Moscow University Press
Development of the Russian Literary Language in the 11th – 17th Centuries

Development of the Russian Literary Language in the 11th – 17th Centuries

Пути развития русского литературного языка XI-XVII вв.
book lists russian language
ISBN: 5-211-04791-5 publication date: 2003 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 336

For teachers, graduate students, students and all those who are interested in the history of the language.


By proving that in Russia existed a language situation characterized by the presence of two opposing normed language phenomena from the time of the origin of writing and up until the modern time, Professor M. M. Remneva traces the history of the evolution of the Russian (East Slavonic, Old Russian) literary language based on the material of four hundred 11th-17th century monuments and analyzes its grammatical system in comparison with the language system that was reflected in the Old Church Slavonic texts.

For teachers, graduate students, students and all those who are interested in the history of the language.

To cite this article
Remnyova M.L. Development of the Russian Literary Language in the 11th – 17th Centuries — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2003. — 336 p.
About the author
Remnyova M.L.

Doctor of Philological,

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