Moscow University Press
The Poetic World of Marina Tsvetaeva

The Poetic World of Marina Tsvetaeva

Поэтический мир Марины Цветаевой
ISBN: 5-211-04383-9 publication date: 2001 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 112

Books in the ‘Rereading the Classics’ series give a modern analysis of the works that form part of school literature curricula. This is the first attempt to provide a detailed insight into the spiritual, moral and religious aspects of the art of 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The series is offered as the basis of modern knowledge about Russian literature, which is necessary for high school students to pass school-leaving examinations and to gain admission to any institution of higher learning. The manual is devoted to the formation of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetic world. It focuses on the evolution of Tsvetaeva in the period between 1908 and 1921 – those years saw the foundations of the poet's world laid down. The book provides insights into Tsvetaeva’s ‘Moscow poetics’ which in some ways echoes St. Petersburg acmeism as it traces the formation of the ‘lyrical I’ and the ‘Moscow chronotope’ of the poet - everything that influenced the art of the mature Tsvetaeva and made her a unique phenomenon not only in Russian but also world literature.
For students, schoolchildren, university entrants, university and school teachers, all those who are interested in Tsvetaeva's art.

To cite this article
Kling O.A. The Poetic World of Marina Tsvetaeva — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2001. — 112 p.
About the author
Kling O.A.