Moscow University Press
The Life Path of A Pedologist

The Life Path of A Pedologist

Жизненный путь почвоведа
book lists biology biography
ISBN: 978-5-211-06491-1 publication date: 2013 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 416

The book will be interesting for soil scientists, biologists, geographers, geologists, specialists in environmental protection and rational use of land resources.


The renowned soil scientist G.V. Dobrovolsky tells us about his long personal and professional journey. Almost all his life except for the war years (1939–1946) is closely connected with Lomonosov Moscow State University. He passed his student and post-graduate years here and later began his scientifi c and pedagogic work as a research fellow, assistant, assistant professor, head of chair, dean of Biology and Soil Department and then dean of the Department of Soil Science founded upon his initiative. Many years of expeditions and business trips to different regions of Russia and other countries, meetings and cooperation with interesting people have brought about new knowledge and impressions that are presented in this book.

The book will be interesting for soil scientists, biologists, geographers, geologists, specialists in environmental protection and rational use of land resources.

To cite this article
Dobrovolsky G.V. The Life Journey of a Soil Scientist. – Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2013 – 416 p.
About the author
Dobrovolskii G.V.

Doctor of Biology,

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