Moscow University Press
Theory of economic analysis

Theory of economic analysis

Теория экономического анализа
book lists economics
ISBN: 978-5-19-010999-3 publication date: 2015 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 176
The textbook discusses the essence and role of analysis of the economic activities of organizations, the organization of analytical work, the fundamentals of the theory of economic analysis, techniques and methods for its implementation, and the information base. The methodology for analyzing the use of fixed assets, working capital and labor resources of an organization is revealed. A system of indicators for assessing the efficiency of using an organization's economic resources is presented. Teachers will find in the course of lectures successful examples, clear definitions and methods for briefly presenting the theory of economic analysis. The textbook contains examples and basics of methods used in the practice of economic analysis in the Russian Federation. For students, teachers of economic universities and departments, practicing accountants, economists, auditors, financial managers, analysts and consultants on economic issues.
To cite this article
Zakharov I.V. Theory of economic analysis. – M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2015. – 176 p.
About the author
Zaharov I.V.