Moscow University Press
Behavior of Insects

Behavior of Insects

Поведение насекомых
book lists biology
ISBN: 978-5-19-011343-3 publication date: 2019 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 232

The tutorial is intended for students and post-graduates of higher edu ca tio nal es tablishments as well as research scientists and a wide range of nature lovers.


The content of lecture course, which the author has been reading to the students in entomology of Lomonosov Moscow State University for many years, is presented in this tutorial. Sexual, parental, feeding and protective behavior of solitary insects is described as well as their migrations, homing, cannibalism, development of behavior in ontogenesis and its genetic me cha nisms. For every type of behavior specifi c forms, scope of changeability, factors of its determination and the role of education in behavioral changeability are given. Modern hypotheses on the formation of diff erent behavioral chara cte ri stics of insects of a big number of orders are discussed.

The tutorial is intended for students and post-graduates of higher edu ca tio nal es tablishments as well as research scientists and a wide range of nature lovers.

To cite this article
Ryazanova G. I. Behavior of Insects. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2019. 232 p.
About the author
Ryazanova Galina I.

Doctor of Biology,

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