Moscow University Press
Radio Journalism

Radio Journalism

book lists journalism
ISBN: 5-211-04836-9 publication date: 2005 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 480

The textbook deals with the history, specific features and public functions of radio broadcasting, its place in the mass media system, the structure of its expressive means, radio broadcasting program genres and forms, questions of the methodology of the radio journalist's work both when broadcasting live and recording programs for future broadcasts as well as the typology of radio broadcasting organizations that has been established in Russia and abroad. It provides the first ever summary of foreign experience, international broadcasting experience and forms and methods of radio audiences surveys.
For students of journalism and television practitioners.

To cite this article
Sherel A.A., editor. Radio Journalism — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2005. — 480 p.
About the author
Sherel A.A.