Moscow University Press
Essays on the History and Theory of Political Science

Essays on the History and Theory of Political Science

Очерки истории и теории политической науки
ISBN: 978-5-211-05984-9 publication date: 2011 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 240

The textbook provides a detailed examination of a number of topics that are of key importance for modern political science and analyzes the history of political science, problem aspects of its formation and development. Special attention is paid to such issues as political elites and political regimes. The manual takes into account the author’s scientific writings, which made it possible to introduce a significant element of novelty in presenting the basic sections of the course.
For students, graduate students, teachers, all those who are interested in problems of political science.

To cite this article
Berezkina O.S. Essays on the History and Theory of Political Science. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2011. — 240 p.
About the author
Berezkina O.S.