Moscow University Press
Minerals of the World Ocean

Minerals of the World Ocean

Полезные ископаемые Мирового океана
book lists geology
ISBN: 5-211-04346-4 publication date: 2000 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 113

The textbook describes the most important geological and commercial types of oceanic ore and non-ore deposits, which are being actively developed or prospected for future commercial development. It presents information on the ocean’s geology and metallogeny, features of deposit location and localization and considers the processes of modern ore genesis; the main attention is paid to the formation of ferromanganese nodules and crusts, sulfide sediments and massive sulphide ores.
For students and magistrands of geological colleges and universities as well as specialists in the field of marine geology and ore deposits.

To cite this article
Avdonin V.V., Kruglyakov V.V., Ponomareva I.N., Titova E.V. Minerals of the World Ocean — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2000. — 113 p.
About the authors
Avdonin V.V. Kruglyakov V.V. Ponomareva I.N. Titova E.V.