Moscow University Press
XXI век: информация и общество

XXI век: информация и общество

Гуманитарная миссия современной глобализирующейся коммуникативистики >Humanitarian Mission of Modern Globalizing Communication Science

The book introduces new theoretical concepts and trends of foreign communication science. It is based on the analysis of the fundamental research by prominent representatives of this globalizing science, which studies the humanitarian aspects of media development.

For teachers and students of journalism faculties, specialists in various fields of information activities and for a wide range of readers who are interested in the role of communication factors in the socio-cultural life of the modern world.

Медиа Польши на рубеже XX-XXI веков >Polish Media at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century

he key features of journalism development in the Republic of Poland since 1989 till the present day are analyzed in the monograph. Associated with sociopolitical changes, a wide review of printed and audiovisual media in the last twenty-five years is given for the first time; the influence of scientific-and-technological progress and digital technologies on the information complex of the country at the turn of XX—XXI centuries is shown. Special attention is paid to the role of the world media corporate groups and their impact on the media transformation and development of a new media model in the Republic of Poland.

The monograph can be useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students, teachers of journalism faculties and departments and to anyone who is interested in the development of modern journalism.

Шведоязычные масс-медиа Финдляндии >Swedish-language mass media of Finland
The book is devoted to the study of the media system of a small language group - the Finnish Swedes. The problem is considered in the context of the development of pan-European and state media policy, the growth of competition in the media market, and the growing disproportion between large and small language groups. The strategies of individual publications and channels are analyzed taking into account economic and ethnopolitical factors. For specialists in the field of mass media, interethnic relations, language planning, as well as for students and teachers of journalism faculties.
Этические основы информационных коммуникаций: зарубежные подходы и традиции

The book includes educational and methodical supplies with control questions and recommended literature, tasks for individual work, examples of actual professional and ethical dilemmas for the analysis of concrete cases of journalistic practice, and texts of the international and foreign documents considering various aspects of media ethics. 

For students journalism schools.