Moscow University Press
Secret Name. Cryptograms in the ‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’

Secret Name. Cryptograms in the ‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’

Затаенное имя. Тайнопись в «Слове о полку Игореве»
book lists literary studies
ISBN: 5-211-03738-3 publication date: 1997 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 48

The book is devoted to a long-standing problem: the search for the name of the author of the Tale. The researcher tried to approach the solution of this problem by finding and reading the cryptograms — one of the well-known and widely spread methods of Old Russian authors to leave their names hidden.

To cite this article
Sumarukov G.V. Secret Name. Cryptograms in the ‘The Tale of Igor's Campaign’. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1997. — 48 p.
About the author
Sumarukov G.V.