Moscow University Press
Fundamentals of Ethnology

Fundamentals of Ethnology

Основы этнологии
book lists history studies
ISBN: 978-5-211-05321-2 publication date: 2007 format: 70×100/16 pages': 696

For students of historical and other faculties of Russian universities, Russian-speaking students of universities of neighboring countries, graduate students, university professors and anyone interested in ethnology (ethnography) of the peoples of the world.


The textbook examines the subject area of ethnological science, methods of collecting, processing and interpreting ethnological data, the sources of information used, problems of theory and history of ethnological science. Most of the chapters of the textbook contain a scientific description (by continents and regions) of the modern ethnic picture of the world and the history of its formation. Special attention is paid to the issues of the correlation of the racial and ethnic composition of the world's population, as well as anthropo- and racogenesis. Various classifications of peoples are considered (by types of economic activity, characteristic features of material and spiritual culture, languages and their families, etc.). 

For students of historical and other faculties of Russian universities, Russian-speaking students of universities of neighboring countries, graduate students, university professors and anyone interested in ethnology (ethnography) of the peoples of the world.

To cite this article
Fundamentals of Ethnology: A textbook / Edited by prof. V.V. Pimenov — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2007. — 696 p.
About the author
Pimenov Vladimir V.

Doctor of History Sciences,

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