Moscow University Press
Domestic Science and Science Policy in the Late Twentieth Century: Trends and Features of Development (1985–1999)

Domestic Science and Science Policy in the Late Twentieth Century: Trends and Features of Development (1985–1999)

Отечественная наука и научная политика в конце ХХ в.: тенденции и особенности развития (1985 - 1999)
book lists history studies
ISBN: 978-5-91985-004-5 publication date: 2011 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 328

The late 20th century clearly saw scientific achievements and advanced technologies radically change world civilization and form the basis of a postindustrial society. These patterns directly affected the USSR and newly revived Russia. Moreover, both countries (the former at the end and the latter at the beginning its existence) faced serious problems related to the ineffective system of organizing, managing and supporting scientific and technological progress, mechanisms for reproducing and making rational use of its science resources, and introducing its achievements in the economy. Prepared by a team of specialists from the Institute of Statistical Studies and the Economics of Knowledge, State University – Higher School of Economics under the leadership of professor LM. Gokhberg, Doctor of economic sciences, this monograph is devoted to the study of key problems that faced the state and the scientific community in the field of science development in 1985-1999 and the mechanisms for their solution. The authors analyze the most significant institutional changes that occurred during the period in various sectors of Russian science, evaluate the evolution of the conceptual foundations of the state scientific and technical policy and the main results of its implementation. The work also contains a brief overview of the scientific and technological development of the USSR and the Russian Federation in the late 20th century in comparison with that of foreign countries and the description of several major scientific, scientific and technological achievements made by domestic scientists. The edition is supplied with a detailed scholarly apparatus and is addressed to teachers and students engaged in the study of the history of science in the USSR and Russia at the end of the 20th century, and to all those who are interested in our country’s modern history.

To cite this article
Gokhberg L.M., Gorodnikova N.V., Kitova G.A., editors. Domestic Science and Science Policy in the Late Twentieth Century: Trends and Features of Development (1985–1999) — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2011. — 328 p.
About the authors
Gokhberg L.M. Gorodnikova N.V. Kitova G.A.