Moscow University Press
Guide to A.P. Platonov’s Novel ‘Chevengur’

Guide to A.P. Platonov’s Novel ‘Chevengur’

Путеводитель по роману А.П. Платонова «Чевенгур»
ISBN: 978-5-211-06363-1 publication date: 2012 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 232

‘Chevengur’ occupies a central place in Andrei Platonov’s work. The guidebook offers an artistic story behind the novel against the backdrop of the 1920s socio-political situation; it provides a complete philological analysis of the work, showing its links with the historical and cultural context (mythological, religious, philosophical, political and scientific reminiscences including those related to the works of 19th and 20th century Russian literature). It examines the linguostylistic features of Platonov’s text – its specific collocational characteristics and connotational nuances.
For teachers, philologists, students, applicants, high school students and a wide range of readers.

To cite this article
Yablokov E.A. Guide to A.P. Platonov’s Novel ‘Chevengur’ — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2012. — 232 p.
About the author
Yablokov E.A.