Moscow University Press
Guide to Mayakovsky

Guide to Mayakovsky

Путеводитель по Маяковскому
ISBN: 978-5-211-05337-3 publication date: 2012 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 208

Unlike other books in this series, this book is a guidebook not just to a single work, but to all of Mayakovsky's lyrics, practically his poetry, for Mayakovsky remained a lyrist in both his civil verses and even in his big poems. Throughout the book, the author guides the reader through a complex labyrinth of bonds that Mayakovsky's lyrical poetry forms with that of his fellow poets, as well as with that of poets who seem to be worlds apart but in fact not so far away.
For teachers of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, students, high school students, applicants, philologists and a wide range of readers.

To cite this article
Sarnov B.M. Guide to Mayakovsky — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2012. — 208 p.
About the author
Sarnov B.M.