Moscow University Press
Theory and practice of soil design

Theory and practice of soil design

Теория и практика конструирования почв
book lists edaphology ecology
ISBN: 978-5-211-06299-3 publication date: 2012 format: 60x90 1/16 pages': 544

For specialists in the field of soil science, environmental engineering, landscape architecture, organizations working in the field of agriculture, recultivation, landscaping and integrated land improvement, students, postgraduates of universities


The monograph is devoted to the scientific, methodological and experimental foundations of soil engineering - an innovative direction in geoecology, soil science and landscape engineering, which allows using models of the physical organization of soils to design and create soil objects (constructozems) optimal in their characteristics using natural and synthetic materials — soil conditioners. In the theoretical part of the work, edaphic factors, processes and models of the natural structural and functional organization of soils are analyzed, which form the fundamental basis of technological modeling to identify optimal parameters of soil structures at the design stage. In practice, the proposed variants of soil structures have demonstrated high efficiency in conditions of irrigation farming and land scaping in the arid climate of the Persian Gulf countries (UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan), as well as greening and landscaping of urban areas with high anthropogenic load on the example of a metropolitan city. 

For specialists in the field of soil science, environmental engineering, landscape architecture, organizations working in the field of agriculture, recultivation, landscaping and integrated land improvement, students, postgraduates of universities in the specialties "Ecology" and "Soil Science".

To cite this article
Smagin A.V. Theory and Practice of soil engineering. М.: Moscow State University Press. 544 p. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2012. — 544 p.
About the author
Smagin A.V.