Moscow University Press
Practical Course in ‘Modern Russian Literary Language’. Issue 2: Acoustic and Perceptual Phonetics. Workbook

Practical Course in ‘Modern Russian Literary Language’. Issue 2: Acoustic and Perceptual Phonetics. Workbook

Практикум по курсу «Современный русский литературный язык». Выпуск 2: Акустическая и перцептивная фонетика. Рабочая тетрадь
book lists russian language
ISBN: 978-5-211-06473-7 publication date: 2013 format: 70х108 1/16 pages': 172

The manual corresponds to the curriculum of the Russian language department of the Philological faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and reflects many years of the workbook authors’ experience in teaching this course at the MSU faculty of philology. The manual was written for students, philologists, postgraduate students, teachers of the Russian language and all those who are interested in the problems of Russian phonetics.

To cite this article
Knyazev S.V., Moiseeva E.V. Practical Course in ‘Modern Russian Literary Language’. Issue 2: Acoustic and Perceptual Phonetics. Workbook — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2013. — 172 p.
About the authors
Knyazev S.V. Moiseeva E.V.