Moscow University Press
Fundamentals of Statistical Physics of Materials

Fundamentals of Statistical Physics of Materials

Основы статической физики материалов
book lists physics astronomy
ISBN: 5-211-04830-X publication date: 2004 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 668

This publication is the first textbook on statistical physics for students specializing in physics, chemistry and mechanics of materials and condensed-matter physics (solid state physics). It examines in detail the basic methods of statistical physics and those of its most important models that are widely used in condensed-matter physics. The textbook includes both equilibrium statistical physics and physical kinetics.
For students and post-graduate students of the faculties of materials sciences and the physics and chemical faculties of higher educational institutions.

To cite this article
Dmitriev A.V. Fundamentals of Statistical Physics of Materials — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2004. — 668 p.
About the author
Dmitriev A.V.