Moscow University Press
Organization Staff Planning

Organization Staff Planning

Планирование персонала организации
ISBN: 978-5-211-06210-8 publication date: 2011 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 236

The manual provides a thorough analysis of the staff planning organization process. It explains the primary importance of personnel planning for a modern organization to be successful and analyzes the technology of personnel planning and its basic methods. It considers the planning of personnel composition in close unity with its quantitative and qualitative characteristics, as well as the specificity of strategic personnel planning, functional and situational planning. It characterizes the most important types of functional staffing plans: flexibility and personnel changes, the involvement of personnel and personnel marketing, plans for the use, staff training and development, plans for career development and staff costs, etc. A general business plan model for personnel is proposed for practical application.
For students of managerial, economic and some other faculties who study personnel management problems and for managers and specialists who do practical work in staff planning.

To cite this article
Pugachev V.P. Organization Staff Planning — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2011. — 236 p.
About the author
Pugachev V.P.