Moscow University Press
A guide to practical physiology of the central nervous system

A guide to practical physiology of the central nervous system

Руководство к занятиям по практической физиологии центральной нервной системы
выбор редакции
ISBN: 978-5-19-011939-8 publication date: 2024 format: 60×90/16 pages': 196

for physiology students of Lomonosov Moscow State University studying in the fields of Biology, Fundamental and Applied Biology, in addition, it is addressed to students of higher educational institutions studying in the fields of Bio- Engineering and Bioinformatics, Veterinary Medicine, Medicine, Pharmacy


The experimental tasks included in the textbook are based on lecture materials read to students and are aimed at strengthening the theoretical knowledge gained. The publication can be useful for self-preparation of students of natural sciences faculties of universities and medical universities for classes in the physiology of the central nervous system, and can also be used to organize practical classes by university teachers of biological, medical, psychological, veterinary profile.

To cite this article
A guide to classes in the practical physiology of the central nervous system : a textbook for students of the Faculty of Biology Lomonosov Moscow State University / K. R. Abbasova, I. P. Ganin, L. R. Gorbachev [et al.]; under the scientific editorship of A. A. Kamensky, N. A. Sokolova. — Moscow : Publishing House Moscow University, 2024. — 196, [4] p.: ill. — (Classical University textbook).