Moscow University Press
Fundamentals of hydrogeology

Fundamentals of hydrogeology

Основы гидрогеологии
book lists geology
ISBN: 978-5-211-05403-5 publication date: 2007 format: 60×90/16 pages': 448

For students studying in the direction of "Geology", as well as for students studying in the specialty "Prospecting and exploration of groundwater and engineering geological surveys" of technical universities.


The textbook discusses the composition and structure of the underground hydrosphere, types of groundwater and conditions of their formation, the principles of hydrogeological zoning and the main types of hydrogeological areas problems of use and protection of groundwater: fresh mineral therapeutic, industrial and thermal power, as well as methods of field hydrogeological work, widely used in various types of research and surveys.

For students studying in the direction of "Geology", it can be used when reading the course "Hydrogeology" ("General Hydrogeology") to students of the specialties "Hydrology" and "Geoecology" of geographical faculties of universities, as well as for students studying in the specialty "Prospecting and exploration of groundwater and engineering geological surveys" of technical universities.

To cite this article
Vsevolozhskiy V.A. Fundamentals of hydrogeology. Textbook.— Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2007. — 448 p.
About the author
Vsevolozhskiy Vladiimir A.

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,

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