Moscow University Press
Introduction to Oceanology

Introduction to Oceanology

Введение в океанологию
book lists geography
ISBN: 978-5-19-010828-6 publication date: 2014 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 632

For students and magistrands studying in marine science, disciplines of natural sciences (geology, geophysics, biology, geography, ecology) as well as teachers, researchers and postgraduate students in relevant specialties.


The manual covers a range of issues that oceanology has to solve to form strategic directions in the study of the World Ocean.

For students and magistrands studying in marine science, disciplines of natural sciences (geology, geophysics, biology, geography, ecology) as well as teachers, researchers and postgraduate students in relevant specialties.

To cite this article
Kuprin P.N. Introduction to Oceanology. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2014. — 632 p.
About the author
Kuprin P.N.

Doctor of Mineralogy and geognosy,

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