "Latin proverbs, sayings, winged words, some legal formulas". Grammatical material with detailed explanations and comments on grammatical topics in relation to texts, as well as the inclusion of syntactic topics in the first lessons allows you to master the basics of Latin grammar and quickly learn to understand unadapted original Latin texts.

For students of humanities faculties, mainly philological and historical-philological, and independent study of the Latin language.

Учебник русского языка для иностранных учащихся-филологов Textbook of the Russian language for foreign students-philologists

The textbook summarizes, systematizes and deepens knowledge of grammar, word formation, vocabulary and stylistics of the Russian language.

The book is intended for foreign students — students, undergraduates, postgraduates of philological faculties of Russian universities, studying Russian in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard (III certification level: general knowledge, professional module "Philology"). The textbook can also be used by teachers of the Russian language abroad.

Учебно-методическое пособие по курсу «История Германии»

In this manual political-and-eventful, economic, spiritual and cultural history of Germany is presented along with suggested course schedule for seminars, discussion questions and lists of references are literature for seminars and repots.

Учебное пособие по переводу научной литературы

The purpose of this manual is to develop practical skills of oral, written and oral-written translation, ‘at sight' translation, abstracting and annotating of the scientific text on economics. It will be of interest for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students of economics, students of the program Translating in the Sphere of Professional Communication, apprentice translators and for all those who aim to master economic translation on their own.

Федор Иванович Тютчев: поэтическое открытие природы
Федор Иванович Тютчев. Поэтическое открытие природы
Феномен художественности: от Пушкина до Чехова
Философия и история науки Philosophy and History of Science

The textbook corresponding to the new program of the course "History and Philosophy of Science" for graduate students and applicants contains a positive interpretation of the basic models, principles, ideas of modern methodology of cognitive activity.

It is designed for persons undergoing special pre-dissertation training to pass the candidate's minimum exam, and for anyone interested in methodological issues.

Философия права Philosophy of law

The textbook highlights the main problems of the theory and history of philosophy of law. Much attention is paid to the methodology of philosophical and legal research, the status of the philosophy of law as a scientific and educational discipline. Axiology and ontology of state and law, issues of legal culture and legal awareness are examined in detail. Theoretical provisions are based on a wide social science material on various branches of knowledge.

For students, graduate students and teachers of legal, philosophical, political science and other humanitarian universities and faculties.

Финансовая безопасность. Финансовые расследования Financial Safety. Financial Investigations

This book is the second amended and revised edition of the same textbook. It contains key concepts in the field of economic and financial security, gives an idea of the features of detection, disclosure and investigation of financial crimes. At the same time, special attention is paid to the disclosure of practical examples of combating crimes, the investigation of which is carried out by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

This manual can be used as an additional source of specialized training of unique specialists — «financial investigators», bachelors and masters of law, possessing in addition to basic criminal law training complex of special knowledge and skills in the financial and budgetary sphere.

Финансовая математика. Введение в классическую теорию. Часть 2.
Франкофония: культура повседневности Francophonie: Culture of Everyday Life

This tutorial is devoted to the theoretical and practical questions, related to the culture of everyday life of France and countries of Francophonie. It consists of 5 sections:

  1. Culture of everyday life as a scientific problem; 
  2. Culture of France and culture of everyday life; 
  3. Francophonie and regions of France: cultures of everyday life; 
  4. France and Russia: literary and historical aspects of everyday life; 
  5. Everyday culture in the practice of teaching of the French language.

Intended for students, post-graduates and everyone interested in the culture of France and Francophonie.

