Moscow University Press


book lists geology
ISBN: 978-5-19-011782-0 publication date: 2022 format: 60×90/16 pages': 263

This textbook is intended for students, magistrants, postgraduates of geological professions, also it may be useful for the scientists in the fields of paleontology, ecology, paleobiogeography and paleogeography.


This textbook states the general principles and brief history of paleoecology, considers methods and main directions of researching. The attention is mostly placed on paleoautoecology (reconstruction of living activities and environment of organisms, cleaning up physiological and behavior phenomenon) and paleosynecology of sea animals (paleobiocenotic analysis of ancient biocenosis, relationship of organisms in associations, paleobiocenosis in time and in space; ecosystem analysis of the actual sea ecosystems and paleoecosystems, their evolution in time and in space).

This textbook is intended for students, magistrants, postgraduates of geological professions, also it may be useful for the scientists in the fields of paleontology, ecology, paleobiogeography and paleogeography.

Key words: paleoecology, paleobiocenosis, paleoecosystems.

To cite this article
Yanin, B. T. Paleoecology: The textbook for students of higher educational establishment / B. T. Yanin. — 2nd ed. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2022. — 264 p.
About the author
Yanin B.T.

Doctor of Mineralogy and geognosy,

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