Moscow University Press
Legal Basis of Municipal Economic Activity

Legal Basis of Municipal Economic Activity

Правовые основы муниципальной хозяйственной деятельности
book lists law
ISBN: 978-5-211-06278-8 publication date: 2012 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 256

The manual examines problems associated with the legal foundations of municipal economic activity. It focuses on the complex regulatory regulation of the municipal economy as a socially oriented responsible activity of municipal entities and other economic entities regardless of the forms of ownership, which is interrelated.
For students, post-graduate students studying for the bachelor's and master's degrees, teachers of law schools and faculties as well as practical workers of the municipal and state service, deputies of various levels.

To cite this article
Bazhenova O.I., Timofeev N.S. Legal Basis of Municipal Economic Activity — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2012. — 256 p.
About the authors
Bazhenova O.I. Timofeev N.S.