Moscow University Press
Modern financial policy of the Russian Federation

Modern financial policy of the Russian Federation

Современная финансовая политика Российской Федерации
book lists economics
ISBN: 978-5-19-010949-8 publication date: 2014 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 320
The textbook is written in the form of a lecture course, which is a logically structured presentation of material that reveals the essence of concepts related to the regulation of financial flows in the economy and the possibilities of targeting financial regulation towards macroeconomic stability and economic growth. The economic role of budgetary relations that form the basis of the financial basis of state regulation is considered. This material lays the foundation for understanding how methods of budget regulation “work” and how they are used to manage the movement of financial flows. The modern budget, tax and debt policies of the state are analyzed, the main problems and main priorities are highlighted, the implementation of which makes it possible to intensify the role of the state's financial policy. The book allows everyone to independently study issues related to the development of financial policy, taking into account modern theory and practice of financial relations. It is intended for training students of economic specialties, in advanced training courses, for scientists, practitioners and teachers.
To cite this article
Podporina I.V. Modern financial policy of the Russian Federation. – M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2014. – 320 p.
About the author
Podporina I.V.