Moscow University Press
Linear non-stationary systems and stabilization of satellite motion near the center of mass in the geomagnetic field

Linear non-stationary systems and stabilization of satellite motion near the center of mass in the geomagnetic field

Линейные нестационарные системы и стабилизация движения спутника около центра масс в геомагнитном поле
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ISBN: 978-5-19-011883-4 publication date: 2023 format: 70×100/16 pages': 174

The book is devoted to the application of the theory of linear non-stationary systems to the problems of stabilization of stationary movements of a satellite near the center of mass under the action of magnetic moments of various nature. An original rigorous analytical approach to the study of linear non-stationary systems of a special class is proposed. Solutions to a number of specific stabilization tasks based on this approach are presented.

The book will be useful for graduate students and students of Moscow State University, as well as teachers and researchers dealing with issues of dynamics and management.

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About the authors
Morozov Viktor M.

Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences,

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Kalenova Vera I.