Moscow University Press
Political Philosophy

Political Philosophy

Политическая философия
book lists political sciences
ISBN: 978-5-19-011384-6 publication date: 2019 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 248

It is addressed to Bachelor and Master degree students as well as post-graduates specializing in Political Science.


The tutorial is dedicated to the main problems of Political Philosophy — power, authority and governance in their different implementations. The tutorial is presenting Political Philosophy of the XX — beginning of the XXI centuries.

The book is adapted to the standards of modern generation and is particularly designed for the modern three-level education in Political Science. It is addressed to Bachelor and Master degree students as well as post-graduates specializing in Political Science.

To cite this article
Mironowa D. Political Philosophy. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2019. 2-nd edition. 248 p.
About the author
Mironova Dagmar

Ph.D. in Philosophy,

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