Moscow University Press
Affective-behavioral complexes. Observation, assessment and development

Affective-behavioral complexes. Observation, assessment and development

Аффективно-поведенческие комплексы. Наблюдение, оценка и развитие
book lists education psychology
ISBN: 978-5-19-011783-7 publication date: 2022 format: 70×100 1/16 pages': 575

The book is addressed to scientific researchers, University teachers, students of psychological, medical, educational departments, and also to practical workers (child psychologists, psychiatrists, special teachers, speech therapists) and parents.


The fundamental model of level-based development of affective-behavioural complexes (ABC) is presented in the edition. The practical issues of the ABCs’ assessment and their correction in children with affective disorders and autistic spectrum disorders are analyzed in the book.

The model has been developed based on the data of systematic observation of 439 children’s development with behavioural disorders, emotional disturbances, autistic spectrum disorders, psychotic states. The unique authorial method of observation with therapeutic actions is described. It allows to analyse qualitatively and quantitatively recordings of children’s behaviour and emotions and their development. The book contains many photos of key affective patterns of human behavior and drawings made by children during their psychotherapeutic sessions with the author.

To cite this article
Bardyshevskaya M.K. Affective-behavioral complexes. Observation, assessment and development. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2022. 575 p.
About the author
Bardyshevskaya Marina K.

Ph.D. in Psychology,

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