Французский либерализм в прошлом и настоящем
Фундаментальные основы языка политики. Продвинутый курс английского языка

The present book is a sequence in the series of course-books in Рolitical English and is aimed for students of international relations, politics and journalism. At the same time, the book can be widely used by the students, as well as post-graduate ones, who study at the schools of foreign languages, philology, history, state administration, etc. Covering the area beyond those of language course-books, "Fundamentals" supplies a great amount of information on the key issues of modern political culture, including Anglo-Saxon political culture, as the one being part of the language under study. At the same time, being primarily an English language course-book, it supplies lots of linguistic information, including data on the specific functioning of the newest English language. Methodology of language delivery is a combination of modern methods of communicative approach with a traditional one, based on the text analysis. This combination of the leading foreign methodology with the best traditions of the Russian one guarantees a most optimal result and most adequately meets the real needs of a contemporary Russian student.

Химическая физика твердого тела
Химическое загрязнение биосферы и его экологические последствия

In conditions of growing anthropogenic degradation of the environment a knowledge of general and specific patterns of distribution and accumulation of various pollutants in the environment of different regions and of ways to improve them are necessary for professionals in the field of protection of the biosphere. In the book sets out the theoretical and practical aspects of the activities of researchers and practitioners. The textbook contains a summary of the study of environmental management, of the significance of chemical contamination in modern society. Much attention is paid to valuation approaches and methods of chemical substances in the environment and assessing of their performance. There are described the principles and methods of remediation of the polluted soils, the assessment of the environmental impact of chemical pollution of the biosphere.

The textbook is intended for students who are training on specialties in soil science, ecology, biology, geography, natural resources and management and all those are interested by a current state of environment.

Химия XXI века в задачах Международных Менделеевских олимпиад Chemistry of the XXI century in the tasks of the International Mendeleev Olympiads

The book presents all the tasks - theoretical and experimental - of the last five International Mendeleev Olympiads of schoolchildren in chemistry. This is the result of a great work of a large team of chemists from different countries, information about which is also presented in the book. The reader is given the opportunity to cover the whole system of tasks of the Mendeleev Olympiads, to get information about the directions of development of modern chemical science Olympiads.

Химия горючих ископаемых Chemistry of combustible minerals

The textbook characterizes organogenic elements (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur) that are part of both the living matter of bioproducts — higher plants, phyto-, zooplankton and bacteria, and combustible fossils. The main part is devoted to the description of the properties and composition of combustible minerals: natural gas, oil and naphthides, peat, brown, hard coals, anthracites, sapropelites, oil shales, as well as their secondary changes in deposits in the zones of hypergenesis and catagenesis. An idea of analytical methods for studying their properties and composition is given. The connection of the molecular composition of living matter with the composition of caustobiolites — chemophossils and their precursors for the geological and geochemical interpretation of analytical data is traced. Examples of material and material-genetic classifications of caustobiolites are described. The review of modern methods of interpretation of data on the molecular composition of oil and organic matter of rocks is presented. The abiogenic and organic concepts of the origin of oil and the arguments of proponents of biogenic hypotheses and sedimentary-migration theory of the origin of oil are considered.

The textbook is intended for students, undergraduates and postgraduates studying in the specialty 1.6.11 "Geology, prospecting, exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields" at geological faculties of universities.

Химия. Для школьников старших классов и поступающих в вузы Chemistry. For school pupils and university applicants

The book contains theoretical materials regarding all parts of chemistry course, as well as 1500 examination tasks, questions and exercises accompanied by their detailed analysis and answers. The tasks vary in difficulty level - from basic to most advanced.

The book is intended for high school students, chemistry teachers, and pretenders.

Химия. Формулы успеха на вступительных экзаменах Chemistry. Formulas for success in entrance exams

This manual differs from most publications intended for applicants in that the largest domestic university - Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov - presents all the variants of examination tasks in chemistry offered at the entrance exams at all faculties of Moscow State University over the past three years. For each option, detailed solutions of tasks or answers and instructions to the solution are provided.

The manual is intended for applicants entering universities for chemical, medical and biological specialties, as well as for high school students and chemistry teachers.

