Moscow University Press
With mathematics and computer science 365 days: Calendar

With mathematics and computer science 365 days: Calendar

С математикой и информатикой 365 дней: Календарь
ISBN: 978-5-19-011220-7 publication date: 2018 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 336
The book offers entertaining and educational material on mathematics and computer science, intended for a wide range of readers - schoolchildren, students, teachers, parents. The available facts are systematized in accordance with the calendar and are associated with holidays and memorable dates of the year - both international and Russian.The calendar contains little-known information about Russian mathematicians and cybernetics. Particular attention is paid to modern domestic and foreign specialists in the field of information technology, who through their activities have radically changed the way of human activity and continue to make revolutionary changes in the traditional way of life. The available information will significantly expand students’ knowledge and will contribute to the emergence and maintenance of interest in mathematics and computer science. The calendar can be used by teachers when preparing and conducting lessons and extracurricular activities in mathematics and computer science; it will also be of interest to any educated person seeking to broaden their horizons.
To cite this article
With mathematics and computer science 365 days: Calendar / A.V. Loginov, O.V. Panisheva. - M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2018. - 336 p.
About the authors
Loginov A.V. Panisheva O. V.