Moscow University Press
Legal Basis of Journalism

Legal Basis of Journalism

Правовые основы журналистики
book lists law journalism
ISBN: 5-211-04556-4 publication date: 2002 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 352

The textbook consistently outlines such aspects of media legal regulation as sources of media laws, organization of media activities, national media policy, regulation differences between electronic media and print media, media activities in the pre-election period, intellectual property, advertising and the freedom of speech, etc. The material provided includes a list of reference literature and questions for self-control, self-monitoring and discussion as well as a reference apparatus.
For university and college students of journalism and for journalists seeking to improve the level of legal knowledge.

To cite this article
Richter A.G. Legal Basis of Journalism — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2002. — 352 p.
About the author
Rihter A.G.