Moscow University Press
A Guide to Practical Studies in Human and Animal Physiology

A Guide to Practical Studies in Human and Animal Physiology

Руководство к практическим занятиям по физиологии человека и животных
book lists biology
ISBN: 5-211-06077-6 publication date: 2004 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 256

For students, post-graduate students and teachers of biological, medical-biological, psychological and veterinary specialties.


The manual presents experimental tests for practical consolidation of the fundamental lecture course in the physiology of man and animals, which was read at the biological, psychological and medical faculties, Moscow State University. Compared with the first edition (published by Moscow University Press in 1975), the manual includes a new section - problems in general pathophysiology. The manual describes both classical and advanced techniques using modern electronic equipment. The description of the tests is given in a format that generally corresponds to the rules for the design of scientific publications in the specialized literature.

For students, post-graduate students and teachers of biological, medical-biological, psychological and veterinary specialties.

To cite this article
Ashmarin I.P., Sukhova G.S., Kamenskaya A.A., editors. A Guide to Practical Studies in Human and Animal Physiology — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2004. — 256 p.
About the authors
Aashmarin I.P. Suhova G.S. Kamenskii A.A.