Moscow University Press
Paleobotany. Higher plants

Paleobotany. Higher plants

Палеоботаника. Высшие растения
book lists biology
ISBN: 978-5-211-05759-3 publication date: 2010 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 224

The textbook describes the morphological and anatomical structure of fossil higher plants, provides information on their geological and geographical distribution and gives characteristics of the divisions, classes and genera of fossil spore and seed plants. It also describes the main methods of paleobotanical research and, in addition, studies the paleofloristic zoning of land for different geological epochs.
For students and magistrands of geology, biology and geography at universities and colleges; it can be used by teachers in the following specialties: ‘Paleontology’, ‘Geological Survey’ and ‘Prospecting for Minerals’.

To cite this article
Yurina A.L., Orlova O.A., Rostovtseva J.I. Paleobotany. Higher plants — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2010. — 224 p.
About the authors
Yurina A.L. Orlova O.A. Rostovceva Yu.I.