Moscow University Press
Transformation of discourse in luxury and premium branding

Transformation of discourse in luxury and premium branding

Трансформация дискурса в люксовом и премиальном брендинге
book lists journalism
ISBN: 978-2-336-31878-3 (L’Harmattan) ISBN 978-5-19-011467-6 (Изд-во Моск. ун-та) publication date: 2020 format: 60x90/16 pages': 136

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The monograph examines the influence of social trends and the digital economy on the transformation of communication between luxury groups and haute couture houses, occurring in synergy with the evolution of management models. Attention is paid to the impact of an inclusive culture on human resource management, the concept of sustainable development and "responsible investments" on the image and reputation of actors in the field under study. The directions of the evolution of network discourse, the emergence of new heroes, the cooperation of luxury groups with leading companies in the field of digital technologies, new formats of intercultural communication are investigated. The monograph gives an idea of the sphere of luxury and premium brands as influential media transmitters of values to society and at the same time responding to social impulses.

To cite this article
Lebedeva T.Yu., Okunkova E.A. Transformation of discourse in luxury and premium branding / Ed. by A.D. Krivonosov. – Paris, L'Harmattan, Moscow State University Publishing House, 2020. – 136 p. – (Series "Anthology of modern communication").
About the authors
Lebedeva Tatiana Yu.

Doctor of Philological,

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Okunkova Elena A.

Ph.D. in Philological,

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