Moscow University Press
Russian folklore

Russian folklore

Русский фольклор
book lists literary studies
ISBN: 978-5-211-05350-2 publication date: 2007 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 544

For students, postgraduates, teachers and anyone interested in Russian folklore.


The famous teacher and scientist, academician, Professor Y.M. Sokolov (1889-1941) considers the artistic properties of Russian folklore, its features as a phenomenon of traditional Russian culture. All types of folklore are covered. The history of collecting and studying folklore in Russia is presented. The book is characterized by brevity and clarity of presentation, written in excellent language. Time has highlighted the scientific merits of the book. And to this day the surviving copies of the first (1938) and second (1941) editions are in use by the higher school. The book was also published in English. In the process of preparing for the third edition, comments were made on certain outdated provisions.

For students, postgraduates, teachers and anyone interested in Russian folklore.

To cite this article
Sokolov Y.M. Russian folklore — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2007. — 544 p.
About the author
Sokolov Yu.M.