Шаг за шагом в мир глобальной науки

Globalization of science does not only strengthen the competition, but also gives a range of opportunities for both investors and researchers. In particular, every researcher can easily gain an access to all promising layouts, publications, projects, grants; co-authors and publishing partners in the field of interest; create and promote own international brand or optimize data search process and publication writing process. Many of these opportunities are free for researcher with Google Scholar or Russian data base for researchers and their works – ISTINA. All mentioned options are available simultaneously with Thomson Reuters' products: Web of Knowledge, EndNote Web, Researcher ID. The aim of this manual is to introduce the above mentioned technological solutions to the target audience – researchers and scientists. Ultimate goal is to adapt most recent international and Russian research platforms, data and reference bases for day-to-day work of researchers' community.

Экология биосферы
Экономика нано-технологий
Элементарная финансовая математика
Эпидемиология трансмиссионных болезней
Эстетика: начала классической теории Aesthetics: the beginnings of classical theory

This textbook is a revised and expanded edition of the text published in 2011 (Moscow: Academic Project). Since the first edition, the textbook has been an integral part of the educational process at the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University and has shown a very high degree of suitability for the training of both students of philosophical specializations and applicants for academic degrees in relevant areas.

The materials of this textbook are the result of many years of research and teaching work of the author at the Department of Aesthetics of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. The text contains historical and theoretical expositions of classical aesthetic issues.

The publication will be useful for a wide range of readers interested in the theory and history of aesthetics.

Этические основы информационных коммуникаций: зарубежные подходы и традиции

The book includes educational and methodical supplies with control questions and recommended literature, tasks for individual work, examples of actual professional and ethical dilemmas for the analysis of concrete cases of journalistic practice, and texts of the international and foreign documents considering various aspects of media ethics. 

For students journalism schools.

Юридический статус личности в России
Ядерная геохимия Nuclear geochemistry

The textbook sets out as fully as possible the main issues related to the finding and behavior of various types of radionuclides of natural and anthropogenic origin in terrestrial matter. Much attention is paid to the ecological geochemistry of radionuclides. The issues of geochronology and isotope systematics using radiogenic stable and radioactive isotopes are considered. The issues of the impact of radioactive radiation on the geological environment, including the problems of terrestrial heat, are also presented. The principles of measuring radionuclides and the use of field radiometric methods are given. The main text is preceded by sections devoted to the physical and physico-chemical features of radionuclides.

The book is written in an accessible language and is intended for students, postgraduates and specialists in the field of geochemistry, geology, ecology, radiation hygiene, as well as related disciplines related to the study of radionuclides in terrestrial matter.

Язык и межкультурная коммуникация Language and intercultural communication

Study guide. 3rd edition.

This book is the first fundamental textbook on the new and very popular specialty "Linguistics and intercultural Communication". Such work is especially important in the new conditions of the "world without borders", when the problem of mutual understanding of people of different cultures and traditions is acute and the education of tolerance for foreign cultures, the awakening of interest and respect for them becomes a necessity for the survival of mankind.

For philologists, linguists, diplomats, sociologists, ethnographers, psychologists, culturologists and for everyone who comes into contact with the problems of interethnic, intercultural communication in professional or everyday life.

Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students and postgraduates of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty "Linguistics and intercultural Communication".

Язык СМИ и политика Media language and politics

The collective monograph, written by well-known Russian linguists, presents a broad picture of the functioning of the language of the media, comprehensively analyzes the influence of politics on the language of the media. This problem is central to the language of the media, since politics is the main content in the activities of the media, and is considered in semiotic, functional-stylistic, ethical and rhetorical aspects. The language of print and electronic media (newspapers, magazines, television, radio) is studied in detail. The language of foreign media is also considered in a comparative aspect. The monograph shows the current state of the media language and its influence on the development of the literary language.

The monograph is of interest to students, postgraduates and teachers of journalism and philology faculties, as well as to a wide range of readers, for those who care about the purity and expressiveness of Russian speech.