Moscow University Press
Tasks for Olympiads on Ecology

Tasks for Olympiads on Ecology

Задания для олимпиад по экологии
ISBN: 978-5-19-011339-6 publication date: 2020 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 93

The manual is meant for teachers and secondary school pupils, college and university undergraduate students studying Ecology.


The manual is meant for teachers and secondary school pupils, college and university undergraduate students studying Ecology. The materials of the manual can be used to assess the students’ knowledge as well as to facilitate their preparation for contests in Ecology.

The manual provides tasks on the five sections of Ecology: General ecology (Bioecology), Social ecology and Human ecology, Natural resources and their use (Environmental management), Environmental pollution (Applied ecology), and Environmental protection. The tasks are formulated as tests of different levels of complexity and various kinds (free-answer and alternative questions).

When writing the manual its authors applied their experience of teaching Ecology and developing the base of the tasks for different levels of the All-Russian contest on Ecology and ‘Lomonosov’ contest on Ecology at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

To cite this article
Popova L.V., Kurakov A.V. Tasks for Olympiads on Ecology. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2020. — 93 p.
About the authors
Popova Ludmila.V.

Doctor of Pedagogics, Ph.D in Biology,

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Kurakov A.V.