Moscow University Press
Latin language textbook

Latin language textbook

Учебник латинского языка
book lists latin
ISBN: 5-211-04950-0 publication date: 2006 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 560

For students of humanities faculties, mainly philological and historical-philological, and independent study of the Latin language.


The textbook consists of 24 lessons, a "Textbook", a "Short grammar guide", Latin-Russian and Russian-Latin dictionaries and a section "Latin proverbs, sayings, winged words, some legal formulas". Grammatical material with detailed explanations and comments on grammatical topics in relation to texts, as well as the inclusion of syntactic topics in the first lessons allows you to master the basics of Latin grammar and quickly learn to understand unadapted original Latin texts.

For students of humanities faculties, mainly philological and historical-philological, and independent study of the Latin language.

To cite this article
Miroshenkova V.I., Fedorov N.A. Textbook of the Latin language. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2006. — 560 p.
About the authors
Miroshenkova V.I. Fedorov N.A.