Moscow University Press
The language of F. M. Dostoevsky: Idioglossary, thesaurus, eido

The language of F. M. Dostoevsky: Idioglossary, thesaurus, eido

Язык Ф. М. Достоевского: Идиоглоссарий, тезаурус, эйдо
ISBN: 978-5-19-011931-2 publication date: 2024 format: 70×100/16 pages': 606
Published in accordance with the publishing programme dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow University. The book is an expanded and revised edition of the monograph “The Language of F. M. Dostoevsky: Idioglossary, Thesaurus, Eidos” published in 2015, it is dedicated to the possibilities of lexicographic representation of the linguistic personality of the writer. The three research vectors in the title show ways of studying the author’s idiostyle, some features of F. M. Dostoevsky’s worldview, reflected in the writer’s language. The first edition of the monograph was based on the material of the “Lexical structure of the idiolect” (2001, 2003) - experimental editions of the “Dostoevsky Language Dictionary”, three volumes of the “Dostoevsky Idioglossary” (Vol. 1–3. 2008, 2010, 2012). In preparing the second edition, lexicographic data was used from the published 4th and 5th volumes of the “Idioglossary” (2017, 2021), as well as the latest 6th volume, which is being prepared for publication. The book will be of interest to lexicographers, Dostoevsky literary scholars, specialists in the field of linguapoetics, and anyone interested in the peculiarities of F. M. Dostoevsky’s style and worldview.
To cite this article
Ruzhitsky, I.V. The language of F.M. Dostoevsky: Idioglossary, thesaurus, eidos: monograph / I.V. Ruzhitsky. — 2nd ed., revised and suppl. - Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 2024. - 606, [2] p. — (Works of outstanding scientists of Moscow State University).
About the author
Ruzhitskiy Igor V.

Doctor of Philological,

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