Moscow University Press
Practical Course of General Virology

Practical Course of General Virology

Практикум по общей вирусологии
book lists biology
ISBN: 5-211-04529-7 publication date: 2002 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 184

The second edition of ‘Practical Course’ (first published in 1981) includes tasks that introduce methods of general and applied virology. The tasks are related to viruses of different groups - plant viruses, animal viruses and bacteriophages. It presents a wide range of methods: classical biological methods, physicochemical methods for isolating viruses and their components (nucleic acids and proteins), methods of molecular biology and genetic engineering.
For university students, medical and agricultural colleges and universities specializing in virology, molecular biology, phytopathology, veterinary medicine, epidemiology, medical virology, oncology and biotechnology.

To cite this article
Atabekov I.G., editor. Practical Course of General Virology — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2002. — 184 p.
About the author
Atabekov I.G.