Moscow University Press
Religious Organizations of the Modern World

Religious Organizations of the Modern World

Религиозные организации современного мира
book lists history studies
ISBN: 978-5-211-05892-7 publication date: переиздание неизвестно format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 368

This manual provides a systematic description of more or less every major religion that exists today, its main groups and trends and most important denominations. It shows the dogmatic and cult specificity of religious communities and indicates their organizational structure, number of followers and geographical distribution. The authors give brief information on the history of the major confessions, but focus largely on their current state. The educational and methodological value of this manual is that it not only provides students with very extensive information, but also contributes to their further independent work using the annexes and reference literature included in the manual. The manual is addressed to university students of history, but it can be useful for students studying in other specialties, as well as postgraduate students in the humanities.

To cite this article
Kazmina O.E., Puchkov P.I. Religious Organizations of the Modern World — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2011. — 368 p.
About the authors
Kazmina O.E. Puchkov P.I.